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Billing and Subscription Settings in QuickBooks Online – Instructions

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How to Change the Billing and Subscription Settings in QuickBooks Online: Video

            This video lesson, titled “Customizing Billing and Subscription Settings,” shows you how to change the billing and subscription settings for a company file in QuickBooks Online. This video lesson is from our complete QuickBooks Online tutorial, titled “Mastering QuickBooks Online Made Easy.”

Overview of the Billing and Subscription Settings in QuickBooks Online:

            To change your company’s billing and subscription settings in QuickBooks Online, click the “Settings” button. Then click the “Account and settings” link under the “Your Company” heading in the menu to open the “Account and Settings” window. Then click the “Billing & subscription” company settings category link in the menu at the left side of the window to show the individual settings in that category to the right.

            Your “Company ID” and “Payment Method” appears at the top of the window. To change your billing information, click the pencil icon to the right of the current billing info to open an “Edit payment” pane at the right side of the window. Here, enter your new billing information and click the “Save” button to update it.

            Below that are subscription widgets. Current subscriptions are in color and inactive subscriptions are in black and white. You can click the widget links to manage the related plans or learn more about them. There are widgets for QuickBooks Online and its related services. Active subscription widgets contain links you can click to open a web page and change or view its related settings. These links include “Upgrade your plan,” “Downgrade your plan,” “View payment history,” and “Cancel subscription.” You can then close these pages. To close the “Account and Settings” window, click the “Done” button in the lower-right corner.

A picture showing the billing and subscription settings in QuickBooks Online.

A picture showing the billing and subscription settings in QuickBooks Online.

Instructions on How to Change the Billing and Subscription Settings in QuickBooks Online:

  1. To change your company’s billing and subscription settings in QuickBooks Online, click the “Settings” button.
  2. Then click the “Account and settings” link under the “Your Company” heading in the menu to open the “Account and Settings” window.
  3. Then click the “Billing & subscription” company settings category link in the menu at the left side of the window to show the individual settings in that category to the right.
  4. Your “Company ID” and “Payment Method” appears at the top of the window.
  5. To change your billing information, click the pencil icon to the right of the current billing info to open an “Edit payment” pane at the right side of the window.
  6. Enter your new billing information and click the “Save” button at the bottom of the pane to update it.
  7. Below that are subscription widgets. Current subscriptions are in color and inactive subscriptions are in black and white.
  8. You can click the widget links to manage the related plans or learn more about them. There are widgets for QuickBooks Online and its related services.
  9. Active subscription widgets contain links you can click to open a web page and change or view its related settings. These links include “Upgrade your plan,” “Downgrade your plan,” “View payment history,” and “Cancel subscription.” You can close these web pages after making your desired changes.
  10. To close the “Account and Settings” window, click the “Done” button in the lower-right corner or click the “X” button in its upper-right corner.
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