Substance Abuse Awareness for Lawyers - Sample Lessons



Chapter 1

1. Introduction
2. What is substance abuse?
3. Alcohol abuse defined- FREE
4. Alcohol dependence defined
5. Onset of alcoholism

Chapter 2
1. Physical signs of alcoholism- FREE
2. Effect of alcohol on internal organs- FREE
3. Effect of alcohol on cardiovascular system
4. Effect of alcohol on respiratory function
5. Effect of alcohol on central nervous system
6. Effect of alcohol on musculoskeletal function

Chapter 3
1. Physical signs of substance abuse
2. Signs for specific substance abuse
3. How do substances affect the brain?
4. Methamphetamine
5. Cocaine

Chapter 4
1. Why should attorneys be aware of addiction problems?- FREE
2. The faces of addicted attorneys: "Olivia"
3. "Matthew"
4. "Jane"
5. "Frank"

Chapter 5
1. Why is it especially hard to treat substance-abusing attorneys?
2. 2003 clinical study results
3. Attorneys as obstacles

Chapter 6
1. Why do attorneys need timely intervention?
2. Awareness training for legal professionals
3. Addictive behavior takes many forms
4. Eshelman case study
5. Eshelman case study cont.
6. Willinger case study
7. Willinger case study cont.

Chapter 7
1. Denial: Not just a river in Egypt...
2. Diseased minds
3. Thought distortion
4. Denial as an obstacle to recovery

Chapter 8
1. Where can attorneys turn for help?

Chapter 9
1. Ethical duty to report impaired attorneys
2. Comments to Rule 8.3
3. Duty to report
4. Peer review alternatives

Chapter 10
1. Treatment works!
2. USDHHS study

Chapter 11
1. Employers and their addicted attorneys
2. Options for employers
3. Reaching attorneys in trouble

Chapter 12
1. What can addicted attorneys expect in substance-abuse treatment?
2. Journey to recover

Chapter 13
1. What to expect during rehabilitation program intake
2. Next steps
3. Tailored treatment options
4. Obstacles to treatment

Chapter 14
1. Warning signs of relapse
2. Signs for concern

Chapter 15
1. Conclusion

Eshelman disciplinary report



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