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Corporate Computer Training Benefits for Employees

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Corporate Computer Training Benefits: Overview

            Corporate computer training provides benefits to businesses by creating a knowledgeable staff. The modern workplace often demands employee proficiency with computers. Computer and software skills are now considered essential workplace skills for many professionals. Fields like medicine, law, accounting, and business all often require employees to have basic computing skills. Often, employees must have these skills in addition to the industry’s related professional knowledge. This article highlights some of the primary benefits of corporate computer training for employees.

Corporate Computer Training Benefits for Employees: A picture of a satisfied young professional performing her work at a computer.

Corporate Computer Training Benefits for Employees: A picture of a satisfied young professional performing her work at a computer.

Corporate Computer Training Benefits: Benefits for Employees

            One benefit of corporate computer training for employees is the increased productivity they experience from new knowledge. Corporate computer training often results in employees who learn new and better ways to perform existing tasks. One of my favorite examples from personal experience was a former student who was taking a classroom course in Excel. She insisted she knew all there was to know about the program and challenged me to show her anything that could help her improve her job performance.

            As part of accepting that challenge, I learned about the process she used to create a single, consolidated Income Statement (Profit and Loss report) for two subsidiary companies. At that time, she was exporting the report to Excel from QuickBooks for each company. She then copied and pasted rows of data from each report into a new Excel worksheet to create a single, consolidated report. This process would take her hours to successfully, and accurately, finish.

            Upon seeing her dilemma, I immediately showed her how to consolidate data in Excel. Within fifteen minutes of the class starting, she then had a new skill that reduced her workload on the task from hours to a few minutes. She clapped her hands and laughed, as she was so overjoyed with her newfound prowess with Excel. She was overjoyed!

            This example actually shows a few benefits of corporate computer training. In addition to the often-cited productivity increases for employees, corporate computer training also helps them with feelings of confidence and self-esteem. It also highlights the effectiveness of a structured computer-training course. In this case, she thought she knew all there was to know about Excel. However, as she learned the structured course material, she found new tools to help her perform her job faster and better than before.

Corporate Computer Training Benefits: Summary

            Corporate computer training helps your employees by providing them structured learning materials that show them skills they can use for their jobs. This, in turn, increases employee productivity. The combination of both the new knowledge and increased performance often improves employee morale and job satisfaction. This is good for both the employees and the corporation.

Corporate Computer Training Benefits: Learn More

            TeachUcomp, Inc. provides corporate computer training in many software applications for your employees. We offer corporate online training and also network licensing options for corporate, government, educational and non-profit agencies. Whether you have five or five-thousand people who need training, we have a licensing option to meet your needs. To learn more about our corporate computer training, please visit our business training page!

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