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Format Text in OneNote – Instructions

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Format Text in OneNote: Video Lesson

            This video lesson, titled “Basic Text Formatting,” shows how to format text in OneNote. This video lesson is from our complete OneNote tutorial, titled “Mastering OneNote Made Easy v.2016-2013.”

Format Text in OneNote: Overview

            You can easily format text in OneNote to change its appearance. To format text in OneNote, first click into the text within the container on the page. Then select the text to which to apply text formatting. Alternatively, to select all the text in the container, click the container’s top edge.

            After making a text selection, click the buttons in the “Basic Text” group in the “Home” tab in the Ribbon to apply font formatting. To see a screen tip that shows the name and function of each button, hold your mouse pointer over any button in this group. Some buttons, like the “Font Color” button, have small drop-down arrows on them that let you select a choice from a drop-down menu. Other buttons, like “Bold” and “Italic,” are just toggle buttons that either apply or remove the button’s formatting.

Format Text in OneNote - Instructions: A picture of a user formatting text in OneNote using the buttons in the “Basic Text” group on the “Home” tab of the Ribbon.

Format Text in OneNote – Instructions: A picture of a user formatting text in OneNote using the buttons in the “Basic Text” group on the “Home” tab of the Ribbon.

            To remove all formatting from selected text, click the “Clear All Formatting” button. Doing this then returns the selected text to its default settings. Also note that when you select text, a Mini toolbar appears. Another way to format text in OneNote is to use the formatting buttons in the Mini toolbar to apply common font formatting options.

            In addition to font formatting, you can also apply paragraph formatting to selected text. To do this, click the paragraph formatting buttons within the “Basic Text” group on the “Home” tab in the Ribbon. Bullets and numbering, paragraph alignment, and indenting options all appear in this button group.

            You can also apply predefined styles to selected text. These styles let you create a consistent appearance in the type of text that appears within notebook pages, like “Title” text and “Heading” text. To apply a style to selected text, click the “Styles” drop-down button in the “Styles” group on the “Home” tab in the Ribbon. Then select the desired text style to apply from the drop-down menu.

Format Text in OneNote: Instructions

  1. To apply text formatting to text contained within a note, click into the text within a container.
  2. Then select the text in the container to which to apply text formatting.
  3. Alternatively, to select all the text in the container, click the container’s top edge.
  4. To apply font formatting after making a selection, click the “Home” tab in the Ribbon.
  5. Then click the buttons available in the “Basic Text” button group.
  6. To use the Mini toolbar to format text, select some text and then hold your mouse pointer over the selected text.
  7. Then use the formatting buttons in the Mini toolbar to apply common font formatting.
  8. To remove all formatting from text, click the “Home” tab in the Ribbon.
  9. Then click the “Clear All Formatting” button in the “Basic Text” button group.
  10. To apply paragraph formatting to selected text, click the “Home” tab in the Ribbon.
  11. Then click the paragraph formatting buttons within the “Basic Text” group. These buttons include bullets and numbering, paragraph alignment, and indenting options.
  12. To apply a style to selected text, click the “Home” tab in the Ribbon.
  13. Then click the “Styles” drop-down button in the “Styles” button group.
  14. Then select the desired text style to apply from the drop-down menu.
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