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Change the View of a Folder in Windows 11 – Instructions

/ / Latest, Microsoft, Windows 11

How to Change the View of a Folder in Windows 11: Video

            This video lesson, titled “Changing Folder Views,” shows how to change the view of a folder in Windows 11. This video lesson is from our complete Windows 11 tutorial, titled “Mastering Windows Made Easy v.11.”

Overview of How to Change the View of a Folder in Windows 11:

            You can easily change the view of a folder in Windows 11. This lets you change the display of files and folders in the right pane of the File Explorer window. The view you choose is just a matter of personal preference. “Extra large icons,” “Large icons,” “Medium icons,” “Small icons,” “List,” “Details,” “Tiles,” and “Content” are your view choices.

            To change the view of a folder in Windows 11, open the folder within the File Explorer window. Then click the “View” drop-down button in the Ribbon at the top of the File Explorer window. Then click the name of the view to apply from the choices shown in the section at the top of the drop-down menu.

            To decrease the spacing around the items in the view of the right pane in File Explorer in Windows 11, click the “View” drop-down button in the Ribbon at the top of the File Explorer window. Then click the “Compact view” command. To toggle the spacing off, select the “Compact view” command again.

A picture showing how to change the view of a folder in Windows 11.

A picture showing how to change the view of a folder in Windows 11.

Instructions on How to Change the View of a Folder in Windows 11:

  1. To change the view of a folder in Windows 11, open the folder within the File Explorer window.
  2. Then click the “View” drop-down button in the Ribbon at the top of the File Explorer window.
  3. Then click the name of the view to apply from the choices shown in the section at the top of the drop-down menu.
  4. To decrease the spacing around the items in the view of the right pane in File Explorer in Windows 11, click the “View” drop-down button in the Ribbon at the top of the File Explorer window.
  5. Then click the “Compact view” command.
  6. To toggle the spacing off, select the “Compact view” command again.
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