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Changing Views in Microsoft Project 2013:2010- Tutorial

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Changing Views in Microsoft Project 2013:2010- Video Lesson

            This video lesson, titled “Changing Project Views,” discusses changing views in Microsoft Project 2013:2010. This video lesson is from our complete Microsoft Project tutorial, titled “Mastering Project Made Easy v.2013:2010.”

Changing Views in Microsoft Project 2013:2010- Overview

            When changing views in Microsoft Project, you have many different views of the project data available. The default view of a project file is called the “Gantt Chart” view of the project. This view displays the tasks associated with the currently displayed project in an “Entry” table that appears at the left side of the view. The duration and relationships between these tasks is shown in the timescale bar chart to the right of the tasks. The “Gantt Chart” view is a fairly common and comprehensive way of viewing tasks within a project, and so it is the default view shown within Microsoft Project. Most views that are provided simply focus on showing task details or resource usage details. Next, you will learn about changing views in Microsoft Project 2013 and 2010,  and what you can generally expect to see within the available views.

            You can change the view of the currently displayed project file by clicking the “Task” tab in the Ribbon. You can change the view shown by clicking drop-down arrow on the leftmost button in the “View” button group. When you click the drop-down arrow, you will see a listing of the task views. Click the name of the task view you wish to apply to your project file.

Changing Views in Microsoft Project 2013:2010: A picture of the listing of project views that are shown when you click the project view button in the "View" button group on the "View" tab in the Ribbon.

Changing Views in Microsoft Project 2013:2010: A picture of the listing of project views that are shown when you click the project view button in the “View” button group on the “View” tab in the Ribbon.

            You can see and apply all of the views that are available, including any custom views that you have created, by selecting the “More Views…” command from the button’s drop-down listing to open the “More Views” dialog box. Within this dialog box, you can click the name of the view you wish to apply from the scrollable listing shown. Then click the “Apply” button within the “More Views” dialog box to apply the selected view to the currently displayed project.

            Many of the views, including the default “Gantt Chart” view, include a split between the two panes that appear. You can adjust the placement of this split line by clicking and dragging the split line to adjust its placement.

            For any view that displays a split screen, such as the “Gantt Chart” or “Task Usage” views, you can click into the task table shown within the view and change which table of data is shown. By default, the table shown is the “Entry” table. To change which table is shown, click into the table part of the view displayed onscreen. Click the “View” tab in the Ribbon and then click the “Tables” drop-down button in the “Data” group. Click the name of the type of table data you want to see within the table view from the drop-down listing of table types that appears.

Changing Views in Microsoft Project 2013:2010- Instructions

  1. Click the “Task” tab in the Ribbon.
  2. To change the view, click the drop-down arrow on the leftmost button in the “View” button group.
  3. Click the name of the task view you wish to apply to your project file.
  4. To see all of the available views, including any custom views you have created, select the “More Views…” command from the button’s drop-down listing to open the “More Views” dialog box.
  5. Click the name of the view you wish to apply from the scrollable listing shown within this dialog box.
  6. Click the “Apply” button within the “More Views” dialog box to apply the selected view to the currently displayed project.
  7. To adjust the placement of the split line that appears between the sections of many views, click and drag the split line to adjust its placement.
  8. For any view that displays a split screen, you can click into the task table shown in the view and change which table of data is shown. By default, the table shown is the “Entry” table.
  9. To change which table is shown, click into the table part of the view shown onscreen.
  10. Click the “View” tab in the Ribbon.
  11. Click the “Tables” drop-down button in the “Data” group.
  12. Click the name of the table you would like to see in the table view from the drop-down listing of table names shown.
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