When it comes to having a social media campaign, most businesses have Facebook front and center. However, strong Facebook pages are hard to find- especially with smaller businesses. A strong social media presence is critical to SEO and social marketing efforts. In this post, we will discuss how to improve your company Facebook page in order to attract users and contribute to your company’s social media campaign.
Here are 4 Ways you can improve your company Facebook page:
1. Set Goals
As with every marketing campaign, it’s important to set goals when creating a Facebook page for your business. What is the main purpose of the page? Is it for customer service? Is it a way to gain new customers? Should you have a specific number of followers per month? Identifying your specific strategy and setting measurable and attainable goals will help your page become successful.
- Set goals for the number of “likes” or followers you wish to gain every month
- Set goals for the number of leads you wish to acquire every month
- If your goal is just for visibility, set goals for the type of content to post in order to (as we say in marketing) “be known before you are needed”
2. Increase Followers or “Likes”
Okay so you have a Facebook page for your business…now what? Building an audience takes time, but done the right way, it can have a positive impact. In order to truly build a loyal follower base, it’s important for users to feel like they have a legitimate reason to subscribe to your posts. Make sure the content is fresh, interesting, and “share-able”. Ask yourself, “If I were reading this, would I want to share it on someone else’s wall?” If the answer is no, most likely your fans feel the same way. Also, fans don’t want to be constantly hit with advertisements or promotions. The content should serve a purpose in their life- either pertinent information or something interesting.
Also, contests, competitions, and coupons can be great ways to add to your followers and to help spread the word about your business.
- Share interesting articles that have to do with your industry that will spark conversation
- Post pictures that let users get to know your employees and your business so it has a neighborly feel
- Use the “poll” or “question” feature when posting to get users to interact
Overall, be a resource. It’s important to feel like users are getting something from being subscribed to your posts instead of just getting advertisements.
3. Update Frequently
Some of the weaker Facebook business pages out there don’t post with nearly enough frequency in order to attract a following. You should update frequently so that users get used to seeing your name and company in their news feed.
There is a flip side to this, of course. Don’t update so frequently that users get bored or annoyed with your posts. A good guideline to stick to is once a day. See how users react. If you are losing “likes” or not having enough user interaction, try switching up the times of the postings during the day or increase/decrease the frequency. You want to be a part of users’ lives without being an annoyance.
4. Vary Your Posts
Consumers are hit with advertisements on a daily basis. The key to having users engage in your page is to vary the posts and make them “share-able”. The best way to do this is to mix up the content and the type of posts. There are four basic types:
- A question or a poll
- An Image or Video- Make sure to post something related to your page but is also interesting enough for users to want to share with friends and family
- Plain Text- This could be information, it could be an announcement, or it could be a post thanking your customers for their business
- Offer or Event