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Create PDF Portfolios in Adobe Acrobat – Instructions

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Create PDF Portfolios in Adobe Acrobat: Video Lesson

            This video, titled “Creating a PDF Portfolio,” shows how to create PDF portfolios in Adobe Acrobat Pro DC. This video is from our complete Adobe Acrobat tutorial, titled “Mastering Acrobat Made Easy v.Pro DC.”

Create PDF Portfolios in Adobe Acrobat: Overview

            You can easily create PDF portfolios in Adobe Acrobat Pro DC. A PDF Portfolio is a customizable collection of files. A portfolio can contain many different types of files, not just PDF documents.

            Unlike a standard PDF that merges many documents into one file, a PDF Portfolio lets you keep individual files separate. When you create PDF portfolios in Adobe Acrobat, you can add or remove files easily. You do not need to convert files to the PDF format to add them to a portfolio. When working with a PDF Portfolio, you can edit individual documents without changing the other files within the portfolio.

            Also, Acrobat Pro makes it easy to work with files within a portfolio. You can edit non-PDF files in a portfolio within their native applications. Changes are automatically saved to the portfolio. You can sort the PDF portfolio’s files by customizable categories. Also, a search feature lets you search an entire portfolio, including non-PDF documents.

            To create PDF portfolios in Adobe Acrobat Pro DC, choose “File| Create| PDF Portfolio…” from the Menu Bar. Doing this then opens the “Create PDF Portfolio” dialog box. Then use the “Add Files” drop-down to add content to the portfolio. You can add individual files, or entire folders, to the portfolio. You can also add a scanned document, a webpage, or content copied to your computer’s Clipboard.

            As you add items to the portfolio, the files appear as thumbnail images in the “Create PDF Portfolio” dialog box. You can use the slider bar in the lower-left corner of the dialog box to reduce or enlarge the size of the thumbnails.

Create PDF Portfolios in Adobe Acrobat: A picture of the “Create PDF Portfolio” dialog box in Adobe Acrobat Pro DC.

Create PDF Portfolios in Adobe Acrobat: A picture of the “Create PDF Portfolio” dialog box in Adobe Acrobat Pro DC.

            By default, PDFs appear in the order by which they are added to the “Create PDF Portfolio” dialog box. To change their order in the portfolio, rearrange them in the dialog box before creating the portfolio. To rearrange files, click and drag them in the “Create PDF Portfolio” dialog box.

            After arranging the content in the portfolio, click the “Create” button. Acrobat creates the portfolio and displays it in the main document window. The “Go to the Previous File” and “Go to the Next File” buttons appear above the window. These buttons let you navigate through the portfolio’s files. To the right of the navigational buttons is an “Open Document” link. Clicking the “Open Document” link opens the currently selected portfolio file.

            When you create PDF portfolios in Adobe Acrobat, thumbnails of the portfolio files appear in the Portfolio pane. By default, this pane appears at the left side of the screen. The top portion of the Portfolio pane also includes a small toolbar. You can use the four toolbar buttons to add additional content, create a folder, extract files from, and also delete files from the portfolio.

            To save the new PDF Portfolio, choose “File| Save Portfolio” from the Menu Bar. The initial view after creating a PDF Portfolio file is the “Layout” view.

Create PDF Portfolios in Adobe Acrobat: Instructions

  1. To create PDF Portfolios in Adobe Acrobat, choose “File| Create| PDF Portfolio…” from the Menu Bar.
  2. In the “Create PDF Portfolio” dialog box, then use the “Add Files” drop-down to add portfolio files.
  3. As you add portfolio files, the “Create PDF Portfolio” dialog box shows the files as thumbnail images.
  4. To reduce or enlarge the size of the thumbnails, use the slider bar in the lower-left corner of the dialog box.
  5. To rearrange the order of the files, click and drag them in the “Create PDF Portfolio” dialog box.
  6. When finished, click the “Create” button.
  7. To navigate through the portfolio’s files, use the “Go to the Previous File” and “Go to the Next File” buttons above the document window.
  8. To open the currently selected portfolio file, click the “Open Document” link to the right of the navigational buttons.
  9. You can also use the buttons in the toolbar at the top of the Portfolio pane to modify the portfolio.
  10. To save a PDF portfolio, choose “File| Save Portfolio” from the Menu Bar.
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