Foreground and Background Colors in Photoshop: Video Lesson
This video lesson, titled “Learn about the Foreground and Background Colors in Adobe Photoshop: A Training Tutorial,” discusses the purpose of the foreground and background colors in the Tools panel in Photoshop. This video lesson is from our complete Photoshop tutorial, titled “Mastering Photoshop Made Easy.”
The foreground and background colors in Photoshop appear as two larger overlapping color squares at the bottom of the Tools panel. Photoshop uses the foreground color to paint, stroke, and fill selections. It uses the background color to make gradient fills and fill-in erased areas of images. You can set the desired foreground and background color choices in Photoshop using any of several tools available.
The default foreground color in Photoshop is black and the default background color is white. To switch the current foreground and background colors in Photoshop, click the small double-pointed and curved arrow that appears above and to the right of the current foreground and background color choices in the Tools panel.
To set the current foreground and background color choices in the Tools panel back to their defaults of black and white, click the small black and white squares icon that appears above and to the left of the current background and foreground color choices in the Tools panel.