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Aging Report Settings in QuickBooks Online – Instructions

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How to Customize Aging Report Settings in QuickBooks Online: Video

            This video lesson, titled “Customizing Aging Report Settings,” shows you how to customize the aging settings for aging report in QuickBooks Online. This video lesson is from our complete QuickBooks Online tutorial, titled “Mastering QuickBooks Online Made Easy.”

Overview of the Aging Report Settings in QuickBooks Online:

            You can only customize the aging report settings in QuickBooks Online for aging reports. There are both summary and detail aging reports for both accounts payable and accounts receivable in QuickBooks Online. A quick way to find aging reports is to simply type the word “aging” into the “Find report by name” search field at the top of the “Standard” reports page and then click to select the desired aging report from the drop-down list that then appears.

            To expand and show an aging report’s aging settings after opening its “Customize report” pane in QuickBooks Online, if needed, click the “Aging” section’s label. The aging settings are the same for both accounts payable and accounts receivable, but the specific settings available change based on the type of aging report within each category. Not every setting appears for every aging report.

            To choose which date to use to determine aging, select either the “Current” or “Report date” option button for the “Aging method” setting. To set the number of days in each aging period, enter the number of days into the “Days per aging period” field. Enter the number of aging periods to show within the report into the “Number of periods” field. To specify the minimum days past due to show in aging detail reports, type a number into the “Min. Days Past Due” field.

A picture showing how to customize the aging report settings in QuickBooks Online.

A picture showing how to customize the aging report settings in QuickBooks Online.

Instructions on How to Customize Aging Report Settings in QuickBooks Online:

  1. To expand and show an aging report’s aging settings after opening its “Customize report” pane in QuickBooks Online, if needed, click the “Aging” section’s label.
  2. The aging settings are the same for both accounts payable and accounts receivable, but the specific settings available change based on the type of aging report within each category. Not every setting appears for every aging report.
  3. To choose which date to use to determine aging, select either the “Current” or “Report date” option button for the “Aging method” setting.
  4. To set the number of days in each aging period, enter the number of days into the “Days per aging period” field.
  5. Enter the number of aging periods to show within the report into the “Number of periods” field.
  6. To specify the minimum days past due to show in aging detail reports, type a number into the “Min. Days Past Due” field.
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