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Add Bookmarks in Word – Instructions and Video Lesson

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Add Bookmarks in Word: Video Lesson

            This video lesson, titled “Inserting Bookmarks,” shows how to add bookmarks in Word. This video lesson about how to add bookmarks in Word is from our complete Word tutorial, titled “Mastering Word Made Easy v.2019 and 365.”

Add Bookmarks in Word: Overview

            You can add bookmarks in Word to mark certain text and create a link to it. This lets you use the “Bookmark” dialog box to find the text again, instead of scrolling through the whole document. You can add bookmarks in Word by selecting the text to which to assign a bookmark. Alternatively, you can click into the document to place the insertion mark cursor where you want to set the bookmark.

            Then click the “Insert” tab in the Ribbon. Then click the “Bookmark” button in the “Links” button group to open the “Bookmark” dialog box. In the “Bookmark” dialog box, enter the bookmark’s name into the “Bookmark name:” field. Bookmark names must start with a letter. Bookmark names cannot contain any spaces. However, you can use the underscore symbol (_) to separate words or numbers. If you use an unacceptable character in the “Bookmark name:” field, the “Add” button appears grayed out and unavailable. You must then change the name to continue. To add the bookmark and close the dialog box, click the “Add” button.

Add Bookmarks in Word - Instructions: A picture of a user inserting a bookmark into a Word document by using the “Bookmark” dialog box.

Add Bookmarks in Word – Instructions: A picture of a user inserting a bookmark into a Word document by using the “Bookmark” dialog box.

            To go to bookmarks after creating them, click the “Insert” tab in the Ribbon. Then click the “Bookmark” button in the “Links” button group. In the “Bookmark” dialog box that then opens, select the bookmark to which to navigate from the list. Then click the “Go To” button. You then move to the selected bookmark’s location in your document.

            To delete a bookmark in Word, click the “Insert” tab in the Ribbon. Then click the “Bookmark” button in the “Links” button group. In the “Bookmark” dialog box that then opens, select the bookmark to delete from the list. Then click the “Delete” button. The bookmark is immediately deleted.

Add Bookmarks in Word: Instructions

  1. To add bookmarks in Word, select the text to which to assign a bookmark.
  2. Alternatively, click into the document to place the insertion mark cursor where you want to set the bookmark.
  3. Then click the “Insert” tab in the Ribbon.
  4. Then click the “Bookmark” button in the “Links” button group to open the “Bookmark” dialog box.
  5. In the “Bookmark” dialog box, enter the bookmark’s name into the “Bookmark name:” field.
  6. Bookmark names must start with a letter. Also, bookmark names cannot contain any spaces. However, you can use the underscore symbol to separate words or numbers.
  7. To finish creating your bookmark and close the dialog box, click the “Add” button.
  8. To go to bookmarks after creating them, click the “Insert” tab in the Ribbon.
  9. Then click the “Bookmark” button in the “Links” button group.
  10. In the “Bookmark” dialog box that opens, select the bookmark to which to navigate from the list.
  11. Then click the “Go To” button.
  12. You then move to the bookmark location in your document.
  13. To delete a bookmark in Word, click the “Insert” tab in the Ribbon.
  14. Then click the “Bookmark” button in the “Links” button group.
  15. In the “Bookmark” dialog box that opens, select the bookmark to delete from the list.
  16. Then click the “Delete” button.
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