Excel Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet Now Available
TeachUcomp, Inc. is pleased to announce our Excel keyboard shortcuts cheat sheet for Windows PCs is now available. Our Excel keyboard shortcuts cheat sheet is a great tool for anyone who uses Excel on a Windows PC. This helpful cheat sheet lets you quickly find the keyboard shortcut for common tasks when using the PC version of Excel. The keyboard shortcuts are right at your fingertips with our Excel keyboard shortcuts cheat sheet!
Our Excel keyboard shortcuts cheat sheet is two pages long and filled with many helpful keyboard shortcuts for Excel tasks. Its available in both a printed and laminated format or in PDF format. The printed format’s high-quality lamination ensures both its long life and durability. Its lamination makes it resist accidental spills and clean-up easily! Alternatively, the PDF format provides quick access as a fast download.
A picture of our Excel keyboard shortcuts cheat sheet.
TeachUcomp’s Excel keyboard shortcuts cheat sheet groups its shortcuts into related categories. All groups and keyboard shortcuts are also alphabetized by task, so you can easily find the keyboard shortcut for the task to perform. The table below shows the keyboard shortcuts that appear on our Excel keyboard shortcuts cheat sheet. In the keyboard shortcuts, you press keys that are joined with a plus sign at the same time. If the keys are separated by commas, then you press and release the keys one at a time, in order. To learn more details about our keyboard shortcuts cheat sheet or buy it, please visit our Excel keyboard shortcuts cheat sheet product page!
Common Shortcuts | Keys |
Close Excel | Alt+F4 |
Close workbook | Ctrl+W |
Copy screen to clipboard | PrtSc |
Copy selection | Ctrl+C |
Copy window to clipboard | Alt+PrtSc |
Cut selection | Ctrl+X |
Delete column | Alt+H, D, C |
Delete row | Alt+H, D, R |
Delete worksheet | Alt+H, D, S |
Help | F1 |
Insert column | Alt+I+C |
Insert row | Alt+I+R |
Insert worksheet | Alt+Shift+F1 |
Maximize/restore workbook window | Ctrl+F10 |
Minimize workbook window | Ctrl+F9 |
Open context menu | Shift+F10 |
Open workbook | Ctrl+O |
Paste selection | Ctrl+V |
Ctrl+P | |
Redo/Repeat action | Ctrl+Y |
Save As dialog box | F12 |
Save workbook | Ctrl+S |
Switch between open Excel windows | Ctrl+F6 |
Toggle Full Screen mode | Ctrl+Shift+F1 |
Turn Key Tips On/Off | Alt |
Undo action | Ctrl+Z |
Data, Functions, and Formula Bar Shortcuts | Keys |
Calculate active worksheet | Shift+F9 |
Calculate all worksheets in open workbooks | F9 |
Cancel an entry in cell or formula bar | Esc |
Clear cell content (data and formulas) | Delete |
Clear content of active cell | Backspace |
Complete cell entry/move one cell down | Enter |
Complete cell entry/move one cell left | Shift+Tab |
Complete cell entry/move one cell right | Tab |
Complete cell entry/move one cell up | Shift+Enter |
Copy formula from cell above active cell | Ctrl+’ (Apostrophe) |
Copy value of cell above active cell | Ctrl+Shift+” (Straight quotation mark) |
Create chart of data in current range in new sheet | F11 |
Create embedded chart of data in current range | Alt+F1 |
Create, run, edit, or delete macro | Alt+F8 |
Cycle absolute and relative references in formula | F4 |
Define name to use in references | Alt+M, M, D |
Delete text to end of line | Ctrl+Delete |
Display Create Table dialog box | Ctrl+T |
Display Error Checking menu/message | Alt+Shift+F10 |
Display Quick Analysis for selected cells | Ctrl+Q |
Edit active cell | F2 |
Enter current date | Ctrl+; (Semicolon) |
Enter current time | Ctrl+Shift+: (Colon) |
Expand or collapse formula bar | Ctrl+Shift+U |
Fill Down | Ctrl+D |
Fill selected cell range with current entry | Ctrl+Enter |
Flash Fill | Ctrl+E |
Insert AutoSum formula | Alt+= (Equal sign) |
Insert function | Shift+F3 |
Move cursor to end of text in formula bar | Ctrl+End |
Move one character up/down/left/right | Arrow Keys |
Move to beginning of line | Home |
Move to first field in next record of data form | Enter |
Open Power Query Editor | Alt+F12 |
Open Visual Basic for Applications Editor | Alt+F11 |
Paste name from Paste Name dialog box | F3 |
Refresh external data in workbook | Ctrl+Alt+F5 |
Refresh external data in worksheet | Alt+F5 |
Select in formula bar (cursor to end) | Ctrl+Shift+End |
Start new line in same cell | Alt+Enter |
Stop refreshing external data | Esc |
Turn formula checking tooltips on/off | Ctrl+Alt+P |
Formatting Cells Shortcuts | Keys |
Add borders | Alt+H, B |
Add outline border to selected cells | Ctrl+Shift+& (Ampersand) |
Align Bottom | Alt+H, A, B |
Align Center | Alt+H, A, C |
Align Left | Alt+H, A, L |
Align Middle | Alt+H, A, M |
Align Right | Alt+H, A, R |
Align Top | Alt+H, A, T |
Apply Currency format | Ctrl+Shift+$ (Dollar sign) |
Apply Date format | Ctrl+Shift+# (Number sign) |
Apply General number format | Ctrl+Shift+~ (Tilde sign) |
Apply Number format | Ctrl+Shift+! (Exclamation point) |
Apply Percentage format | Ctrl+Shift+% (Percent sign) |
Apply Scientific number format | Ctrl+Shift+^ (Caret sign) |
Apply Time format | Ctrl+Shift+@ (At sign) |
Bold text or remove bold formatting | Ctrl+B |
Choose fill color | Alt+H, H |
Choose font | Alt+H, F, F |
Choose font color | Alt+H, F, C |
Choose font size | Alt+H, F, S |
Display or hide outline symbols | Ctrl+8 |
Format fonts in Format Cells dialog | Ctrl+Shift+F |
Hide selected columns | Ctrl+0 |
Hide selected rows | Ctrl+9 |
Insert a note or open and edit cell note | Shift+F2 |
Insert or open threaded comment | Ctrl+Shift+F2 |
Italicize text or remove italic formatting | Ctrl+I |
Open Delete dialog box | Ctrl+- (Minus sign) |
Open Format Cells dialog box | Ctrl+1 |
Open Insert hyperlink dialog box | Ctrl+K |
Open Insert dialog box | Ctrl+Shift++ (Plus sign) |
Open Paste Special dialog box | Ctrl+Alt+V |
Open Style dialog box | Alt+’ (Apostrophe) |
Open Workbook Statistics dialog box | Ctrl+Shift+G |
Remove outline border | Ctrl+Shift+_ (Underscore) |
Show/hide objects | Ctrl+6 |
Spellcheck | F7 |
Strikethrough text or remove strikethrough | Ctrl+5 |
Switch cell values/formulas display | Ctrl+` (Grave accent) |
Underline text or remove underline | Ctrl+U |
Unhide columns | Alt+H, O, U, L |
Unhide rows | Ctrl+Shift+( (Left parenthesis) |
Navigating Shortcuts | Keys |
Cycle through floating shapes | Ctrl+Alt+5, then press Tab key repeatedly |
Exit floating shape navigation | Esc |
Move one cell down | Down arrow key |
Move one cell left | Left arrow key or Shift+Tab |
Move one cell right | Right arrow key or Tab key |
Move one cell up | Up arrow key |
Move one screen down in worksheet | Page down |
Move one screen left in worksheet | Alt+Page up |
Move one screen right in worksheet | Alt+Page down |
Move one screen up in worksheet | Page up |
Move to beginning of row | Home |
Move to beginning of worksheet | Ctrl+Home |
Move to edge of data region | Ctrl+Arrow keys |
Move to last cell in worksheet | Ctrl+End |
Move to next sheet in workbook | Ctrl+Page Down |
Move to previous sheet in workbook | Ctrl+Page Up |
Open cell data validation list | Alt+Down arrow key |
Scroll horizontally | Ctrl+Shift, then scroll your mouse wheel up to go left, down to go right |
Zoom in | Ctrl+Alt+= (Equal sign) |
Zoom out | Ctrl+Alt+- (Minus sign) |
Paste Special Dialog Box Shortcuts | Keys |
Open Paste Special dialog box | Ctrl+Alt+V |
Paste all cell contents and formatting | A |
Paste all cell contents using source theme | H |
Paste all cell contents without borders | X |
Paste only column widths | W |
Paste only comments and notes attached to cell | C |
Paste only copied formatting | T |
Paste only data validation settings | N |
Paste only formulas and number formats | R |
Paste only formulas as entered in formula bar | F |
Paste only values (not formulas) | V |
Paste only values and number formats | U |
Pivot Tables Shortcuts | Keys |
Create pivot table | Alt+N, V |
Group pivot table items | Alt+Shift+Right Arrow |
Hide (filter out) pivot table item | Ctrl+- (Minus sign) |
Insert pivot chart | Alt+N, S, Z, C |
Select entire pivot table | Ctrl+A |
Ungroup pivot table items | Alt+Shift+Left Arrow |
Unhide (clear filter on) pivot table item | Alt+H, S, C |
Power Pivot Shortcuts | Keys |
Close a dialog box or cancel a process | Esc |
Copy selected data | Ctrl+C |
Delete table | Ctrl+D |
Move table | Ctrl+M |
Move to first cell of selected column | Ctrl+Up arrow key |
Move to first cell of selected row | Ctrl+Left arrow key |
Move to first cell of selected table | Ctrl+Home |
Move to last cell of selected column | Ctrl+Down arrow key |
Move to last cell of selected row | Ctrl+Right arrow key |
Move to last cell of selected table | Ctrl+End |
Move to next table | Ctrl+Page down |
Move to previous table | Ctrl+Page up |
Open AutoFilter Menu dialog box | Alt+Down arrow key |
Open context menu of cell/column/row | Shift+F10 |
Open Go To dialog box | F5 |
Recalculate all formulas in Power Pivot window | F9 |
Redo last action | Ctrl+Y |
Rename table | Ctrl+R |
Save file | Ctrl+S |
Select current column | Ctrl+Spacebar key |
Select current row | Shift+Spacebar key |
Select entire table | Ctrl+A |
Undo last action | Ctrl+Z |
Ribbon Shortcuts | Keys |
Activate access keys of active tab | Alt or F10 |
Activate selected button | Enter |
Expand or collapse the ribbon | Ctrl+F1 |
Move among items on the ribbon | Arrow keys |
Move between ribbon commands | Tab or Shift+Tab |
Move to next command group | Ctrl+Left or Right arrow key |
Move to next command in menu | Down arrow key |
Move to Search field in the ribbon | Alt+Q |
Move to submenu of selected menu command | Right arrow key |
Open a context menu | Shift+F10 |
Open list for selected command | Down arrow key |
Open menu for selected button | Alt+Down arrow key |
Open the File menu | Alt+F |
Open the Formulas tab | Alt+M |
Open the Home tab | Alt+H |
Open the Insert tab | Alt+N |
Open the Page Layout tab | Alt+P |
Open the Data tab | Alt+A |
Open the Review tab | Alt+R |
Open the View tab | Alt+W |
Select first command of visible menu | Home |
Show tooltip for element in focus | Ctrl+Shift+F10 |
Selections Shortcuts | Keys |
Select active cell only | Shift+Backspace |
Select all objects when one is selected | Ctrl+Shift+Spacebar key |
Select current and next sheet | Ctrl+Shift+Page Down |
Select current and previous sheet | Ctrl+Shift+Page Up |
Select current region around active cell | Ctrl+Shift+* (Asterisk sign) |
Select entire column | Ctrl+Spacebar key |
Select entire row | Shift+Spacebar key |
Select entire worksheet | Ctrl+A |
Turn extend mode on or off | F8 |
Selections: Extending a Selection Shortcuts | Keys |
By one cell | Shift+Arrow keys |
One screen down | Shift+Page down |
One screen up | Shift+Page up |
To beginning of row | Shift+Home |
To beginning of worksheet | Ctrl+Shift+Home |
To last cell in column/row | Ctrl+Shift+Arrow keys |
To last used cell | Ctrl+Shift+End |
How to Buy Our Excel Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet
Like all our products, you can buy our Excel keyboard shortcuts cheat sheet in different ways. You can purchase it directly from TeachUcomp, Inc at our web site. Alternatively, you can also buy it from Amazon. You can click the links below to buy from your preferred vendor.
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Excel Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet