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Find New Content in Shared Notebooks in OneNote

/ / Latest, Microsoft, Office 2013, Office 2016, OneNote 2013, OneNote 2016

Find New Content in Shared Notebooks in OneNote: Video Lesson

            This video lesson, titled “Finding Newly Added Content with Highlighting,” shows how to find new content in shared notebooks in OneNote. This video lesson is from our complete OneNote tutorial, titled “Mastering OneNote Made Easy v.2016-2013.”

Find New Content in Shared Notebooks in OneNote: Overview

            You can easily find new content in shared notebooks in OneNote. OneNote performs automatic highlighting when someone makes a change to a shared notebook. This lets you quickly locate changed or added content you have not yet reviewed.

            When a change happens to content, the section’s name appears bolded in the Notebook drop-down. It also appears bolded on the section’s tab in the Notebook Header. In addition, bolding appears on the specific page names in the Page Tabs Bar. This indicates you have not yet seen the new content.

Find New Content in Shared Notebooks in OneNote: A picture of newly-added content highlighted within a shared notebook in OneNote.

Find New Content in Shared Notebooks in OneNote: A picture of newly-added content highlighted within a shared notebook in OneNote.

            To view the newly-added content, just click to select the page. The new content appears highlighted in green. As you view the contributions from the other authors and then select a new page, the page name you reviewed becomes un-bolded. After you review all the pages in a section with new content, the section name in the Notebook Header also becomes un-bolded.

            If you don’t want to view all the individual pages or added content but want to remove the bolding on all the affected pages and sections, you can right-click the name of the notebook in the Notebook drop-down. Then click or tap to select the “Mark Notebook as Read” command. Doing that un-bolds all the pages and sections with newly-added content.

Find New Content in Shared Notebooks in OneNote: Instructions

  1. Automatic highlighting in shared notebooks in OneNote lets you quickly locate changed or added content you have not yet reviewed.
  2. When a change happens to content, the section’s name appears bolded in the Notebook drop-down. It also appears bolded on the section’s tab in the Notebook Header. In addition, bolding appears on the specific page names in the Page Tabs Bar. This indicates you have not yet seen the new content.
  3. To view the newly-added content, click to select the page.
  4. The new content appears highlighted in green.
  5. As you view the contributions from the other authors and then select a new page, the page name you reviewed becomes un-bolded.
  6. After reviewing all the pages in a section with new content, the section name in the Notebook Header also become un-bolded.
  7. To mark a notebook as read, right-click the name of the notebook in the Notebook drop-down.
  8. Then click or tap to select the “Mark Notebook as Read” command.
  9. Doing this un-bolds all the pages and sections with newly-added content.
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