Business Licensing
We offer discounts on multi-user online accounts as well as network licensing options for corporate, government, educational, and non-profit agencies.
Business licensing solutions from TeachUcomp, Inc. offer maximum flexibility and reach to make our comprehensive courses available to your staff. From small businesses with just a few networked computers to large corporations with thousands of employees, TeachUcomp, Inc. offers a training solution that's right for your organization.
Multi-User Online Accounts
Grants users access to all online courses (our entire library) for one full year. Each student has a unique account and accesses courses on TeachUcomp, Inc.'s website. Each single-user account includes:
· 24 hour access on our network for an entire year
· Video Lessons
· PDF Instruction Manuals
· Chapter Quizzes
· Optional Final Exams
· Certificates of Completion
· Extremely affordable access to all courses