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Applying Bullets and Numbering in Microsoft Word 2010

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Applying Bullets and Numbering in Microsoft Word 2010: Video

This video shows applying bullets and numbering in Microsoft Word 2010. For the complete Word tutorial click here.

How to Apply Bullets and Numbering in Microsoft Word 2010: Overview

Word can automatically apply simple bullets and numbering to the lists in your documents as you type. You could also simply type up your list, select it, and then apply bullets or numbering. You can also change the appearance of the bullets and numbers that you use.

One way to apply bullets or numbering to a list is to apply them as you type. You can start a bulleted list in Word by typing an asterisk (*) at the beginning of the first item in your list, and then pressing the “Spacebar” key. When you press the “Spacebar” on your keyboard, the asterisk will turn into a bullet point. You can then type the first line of your list. When you press the “Enter” key to move to the next line, it will continue the bulleted list. To discontinue the bulleting, press “Enter” again when finished with the list.

You can also begin a numbered list as you type by typing an Arabic or Roman numeral followed by either a period, dash, or parenthesis, followed by the “Spacebar” key. As with the bulleting, when you press the “Spacebar” key, the list will automatically be converted into a numbered list. When you press the “Enter” key to move to the next line, the numbering will continue. As with the automatic bulleting, you can press the “Enter” key on your keyboard again to finish the numbered list.

Another common way to apply bullets or numbering is to start by typing your list, first. Then click and drag over the line items in the list in order to select the text that you want to set as a bulleted or numbered list. Next, click the “Home” tab in the Ribbon and look in the “Paragraph” group. Here you can click either the “Bullets” or “Numbering” buttons to apply the last bullet styles used. You could also click the drop-down arrows next to either button, and then select the desired format of bullets or numbering to apply from the drop-down menu of choices.

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