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Create a Navigation Form in Access – Instructions

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How to Create a Navigation Form in Access: Video

            This video lesson, titled “Creating a Navigation Form,” shows how to create a navigation form in Access. This video lesson is from our complete Access tutorial, titled “Mastering Access Made Easy v.2019 and 365.”

Overview of How to Create a Navigation Form in Access

            You can quickly and easily create a navigation form in Access. A navigation form performs the same function as a switchboard form does within your database. A navigation form in Access contains buttons you click to open other database objects, like reports and forms.

            To create a navigation form in Access, click the “Create” tab in the Ribbon. Then click the “Navigation” button in the “Forms” button group. Then select the style of navigation form to create from the drop-down menu that appears.

            Next, click and drag the database objects for which to create buttons on the navigation form from the Navigation Pane into the “Add New” section of the navigation form. As you drop the items into this section, Access then automatically creates buttons that open those objects. It also shows the objects within the designated section in the navigation form. After adding objects to the navigation form, click the “Save” button in the Quick Access toolbar to save it.

A picture that shows how to create a navigation form in Access.

A picture that shows how to create a navigation form in Access.

Instructions on How to Create a Navigation Form in Access

  1. To create a navigation form in Access, click the “Create” tab in the Ribbon.
  2. Then click the “Navigation” button in the “Forms” button group.
  3. Then select the style of navigation form to create from the drop-down menu that appears.
  4. Next, click and drag the database objects for which to create buttons on the navigation form from the Navigation Pane into the “Add New” section of the navigation form.
  5. As you drop the items into this section, Access then automatically creates buttons that open those objects.
  6. It also shows the objects within the designated section in the navigation form.
  7. To save the navigation form after adding objects to it, click the “Save” button in the Quick Access toolbar.
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