Quality Training Since 2001

Customer Service

At TeachUcomp, Inc., you can count on exceptional customer service. Our staff is immersed in a culture of honesty, hard work and a commitment to your complete satisfaction. We live by a set of “Golden Rules” on how we treat each of our customers. We want you to understand who we are and what type of service you can expect when you do business with us.

After all, at TeachUcomp, Inc., it’s all about you.


TeachUcomp, Inc.’s Golden Rules of Customer Service


1. Communicate openly and honestly with the customer. Let’s face it. If you can’t expect this from a company, why go any further? We believe that honesty is the foundation of good business. You can always count on us to be 100% truthful.


2. Treat every customer as a unique individual and our #1 priority. As our customer, there is nothing more important to us than you. When you contact us, you will communicate with real people ready to listen to you, answer your questions and meet your needs.


3. Do what you say you’ll do. We’ve all had it happen. You speak with a customer service rep who promises they will call you back, send you an email or follow-up in some way. Then, nothing. We know that our word means everything. If we say we’ll call you back at 4:30, expect your phone to start ringing at 4:29.


4. Be urgent and timely in helping the customer. It’s simple. There is no task more important than assisting you – and we’ll do it quickly. When you need something, you automatically go to first place on our “To Do” list.


5. Answer questions. We will always answer your questions to the best of our ability. But if the answer is “I don’t know” you can bet that’s what we’ll tell you. Then we’ll do what we can to find the answer and get back with you. You deserve that.


6. Be polite and professional. Regardless of your needs, we’re here to help. And you can expect us to do it with a smile on our face, while treating you with respect and professionalism.


7. Accept ultimate responsibility. One thing you won’t hear us say is “It’s not our fault.” When you do business with TeachUcomp, Inc., we know that we are responsible for your satisfaction from start to finish and you can count on us to see it through.


8. Under-promise and over-deliver. If we say we’ll send you the information you requested via email in an hour, we’ll probably send in 10 minutes instead. We want to make sure we present you with realistic expectations. But more importantly, we want to beat those expectations and surprise you.


9. Admit it when mistakes do happen and fix them the best you can. Just like with any business, sometimes stuff happens. We’re human and we make mistakes. But we’re also not too proud to own up to it. That way, we can fix it and make sure you are happy.


10. Remember to thank the customer. While this may be a lost art at other companies, each of us at TeachUcomp, Inc. understand just how important you are and we want to make sure you know you are appreciated. And if you can’t hear the smile on our faces, we haven’t done our job.


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