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Our comprehensive courses cover introductory through advanced material. To see what's covered, click here and select a course to view a full syllabus of all the lessons included.
Getting Acquainted with Access
1. Creating a New Database
2. Overview of a Database
3. The Access Interface
4. Touch Mode
5. Viewing Database Objects in the Navigation Bar
6. Opening and Closing Databases
Creating Relational Database Tables
1. The Flat-File Method of Data Storage
2. The Relational Model of Data Storage
3. Tips for Creating a Relational Database
4. Creating Relational Database Tables
5. Assigning a Primary Key to a Table
Using Tables
1. Using Datasheet View
2. Navigating in Datasheet View
3. Adding Records in Database View
4. Editing and Deleting Records in Datasheet View
5. Inserting New Fields
6. Renaming Fields
7. Deleting Fields
Field Properties
1. Setting Field Properties
2. The Field Size Property
3. The Format Property for Date/Time Fields
4. The Format Property for Logical Fields
5. Setting Default Values for Fields
6. Setting Input Masks
7. Setting Up Validation Rules and Responses
8. Requiring Field Input
9. Allowing Zero Length Entries
Joining Tables
1. The Relationships Window
2. Enforcing Referential Integrity
3. Creating Lookup Fields
Indexing Tables
1. Indexes
2. Creating Indexes
3. Deleting Indexes
1. Using the Simple Query Wizard
2. Designing Queries
3. Joining Tables in a Query
4. Adding Criteria to the QBE Grid
5. Running a Query
6. SQL View
7. Sorting Query Results
8. Hiding Fields in a Result Set
9. Using Comparison Operators
10. Using AND and OR Conditions
Advanced Queries
1. Using the Between… And Condition
2. Using Wildcard Characters in Queries
3. Creating a Calculated Field
4. Creating Top Value Queries
5. Aggregate Function Queries
6. Parameter Queries
Advanced Query Types
1. Make Table Queries
2. Update Queries
3. Append Queries
4. Delete Queries
5. Crosstab Queries
6. The Find Duplicates Query
7. Removing Duplicate Records from a Table
8. The Find Unmatched Query
Creating Forms
1. Forms Overview
2. The Form Wizard
3. Creating Forms
4. Using Forms
5. Form and Report Layout View
6. Form and Report Design View
7. Viewing the Ruler and Grid
8. The Snap to Grid Feature
9. Creating a Form in Design View
10. Modifying Form Sections in Design View
Form & Report Controls
1. Selecting Controls
2. Deleting Controls
3. Moving and Resizing Controls
4. Sizing Controls to Fit
5. Nudging Controls
6. Aligning, Spacing, and Sizing Controls
7. Formatting Controls
8. Viewing Control Properties
Using Controls
1. The Controls List
2. Adding Label Controls
3. Adding Logos and Image Controls
4. Adding Line and Rectangle Controls
5. Adding Combo Box Controls
6. Adding List Box Controls
7. Setting Tab Order
1. Creating Subforms
2. Using the Subform or Subreport Control
1. Using the Report Wizard
2. Creating Basic Reports
3. Creating a Report in Design View
4. Sorting and Grouping Data in Reports
5. Creating Calculated Fields
1. Creating Subreports
Charting Data
1. Using Charts
2. Insert a Modern Chart
1. Creating a Standalone Macro
2. Assigning Macros to a Command Button
3. Assigning Macros to Events
4. Using Program Flow with Macros
5. Creating Autoexec Macros
6. Creating Data Macros
7. Editing Named Data Macros
8. Renaming and Deleting Named Data Macros
Switchboard and Navigation Forms
1. Creating a Switchboard Form
2. Creating a Navigation Form
3. Controlling Startup Behavior
Advanced Features
1. Getting External Data
2. Exporting Data
3. Setting a Database Password
Helping Yourself
1. Using Access Help
2. The Tell Me Bar
Introduction and Overview
1. What is Accounting?
2. Accounting Methods
3. Ethics in Financial Reporting
4. Introduction to Financial Statements
5. Business Activities
7. Sarbanes-Oxley Act
8. Accrual vs. Cash Basis of Accounting
Financial Statements
1. Balance Sheets
2. Accounting Transactions
3. Debits and Credits
4. T-Accounts and Journal Entries
5. The Balance Sheet
6. Income Statements
7. Retained Earnings Statement
8. Statement of Cash Flows
1. Introduction to Assets
2. Current Assets
3. Property, Plant and Equipment
4. Long-Term Investments
5. Intangible Assets
6. Depreciation
1. Introduction to Liabilities
2. Current Liabilities
3. Notes Payable
4. Sales Tax Payable
5. Unearned Revenue
6. Payroll Payable
7. Long-Term Liabilities
Other Accounting Transactions
1. The Trial Balance
2. Adjusting Entries
3. Closing the Books
4. Sales Revenues, Gross Profits & Operating Activities
1. Classifying Inventory
2. Determining Inventory Quantities
3. Cost of Goods Sold
4. FIFO and LIFO
5. Average Cost Method
Stockholder’s Equity
1. Corporate Form of Organization
2. Stock Issue Considerations
3. Accounting for Treasury Stock
4. Preferred Stock
5. Dividends and Retained Earnings
Managerial Accounting
1. Introduction to Managerial Accounting
2. Code of Ethics for Managerial Accounting
3. Managerial Cost Concepts
4. Other Managerial Concepts
Cost Accounting Systems
1. Cost Accounting Systems
2. Job Order Flow
3. Reporting Job Order Costing
4. Process Cost Systems
5. Activity Based Costing
Accounts Payable
1. Accounts Payable
2. Early Payment Discounts
Behavior of Costs and Expenses
1. Cost Behavior
2. Break-Even Analysis and Contribution Margin Ratio
3. Margin of Safety
Basic Banking
1. Making Deposits and Transfers
2. Reconciling Bank Accounts
Cost Controlling
1. Budgetary Control
2. Static and Flexible Budgets
3. Responsibility Accounting
4. Standard Costs
5. Analyzing and Reporting Variances
Profit and Budget Planning
1. Budgeting Basics
2. Preparing the Operating Budgets
3. Preparing the Financial Budgets
Management Decision Making
1. Introduction to Management Decision Making
2. Incremental Analysis
3. Capital Budgeting and Annual Rate of Return
4. Other Tools for Analysis and Decision Making
Getting Acquainted with Acrobat
1. Introduction to Adobe Acrobat Pro and PDFs
2. The Acrobat Environment
3. The Acrobat Home View
4. The Acrobat Document View
5. The Acrobat Tools View
6. The New Document View in Acrobat
7. The Quick Tools Panel in Acrobat
8. Customizing the Quick Tools Panel in Acrobat
9. The Navigation Pane in Acrobat
Opening and Viewing PDFs
1. Opening PDFs
2. Selecting and Copying Text and Graphics
3. Rotating Pages Using the Pages Panel in Acrobat
4. View and Page Display Settings in Acrobat
5. Using the Zoom Tools
6. Reviewing Preferences
7. Finding Words and Phrases
8. Searching a PDF and Using the Search Pane
Creating PDFs
1. Overview of Creating New PDFs in Acrobat
2. Creating a PDF from a Single File or Creating a Blank PDF
3. Combine Files to Create a PDF
4. Creating Multiple PDFs from Multiple Files at Once
5. Creating PDFs from Scanned Documents
6. Creating PDFs Using the PDF Printer
7. Creating PDFs from Web Pages Using Acrobat
8. Creating PDFs from the Clipboard
9. Creating PDFs in Microsoft 365 Desktop Apps
10. Creating PDFs in Excel, PowerPoint, and Word
11. Creating PDFs in Adobe Applications
12. Creating a PDF from Email in Outlook
13. Converting Folders to PDF in Outlook
Custom PDF Creation Settings
1. PDF Preferences in Excel, PowerPoint, and Word
2. Adobe PDF Settings
3. Creating and Modifying Preset Adobe PDF Settings
4. The General Category in Preset Adobe PDF Settings
5. The Images Category in Preset Adobe PDF Settings
6. The Fonts Category in Preset Adobe PDF Settings
7. The Color Category in Preset Adobe PDF Settings
8. The Advanced Category in Preset Adobe PDF Settings
9. The Standards Category in Preset Adobe PDF Settings
10. Create PDF and Share via Outlook in Excel, PowerPoint, and Word
11. Mail Merge and Email in Word
12. Create PDF and Share Link in Excel, PowerPoint, and Word
13. PDF Settings and Automatic Archival in Outlook
Basic PDF Editing
1. Initial View Settings for PDFs
2. Full Screen Mode
3. The Edit Panel in Acrobat
4. Adding, Formatting, Resizing, Rotating and Moving Text
5. Editing Text
6. Managing Text Flow with Articles
7. Adding and Editing Images
8. Changing the Page Number Display
9. Cropping Pages and Documents
Advanced PDF Settings
1. Adding and Removing Watermarks
2. Adding and Removing Page Backgrounds
3. Adding Headers and Footers
4. Attaching Files to a PDF
5. Adding Metadata
6. Optimizing a PDF for File Size and Compatibility
1. Using Bookmarks in a PDF
2. Modifying and Organizing Bookmarks
3. Assigning Actions to Bookmarks
Adding Multimedia Content and Interactivity
1. Creating Links in Acrobat
2. Creating and Editing Buttons
3. Adding Video and Sound Files
4. Adding 3D Content to PDFs
5. Adding Page Transitions
Combining and Rearranging PDFs
1. Extracting and Replacing Pages
2. Splitting a PDF into Multiple Files
3. Inserting Pages from Files and Other Sources
4. Moving and Copying Pages
5. Combining PDFs
Exporting and Converting Content
1. Exporting Text
2. Exporting Images
3. Exporting PDFs to Microsoft Word
4. Exporting PDFs to Microsoft Excel
5. Exporting PDFs to Microsoft PowerPoint
Sharing and Collaborating
1. Sharing a PDF as an Email Attachment
2. Sharing a File in Acrobat
3. Adding Comments
4. The Comments Panel
5. Using Drawing Tools
6. Stamping and Creating Custom Stamps
Creating and Working With Portfolios
1. Creating a PDF Portfolio
2. Managing Portfolio Content
3. Changing the View of a PDF Portfolio
1. Creating a Form from an Existing PDF
2. Designing a Form in Microsoft Word
3. Creating a Form from a Scanned Document
4. Creating Text Fields
5. Creating Radio Buttons and Checkboxes
6. Creating Drop-Down and List Boxes
7. Creating Buttons
8. Creating a Digital Signature Field
9. General Properties of Form Fields
10. Appearance Properties of Form Fields
11. Position Properties of Form Fields
12. Options Properties of Form Fields
13. Actions Properties of Form Fields
14. Selection Change and Signed Properties of Form Fields
15. Format Properties of Form Fields
16. Validate Properties of Form Fields
17. Calculate Properties of Form Fields
18. Align, Center, Match Size, and Distribute Form Fields
19. Setting Form Field Tab Order
20. Enabling Users and Readers to Save Forms
21. Distributing Forms
22. Collecting Distributed Form Responses
23. Using Tracker with Forms
24. Sending a Form for One or More Signatures in Acrobat
25. Sending a Form in Acrobat for Signature in Bulk
26. Manually Signing a PDF in Acrobat
Professional Print Production
1. Overview of Print Production Support
2. Previewing Color Separations
3. Color Management and Conversion
4. Using the Object Inspector
5. Using the Preflight Dialog Box
6. Correcting Hairlines
7. Saving as a Standards-Compliant PDF
Scanning and Optical Character Recognition
1. Recognizing Text in a Scanned PDF
2. Manually Recognizing Text in PDFs
Automating Routine Tasks
1. Using Actions
2. Creating Custom Actions
3. Editing and Deleting Custom Actions
Document Protection and Security
1. Methods of Securing a PDF
2. Password-Protecting a PDF
3. Creating and Registering Digital IDs
4. Using Certificate Encryption
5. Creating a Digital Signature
6. Digitally Signing a PDF
7. Certifying a PDF
8. Redacting Content in a PDF
9. Redaction Properties
10. Sanitizing a Document in Acrobat
The Crystal Reports Environment
1. Starting Crystal Reports
2. The Menu Bar
3. Using Toolbars
4. The Design View
Creating Data Connections
1. Creating a New Blank Report
2. The Database Expert
3. Access/Excel (DAO)
5. Database Files
6. Java Beans Connectivity
10. OLE DB (ADO)
11. Salesforce.com
12. SAP BW MDX Query
13. SAP Info Sets
14. SAP Operational Data Source
15. SAP Table, Cluster, or Function
16. Universes
17. XML and Web Services
18. Repository
19. More Data Sources
20. Selecting Report Data and Tables
21. The Data Explorer
Creating Basic Reports
1. Adding Data Fields to a Report
2. Browsing Field Data
3. Selecting, Moving, and Resizing Fields
4. Using the “Size” and “Align” Commands
5. Creating Text Objects
6. Saving a Report
7. Previewing a Report
8. Refreshing the Report Data
Linking Tables in a Report
1. Basic Table Structures and Terms
2. Linking Multiple Tables
3. Table Joins
4. Enforcing Table Joins and Changing Link Types
Basic Formatting Techniques
1. Formatting Report Objects
2. The “Common” Tab of the Format Editor
3. The “Number” Tab of the Format Editor
4. The “Font” Tab of the Format Editor
5. The “Border” Tab of the Format Editor
6. The “Date and Time” Tab of the Format Editor
7. The “Paragraph” Tab of the Format Editor
8. The “Picture” Tab of the Format Editor
9. The “Boolean” Tab of the Format Editor
10. The “Hyperlink” Tab of the Format Editor
11. The “Subreport” Tab of the Format Editor
12. Drawing Lines
13. Drawing Boxes
14. Format Painter
15. Formatting Part of a Text Object
16. The Template Expert
17. Inserting Pictures
Record Selection
1. The Select Expert
2. Setting Multiple Filters
3. Editing the Selection Formula
Sorting and Grouping Records
1. The Record Sort Expert
2. The Group Expert
3. Managing Groups
4. Summarizing Groups
5. Hierarchical Groupings
6. The Group Sort Expert
Printing Reports
1. Inserting Special Fields
2. Page Setup
3. Printing Reports
Using Formulas
1. Crystal Reports Formula Syntax
2. The Formula Workshop- Formula Editor Window
3. Creating Formula Fields
4. Crystal Syntax
5. Basic Syntax
6. Finding Function and Operator Assistance
Advanced Formatting
1. The Highlighting Expert
2. The Section Expert
3. Conditionally Formatting a Section
4. Conditionally Formatting a Field
5. Manipulating Multiple Sections
Summary Reports
1. Summarizing Report Data
2. Using the DrillDownGroupLevel Feature
1. The Chart Expert
2. Editing Charts
3. Setting General Chart Options
4. Formatting Selected Chart Items
5. Formatting a Data Series
6. Formatting Chart Gridlines
7. Setting Chart Axes Options
8 . Adding Chart Trendlines
9 . Modifying a 3D Chart View
10. Using Chart Templates
11. Auto-Arranging Charts
Advanced Reporting Tools
1. Using Running Totals
2. Creating Parameter Fields
3. Parameterized Record Selection
4. Creating Subreports
5. Report Alerts
6. Report Alert Functions
Advanced Formula Creation
1. Evaluation Time Functions
2. Declaring Variables
3. Using and Displaying Variables
4. Using Array Values
5. Using “If… Then… Else…” Statements
6. Using the “Select/Case” Statement
7. Using “For” Loops
8. Using “Do… While” Loops
9. The IIF Function
Advanced Reporting
1. Creating a Report Template
2. Exporting Report Results
3. Exporting as HTML
4. Setting Default Options
5. Setting Report Options
Using Report Wizards
1. Using the Report Wizards
2. Report Wizard Types
3. Creating a Cross-Tab Report
Advanced Database Concepts
1. Viewing the SQL Code
2. Using Table Aliases
3. Verifying the Database
4. Setting the Datasource Location
5. Mapping Fields
Getting Acquainted with Excel
1. About Excel
2. The Excel Environment
3. The Title Bar
4. The Ribbon
5. The “File” Tab and Backstage View
6. Scroll Bars
7. The Quick Access Toolbar
8. Touch Mode
9. The Formula Bar
10. The Workbook Window
11. The Status Bar
12. The Workbook View Buttons
13. The Zoom Slider
14. The Mini Toolbar
15. Keyboard Shortcuts
File Management
1. Creating New Workbooks
2. Saving Workbooks
3. Closing Workbooks
4. Opening Workbooks
5. Recovering Unsaved Workbooks
6. Opening a Workbook in a New Window
7. Arranging Open Workbook Windows
8. Freeze Panes
9. Split Panes
10. Hiding and Unhiding Workbook Windows
11.Comparing Open Workbooks
12. Switching Open Workbooks
13. Switching to Full Screen Mode
14. Working With Excel File Formats
15. AutoSave Online Workbooks
Data Entry
1. Selecting Cells
2. Entering Text into Cells
3. Entering Numbers into Cells
4. AutoComplete
5. Pick from Drop-Down List
6. Flash Fill
7. Selecting Ranges
8. Ranged Data Entry
9. Using AutoFill
Creating Formulas
1. Ranged Formula Syntax
2. Simple Formula Syntax
3. Writing Formulas
4. Using AutoSum
5. Inserting Functions
6. Editing a Range
7. Formula AutoCorrect
8. AutoCalculate
9. Function Compatibility
Copying & Pasting Formulas
1. Relative References and Absolute References
2. Cutting, Copying, and Pasting Data
3. AutoFilling Cells
4. The Undo Button
5. The Redo Button
Columns & Rows
1. Selecting Columns & Rows
2. Adjusting Column Width and Row Height
3. Hiding and Unhiding Columns and Rows
4. Inserting and Deleting Columns and Rows
Formatting Worksheets
1. Formatting Cells
2. The Format Cells Dialog Box
3. Clearing All Formatting from Cells
4. Copying All Formatting from Cells to Another Area
Worksheet Tools
1. Inserting and Deleting Worksheets
2. Selecting Multiple Worksheets
3. Navigating Worksheets
4. Renaming Worksheets
5. Coloring Worksheet Tabs
6. Copying or Moving Worksheets
Setting Worksheet Layout
1. Using Page Break Preview
2. Using the Page Layout View
3. Opening The Page Setup Dialog Box
4. Page Settings
5. Setting Margins
6. Creating Headers and Footers
7. Sheet Settings
Printing Spreadsheets
1. Previewing and Printing Worksheets
Helping Yourself
1. Using Excel Help
2. Microsoft Search in Excel
3. Smart Lookup
Creating 3D Formulas
1. Creating 3D Formulas
2. 3D Formula Syntax
3. Creating 3D Range References
Named Ranges
1. Naming Ranges
2. Creating Names from Headings
3. Moving to a Named Range
4. Using Named Ranges in Formulas
5. Naming 3D Ranges
6. Deleting Named Ranges
Conditional Formatting and Cell Styles
1. Conditional Formatting
2. Finding Cells with Conditional Formatting
3. Clearing Conditional Formatting
4. Using Table and Cell Styles
Paste Special
1. Using Paste Special
2. Pasting Links
Sharing Workbooks
1. About Co-authoring and Sharing Workbooks
2. Co-authoring Workbooks
3. Adding Shared Workbook Buttons in Excel
4. Traditional Workbook Sharing
5. Highlighting Changes
6. Reviewing Changes
7. Using Comments and Notes
8. Compare and Merge Workbooks
Auditing Worksheets
1. Auditing Worksheets
2. Tracing Precedent and Dependent Cells
3. Tracing Errors
4. Error Checking
5. Using the Watch Window
6. Cell Validation
Outlining Worksheets
1. Using Outlines
2. Applying and Removing Outlines
3. Applying Subtotals
Consolidating Worksheets
1. Consolidating Data
1. Creating a Table
2. Adding an Editing Records
3. Inserting Records and Fields
4. Deleting Records and Fields
Sorting Data
1. Sorting Data
2. Custom Sort Orders
Filtering Data
1. Using AutoFilters
2. Using the Top 10 AutoFilter
3. Using a Custom AutoFilter
4. Creating Advanced Filters
5. Applying Multiple Criteria
6. Using Complex Criteria
7. Copying Filter Results to a New Location
8. Using Database Functions
Using What-If Analysis
1. Using Data Tables
2. Using Scenario Manager
3. Using Goal Seek
4. Forecast Sheets
Table-Related Functions
1. The Hlookup and Vlookup Functions
2. Using the IF, AND, and OR Functions
3. The IFS Function
1. Inserting and Deleting Sparklines
2. Modifying Sparklines
Creating Charts In Excel
1. Creating Charts
2. Selecting Charts and Chart Elements
3. Adding Chart Elements
4. Moving and Resizing Charts
5. Changing the Chart Type
6. Changing the Data Range
7. Switching Column and Row Data
8. Choosing a Chart Layout
9. Choosing a Chart Style
10. Changing Color Schemes
11. Printing Charts
12. Deleting Charts
Formatting Charts in Excel
1. Formatting Chart Objects
2. Inserting Objects into a Chart
3. Formatting Axes
4. Formatting Axis Titles
5. Formatting a Chart Title
6. Formatting Data Labels
7. Formatting a Data Table
8. Formatting Error Bars
9. Formatting Gridlines
10. Formatting a Legend
11. Formatting Drop and High-Low Lines
12. Formatting Trendlines
13. Formatting Up/Down Bars
14. Formatting the Chart and Plot Areas
15. Naming Charts
16. Applying Shape Styles
17. Applying WordArt Styles
18. Saving Custom Chart Templates
Data Models
1. Creating a Data Model from External Relational Data
2. Creating a Data Model from Excel Tables
3. Enabling Legacy Data Connections
4. Relating Tables in a Data Model
5. Managing a Data Model
PivotTables and PivotCharts
1. Creating Recommended PivotTables
2. Manually Creating a PivotTable
3. Creating a PivotChart
4. Manipulating a PivotTable or PivotChart
5. Changing Calculated Value Fields
6. Formatting PivotTables
7. Formatting PivotCharts
8. Setting PivotTable Options
9. Sorting and Filtering Using Field Headers
1. Starting PowerPivot
2. Managing the Data Model
3. Calculated Columns and Fields
4. Measures
5. Creating KPIs
6. Creating and Managing Perspectives
7. PowerPivot PivotTables and PivotCharts
3D Maps
1. Enabling 3D Maps
2. Creating a New 3D Maps Tour
3. Editing a 3D Maps Tour
4. Managing Layers in a 3D Maps Tour
5. Filtering Layers
6. Setting Layer Options
7. Managing Scenes
8. Custom 3D Maps
9. Custom Regions
10. World Map Options
11. Inserting 3D Map Objects
12. Previewing a Scene
13. Playing a 3D Maps Tour
14. Creating a Video of a 3D Maps Tour
15. 3D Maps Options
Slicers and Timelines
1. Inserting and Deleting Slicers
2. Modifying Slicers
3. Inserting and Deleting Timelines
4. Modifying Timelines
Security Features
1. Unlocking Cells
2. Worksheet Protection
3. Workbook Protection
4. Password Protecting Excel Files
Making Macros
1. Recording Macros
2. Running and Deleting Recorded Macros
3. The Personal Macro Workbook
Getting Acquainted with Excel
1. About Excel
2. The Excel Environment
3. The Title Bar
4. The Ribbon
5. The “File” Tab and Backstage View
6. Scroll Bars
7. The Quick Access Toolbar
8. Touch Mode
9. The Formula Bar
10. The Workbook Window
11. The Status Bar
12. The Workbook View Buttons
13. The Zoom Slider
14. The Mini Toolbar
15. Keyboard Shortcuts
File Management
1. Creating New Workbooks
2. Saving Workbooks
3. Closing Workbooks
4. Opening Workbooks
5. Recovering Unsaved Workbooks
6. Opening a Workbook in a New Window
7. Arranging Open Workbook Windows
8. Freeze Panes
9. Split Panes
10. Hiding and Unhiding Workbook Windows
11.Comparing Open Workbooks
12. Switching Open Workbooks
13. Switching to Full Screen View
14. Working With Excel File Formats
15. AutoSave Online Workbooks
Data Entry
1. Selecting Cells
2. Entering Text into Cells
3. Entering Numbers into Cells
4. AutoComplete
5. Pick from Drop-Down List
6. Flash Fill
7. Selecting Ranges
8. Ranged Data Entry
9. Using AutoFill
Creating Formulas
1. Ranged Formula Syntax
2. Simple Formula Syntax
3. Writing Formulas
4. Using AutoSum
5. Inserting Functions
6. Editing a Range
7. Formula AutoCorrect
8. AutoCalculate
9. Function Compatibility
Copying & Pasting Formulas
1. Relative References and Absolute References
2. Cutting, Copying, and Pasting Data
3. AutoFilling Cells
4. The Undo Button
5. The Redo Button
Columns & Rows
1. Selecting Columns & Rows
2. Adjusting Column Width and Row Height
3. Hiding and Unhiding Columns and Rows
4. Inserting and Deleting Columns and Rows
Formatting Worksheets
1. Formatting Cells
2. The Format Cells Dialog Box
3. Clearing All Formatting from Cells
4. Copying All Formatting from Cells to Another Area
Worksheet Tools
1. Inserting and Deleting Worksheets
2. Selecting Multiple Worksheets
3. Navigating Worksheets
4. Renaming Worksheets
5. Coloring Worksheet Tabs
6. Copying or Moving Worksheets
Setting Worksheet Layout
1. Using Page Break Preview
2. Using the Page Layout View
3. Opening The Page Setup Dialog Box
4. Page Settings
5. Setting Margins
6. Creating Headers and Footers
7. Sheet Settings
Printing Spreadsheets
1. Previewing and Printing Worksheets
Helping Yourself
1. Using Excel Help
2. The Tell Me Bar
3. Smart Lookup
Creating 3D Formulas
1. Creating 3D Formulas
2. 3D Formula Syntax
3. Creating 3D Range References
Named Ranges
1. Naming Ranges
2. Creating Names from Headings
3. Moving to a Named Range
4. Using Named Ranges in Formulas
5. Naming 3D Ranges
6. Deleting Named Ranges
Conditional Formatting and Cell Styles
1. Conditional Formatting
2. Finding Cells with Conditional Formatting
3. Clearing Conditional Formatting
4. Using Table and Cell Styles
Paste Special
1. Using Paste Special
2. Pasting Links
Sharing Workbooks
1. About Co-authoring and Sharing Workbooks
2. Co-authoring Workbooks
3. Adding Shared Workbook Buttons in Excel
4. Traditional Workbook Sharing
5. Highlighting Changes
6. Reviewing Changes
7. Using Comments and Notes
8. Compare and Merge Workbooks
Auditing Worksheets
1. Auditing Worksheets
2. Tracing Precedent and Dependent Cells
3. Tracing Errors
4. Error Checking
5. Using the Watch Window
6. Cell Validation
Outlining Worksheets
1. Using Outlines
2. Applying and Removing Outlines
3. Applying Subtotals
Consolidating Worksheets
1. Consolidating Data
1. Creating a Table
2. Adding an Editing Records
3. Inserting Records and Fields
4. Deleting Records and Fields
Sorting Data
1. Sorting Data
2. Custom Sort Orders
Filtering Data
1. Using AutoFilters
2. Using the Top 10 AutoFilter
3. Using a Custom AutoFilter
4. Creating Advanced Filters
5. Applying Multiple Criteria
6. Using Complex Criteria
7. Copying Filter Results to a New Location
8. Using Database Functions
Using What-If Analysis
1. Using Data Tables
2. Using Scenario Manager
3. Using Goal Seek
4. Forecast Sheets
Table-Related Functions
1. The Hlookup and Vlookup Functions
2. Using the IF, AND, and OR Functions
3. The IFS Function
1. Inserting and Deleting Sparklines
2. Modifying Sparklines
Creating Charts In Excel
1. Creating Charts
2. Selecting Charts and Chart Elements
3. Adding Chart Elements
4. Moving and Resizing Charts
5. Changing the Chart Type
6. Changing the Data Range
7. Switching Column and Row Data
8. Choosing a Chart Layout
9. Choosing a Chart Style
10. Changing Color Schemes
11. Printing Charts
12. Deleting Charts
Formatting Charts in Excel
1. Formatting Chart Objects
2. Inserting Objects into a Chart
3. Formatting Axes
4. Formatting Axis Titles
5. Formatting a Chart Title
6. Formatting Data Labels
7. Formatting a Data Table
8. Formatting Error Bars
9. Formatting Gridlines
10. Formatting a Legend
11. Formatting Drop and High-Low Lines
12. Formatting Trendlines
13. Formatting Up/Down Bars
14. Formatting the Chart and Plot Areas
15. Naming Charts
16. Applying Shape Styles
17. Applying WordArt Styles
18. Saving Custom Chart Templates
Data Models
1. Creating a Data Model from External Relational Data
2. Creating a Data Model from Excel Tables
3. Enabling Legacy Data Connections
4. Relating Tables in a Data Model
5. Managing a Data Model
PivotTables and PivotCharts
1. Creating Recommended PivotTables
2. Manually Creating a PivotTable
3. Creating a PivotChart
4. Manipulating a PivotTable or PivotChart
5. Changing Calculated Value Fields
6. Formatting PivotTables
7. Formatting PivotCharts
8. Setting PivotTable Options
9. Sorting and Filtering Using Field Headers
1. Starting PowerPivot
2. Managing the Data Model
3. Calculated Columns and Fields
4. Measures
5. Creating KPIs
6. Creating and Managing Perspectives
7. PowerPivot PivotTables and PivotCharts
3D Maps
1. Enabling 3D Maps
2. Creating a New 3D Maps Tour
3. Editing a 3D Maps Tour
4. Managing Layers in a 3D Maps Tour
5. Filtering Layers
6. Setting Layer Options
7. Managing Scenes
8. Custom 3D Maps
9. Custom Regions
10. World Map Options
11. Inserting 3D Map Objects
12. Previewing a Scene
13. Playing a 3D Maps Tour
14. Creating a Video of a 3D Maps Tour
15. 3D Maps Options
Slicers and Timelines
1. Inserting and Deleting Slicers
2. Modifying Slicers
3. Inserting and Deleting Timelines
4. Modifying Timelines
Security Features
1. Unlocking Cells
2. Worksheet Protection
3. Workbook Protection
4. Password Protecting Excel Files
Making Macros
1. Recording Macros
2. Running and Deleting Recorded Macros
3. The Personal Macro Workbook
Using Online Templates
1. Downloading Online Templates
2. Saving a Template
3. Creating New Workbooks from Saved Templates
Legal Templates
1. Chapter Overview
2. Using the Law Firm Financial Analysis Worksheet
3. Using the Law Firm Project Tracker
4. Using the Law Firm Project Plan
Legal Business Functions
1. The Pv Function
2. The Fv Function
3. The IRR and XIRR Functions
Simple IOLTA Management
1. IOLTA Basics
2. Using Excel for Simple IOLTA Management
3. Using the Simple IOLTA Template
Getting Acquainted with HTML
1. Introduction to the Internet
2. Introduction to HTML Terminology
3. Options for Writing HTML
4. Unicode Transformation Format (UTF)
5. HTML5 Resources
New for HTML5
1. What’s different in HTML5?
Designing a Webpage
1. Design Considerations and Planning
2. Basic Tags and Document Structure
3. HTML Tags
4. Head Tags
5. Title Tags
6. Body Tags
7. Metadata
8. Saving an HTML Page
Page Formatting
1. Adding a New Paragraph
2. Adding a Line Break
3. Inserting Blank Space
4. Preformatted Text
5. Changing a Pages’s Background Color
6. Div Element
Text Items and Objects
1. Headings
3. Block Quotes
4. Horizontal Lines
5. Special Characters
Creating Lists
1. Numbered (Ordered) Lists
2. Bulleted (Unordered) Lists
3. Nested Lists
4. Definition Lists
1. What are Links?
2. Text Links
3. Image Links
4. Opening a Page in a New Window or Tab
5. Setting All Links on a Page to Open in a New Window or Tab
6. Linking to an Area on the Same Page (Bookmarks)
7. Linking to an E-mail Address
8. Linking to Other Types of Files
1. Introduction to Images for Webpages
2. Adding Images to Webpages
3. Re-Sizing an Image
4. Alternative (ALT) Text
5. Image Labels
Basic Tables
1. Inserting a Table
2. Table Borders
3. Table Headers
1. What is an Iframe?
2. Inserting Iframes
3. Setting Height and Width
4. Using an Iframe for a Link Target
1. About Forms
2. Sending to E-mail
3. Text Boxes
4. Text Areas
5. Check Boxes
6. Menu Lists
7. Radio Buttons
8. Submit Button
9. Reset Button
10. Changing the Tab Order
Video and Audio
1. About Video and Audio Files
2. Linking to Video and Audio Files
3. Adding Video
4. Adding Audio
5. Using YouTube to Display Video
1. Troubleshooting
Cascading Style Sheets
1. What are Cascading Style Sheets?
2. CSS Syntax
3. Creating an Internal CSS
4. Linking to a CSS
5. Adding Comments and Notes to a CSS
6. Creating an Internal Style Sheet
7. ID and Class
8. Inline Styling
Working With Text in CSS
1. Emphasizing Text (Bold and Italic)
2. Decoration
3. Indentation
4. Transformation
5. Text Alignment
6. Fonts
7. Font Sizes
8. Letter Spacing (Kerning)
9. Line Spacing (Leading)
10. Text Color
11. Margins
12. Padding
13. Borders
14. Styling Links
15. Number and Bullet Styles
16. Sizing Elements
17. Text Wrapping
18. Shadowing
Creating Backgrounds in CSS
1. Colors
2. Images
3. Fixed Images
Images in CSS
1. Opacity
2. Floating Images
3. Image Galleries
4. Image Sprites
Box Model in CSS
1. What is a box model?
2. Margin
3. Padding
4. Border
5. Outline
Working With Elements in CSS
1. Display and Visibility
2. Grouping and Nesting
3. Dimensions and Elements
4. Positioning
5. Floating
6. Pseudo-Classes/Pseudo-Elements
Adding a Navigation Bar in CSS
1. Vertical Navigation Bar
2. Horizontal Navigation Bar – Inline
3. Horizontal Navigation Bar – Floating
CSS Tables
1. Borders
2. Collapsed Borders
3. Table Width and Cell Height
4. Table Color
5. Table Text Alignment
6. Table Padding
Working With Transforms in CSS
1. What are transforms?
2. 2D Transforms
3. 3D Transforms
Transitions and Animations in CSS
1. Transitions
2. Animations
CSS Shorthand
1. Shorthand Properties
Before You Get the Interview
1. Introduction to Interviewing
2. Write an Effective Resume
3. Develop Great References
4. Use Technology Wisely
5. Dress the Part
6. Other Considerations
Once the Interview is Scheduled
1. Research the Company
2. Practice, Practice, Practice
3. Prepare for the Interview
4. Stay Healthy
5. Grooming for Success
During the Interview
1. Types of Interviews
2. Make a Great First Impression
3. General Strategies for Answering Questions
4. Mirroring
5. Representational Systems
6. Body Language Dos
7. Body Language Don’ts
8. Tips and Tricks
9. Ending the Interview
After the Interview
1. Take Notes
2. Thank the Interviewer
3. Following Up
4. The Second Interview
Practice Questions
1. The Behavioral Interview
2. Practice Questions 1-5
3. Practice Questions 6-10
4. Practice Questions 11-15
1. Further Study
2. Conclusion
Getting Acquainted with JavaScript
1. Introduction to JavaScript
2. JavaScript vs. Java
3. The Tag
4. External JavaScript
5. Uses for JavaScript
The Makeup of JavaScript
1. JavaScript Statements
2. Code and Code Blocks
3. Whitespace
4. Case Sensitivity
5. Breaking Up a Line of Code
JavaScript Comments
1. Single Line Comments
2. Multi-Line Comments
3. End of Line Comments
4. Using Comments to Stop Execution
JavaScript Variables
1. What are JavaScript Variables?
2. Syntax for Text and Numerical Values
3. Creating (Declaring) Variables
4. Re-Declaring Variables
5. Undefined Value
6. Using One Statement for Multiple Variables
7. Local Variables and Global Variables
Exploring JavaScript Data Types
1. Dynamic Data Types in JavaScript
2. Null
3. Number
4. String
5. Boolean
6. Array
7. Object
JavaScript Objects
1. Creating Objects
2. Accessing Object Properties
3. Accessing Object Methods
JavaScript Functions
1. JavaScript Function Definition and Syntax
2. Functions with a Return Value
3. Calling a Function with Arguments
4. Assigning Values to Undeclared Variables
JavaScript Operators
1. Arithmetic Operators
2. Assignment Operators
3. Adding Strings and Numbers
4. Comparison Operators
5. Logical Operators
6. Conditional Operators
JavaScript Conditions
1. If Statements
2. The Switch Statement
JavaScript Loops
1. The FOR Loop
2. The FOR…IN Loop
3. The WHILE Loop
4. The DO…WHILE Loop
JavaScript Break and Continue
1. The Break Statement
2. The Continue Statement
3. JavaScript Labels
JavaScript Errors
1. The Try…Catch Statement
2. The Throw Statement
JavaScript Form Validation
1. Form Validation
2. E-Mail Validation
JavaScript RegExp Object
1. RegExp Definition and Modifiers
2. RegExp Special Characters
3. RegExp Methods
JavaScript Hoisting
1. Declarations
2. Initializations
JavaScript USE STRICT Directive
1. What is the USE STRICT Directive and Why Use It?
2. What’s Not Allows in STRICT Mode?
JavaScript HTML DOM
1. What is HTML DOM?
2. HTML DOM Methods and Properties
3. HTML DOM Document
4. Finding HTML Elements
5. Changing the Output Stream
6. Changing the Value of an Attribute
7. Changing CSS
1. Using Events
2. The ONCHANGE Event
HTML DOM Navigation
1. DOM Nodes
2. Node Relationships
3. Child Nodes and Values
4. NODE…Properties
5. HTML DOM Nodelist
6. Root Nodes
Adding and Removing DOM Nodes
1. Creating New HTML Elements (Nodes)
2. Removing Existing HTML Elements (Nodes)
3. Replacing HTML Elements (Nodes)
JavaScript Browser Object Model (BOM)
1. What is the Browser Object Model (BOM)?
2. The Window Object
3. Window Size Properties
4. Other Window Methods and Properties
Window Screen Object
1. What does the Window Screen Object Do?
2. Window Screen Object Properties.
Window Location Object
1. What does the Window Location Object Do?
2. Window Location HREF Property
3. Window Location PATHNAME Property
4. Window Location ASSIGN() Method
Window History Object
1. What does the Window History Object Do?
2. Window History Back and Forward Methods
Window Navigator Object
1. What does the Window Navigator Object Do?
JavaScript Popup Boxes
1. The Alert Box
2. The Confirm Box
3. The Prompt Box
JavaScript Timing Events
1. What are JavaScript Timing Events?
4. Creating a Clock
JavaScript Cookies
1. What are Cookies?
2. Working with Cookies
The JavaScript Console Object
1. The Console Object
2. Inline Grouping
3. Timers
4. String Substitution
Advanced JavaScript Objects
1. The Object Literal and the Keyword New
2. Using an Object Constructor
3. JavaScript Prototype
4. Mutable Objects and Immutable Primitive Values
5. JavaScript Object Properties
6. Adding New Properties and Deleting Properties
Number Object
1. What is a Number Object?
2. Hexadecimal Numbers
3. NaN – Not a Number
4. Infinity
String Object
1. Using the String Object
2. String Properties and Methods
3. Special Characters
Date Object
1. The Date Object
2. Set and Compare Dates
3. Convert the Date to a String
Array Object
1. Create and Access an Array Object
2. Joining Arrays
3. Working with Arrays
Math Object
1. The Math Object and Mathematical Constants
2. Math Object Methods
JavaScript Libraries (Frameworks)
1. JavaScript Libraries or Frameworks
2. Testing jQuery
Getting Acquainted with Lightroom Classic CC
1. Introduction to Lightroom Classic CC
2. The Lightroom Classic CC Environment
3. Modules in Lightroom Classic CC
4. Managing Panels
5. Using the Toolbar
6. File Formats Supported in Lightroom Classic CC
7. About Color Management
8. Calibrating a Monitor and Installing Color Profiles
9. Help Features in Lightroom Classic CC
Importing Photos
1. Importing Photos from Files and Folders
2. Importing Photos from Cameras or Card Readers
3. Importing Photos from Photoshop Elements
4. Setting Import Options with the File Handling Panel
5. Setting Other Important Options
6. Setting Import Preferences
Using Catalogs
1. About Catalogs
2. Creating New Catalogs
3. Customizing Catalog Settings
4. Setting a Default Catalog
5. Optimizing Catalogs
6. Copying and Moving Catalogs
7. Find Missing Photos in a Catalog
8. Exporting Catalogs
9. Deleting Catalogs
10. Backing Up Catalogs Manually
11. Scheduling Catalog Backups
12. Automatic Catalog Backups
13. Restoring a Catalog from a Backup
The Library Module
1. The Library Module Environment
2. Switching Library Module Views
3. Using the Grid View
4. Using the Filmstrip
5. Selecting Photos in the Filmstrip and Grid
6. Filtering Photos in the Filmstrip and Grid
7. Using the Loupe View
8. Using the Folders Panel
9. Creating and Managing Folders in the Folder Panel
10. Creating Panoramas
11. Using HDR Photo Merge
Organizing Photos in the Library Module
1. Using Face Recognition
2. Using Photo Stacks
3. Using Keywords
4. Using the Painter Tool with Keywords and Keyword Sets
5. Showing Flags, Ratings, and Labels
6. Using Ratings
7. Using Flags
8. Using Color Labels and Label Sets
9. Metadata and XMP
10. Adding Photo Metadata
1. About Collections
2. Creating Collections
3. Creating Collection Sets
4. Using Collections and Collection Sets
5. Using the Quick Collection
6. Creating Smart Collections
7. Using Smart Collections
8. Using the All Synched Photographs Collection
Finding Photos in the Library Module
1. Using the Library Filter Bar
2. Using Library Filter Presets
3. Finding Photos by Collections
4. Finding Photos by Keyword Tags
The Map Module
1. The Map Module Environment
2. Creating a Collection from a Photo Bin
3. Using GPS Data with Photos
4. Using Saved Locations
The Develop Module
1. The Develop Module Environment
2. Using Views in the Develop Module
3. Creating and Using Develop Presets
4. Undoing Image Adjustments
5. Process Versions
6. Soft-Proofing Photos
7. Image History and Snapshots
8. Applying Develop Adjustments to Multiple Photos
Adjusting Images in the Develop Module
1. Correcting Perspective Distortion Using Upright
2. Correcting Lens Distortion Automatically
3. Correcting Chromatic Aberrations and Defringing
4. Manually Applying Transform and Vignette Corrections
5. Cropping Photos
6. Straightening Photos
7. Rotating and Flipping Photos
8. Applying a Postcrop Vignette
9. Applying a Film Grain
10. Applying the Dehaze Effect
11. Fixing Red Eye and Pet Eye
12. Using the Spot Removal Tool and Visualize Spots Feature
Adjusting Image Color in the Develop Module
1. Changing Color and Tone Using Profiles
2. Setting the White Balance
3. Adjusting Overall Tonal Scale
4. Adjusting the Tonal Scale Using the Histogram
5. Adjusting the Tonal Scale Using the Tone Curve Panel
6. Adjusting the Overall Color Saturation in the Basic Panel
7. Adjusting Colors in the HSL, Color, and B&W Panels
Local Adjustments in the Develop Module
1. About Local Adjustments
2. Applying Adjustment Brush or Filter Effects
3. Using the Radial Filter Tool
4. Graduated Filter or Radial Filter Brush Controls
5. Adjustment Brush or Graduated and Radial Filter Effects
6. Using Color or Luminance Range Masks
7. Saving Local Adjustment Effect Presets
The Book Module
1. The Book Module Environment
2. Setting Book Preferences
3. Selecting Photos for a New Book
4. The Book Settings Panel
5. The Auto Layout Panel
6. The Page Panel in the Book Module
7. The Guides Panel in the Book Module
8. The Cell Panel
9. The Text Panel
10. The Type Panel
11. The Background Panel
12. Editing Book Content
13. Saving Books
14. Exporting Books
The Slideshow Module
1. The Slideshow Module Environment
2. Overview of Creating a Slideshow
3. Applying Slideshow Templates
4. Changing Slideshow Options
5. Adding an Identity Plate to a Slideshow
6. Adding Watermarking to a Slideshow
7. Adding Rating Stars to a Slideshow
8. Adding Text Overlays to a Slideshow
9. The Backdrop Panel
10. Rearranging Slides
11. Rotating Slideshow Images
12. Setting Intro Screen and Ending Screen Options
13. Playing Music with Slideshows
14. Setting Slideshow Playback Options
15. Previewing Slideshows
16. Playing Slideshows
17. Saving Slideshows
18. Exporting Slideshows
19. Creating Custom Slideshow Templates
The Print Module
1. The Print Module Environment
2. Page Setup Settings
3. Setting Print Job Options and Printing
4. Saving Print Settings as a Print Collection
5. Using Print Templates
6. Applying Layout Styles
7. Applying Image Settings
8. The Layout Panel in the Print Module
9. The Guides and Rulers, Grid and Guides Panels
10. The Cells Panel
11. The Page Panel in the Print Module
12. Saving Custom Print Templates
The Web Module
1. The Web Module Environment
2. Overview of Creating Web Galleries
3. The Layout Style Panel in the Web Module
4. The Site Info Panel
5. The Color Palette Panel
6. The Appearance Panel
7. The Image Info Panel
8. The Output Settings Panel
9. FTP Presets and the Upload Settings Panel
10. Previewing a Web Photo Gallery
11. Exporting Web Photo Galleries
12. Uploading Web Photo Galleries
13. Saving a Web Gallery as a Web Collection
14. Creating Custom Web Gallery Templates
Getting Acquainted with OneNote
1. The OneNote Environment
2. The Title Bar
3. The Ribbon
4. The “File” Tab and Backstage View
5. The Quick Access Toolbar
6. The Scroll Bars
7. The Mini Toolbar
Getting Started
1. Opening, Saving and Closing Notebooks
2. Creating New Notebooks
3. Creating, Moving and Deleting Sections and Pages
4. Creating, Moving and Deleting Subpages
1. Creating a Basic Note
2. Quick Notes
3. Copying and Pasting Content
4. Screen Clippings
5. Adding Pictures
6. Adding Audio & Video Files
7. Inserting Online Video
8. Recording Audio & Video Files
9. Adding Other Types of Files
10. Embedding an Excel Spreadsheet
11. Adding Mathematical Equations
12. Quick Filing – Sending Information to OneNote
Formatting Notes
1. Basic Text Formatting
2. Bullets and Numbering
3. Checking Spelling
4. Setting Default Proofing Options
Working with Microsoft Outlook
1. Inserting Outlook Meetings
2. Sending Notebook Pages via Microsoft Outlook
3. Working with Microsoft Outlook Tasks
1. Creating a Table
2. Working with Columns and Rows
3. Formatting Tables and Table Data
4. Moving Tables and Table Data
Writing Tools
1. Pen Mode
2. Formatting Written Notes & Drawings
3. Adding and Removing Note Space
4. Converting Handwriting to Type
Viewing and Organizing Information
1. Organizing the OneNote Interface
2. Creating New Windows
3. Searching Content in a Notebook
4. Wiki Linking
5. Tagging Notes
6. Working with Sections
7. Section Groups
Stationery and Templates
1. Applying Templates and Stationery
2. Custom Templates
3. Choosing a Default Template
Formatting Pages
1. Defining Paper Size and Margins
2. Formatting Page Backgrounds
3. Adding a Background Graphic
1. Previewing and Printing
Sharing Notebooks & Collaborating
1. Saving and Exporting Notebooks to Share
2. Creating a Shared Notebook and Inviting Others to Share
3. Sharing Notes in an Outlook Meeting Invitation
4. Synching Notebooks
5. Sending Pages in Various Formats
6. Author Indicators
7. Finding Newly Added Content with Highlighting
8. Page Versions
9. The Notebook Recycle Bin
Researching with OneNote
1. Linked Notes
2. The Research Pane
3. Translating Text with the Mini Translator
Changing OneNote Options
1. Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar and Ribbon
2. Changing OneNote Options
Helping Yourself
1. Using OneNote Help
Getting Acquainted with Outlook
1. The Outlook Environment
2. The Title Bar
3. The Ribbon
4. The Quick Access Toolbar
5. Touch Mode
6. The Navigation Bar, Folder Pane, Reading Pane, and To-Do Bar
Making Contacts
1. The People Folder
2. Customizing the Contacts Folder View
3. Creating Contacts
4. Basic Contact Management
5. Printing Contacts
6. Creating Contact Groups
7. Categorizing Contacts
8. Searching for Contacts
9. Calling Contacts
10. Mapping a Contact’s Address
1. Using the Inbox
2. Changing the Inbox View
3. Message Flags
4. Searching for Messages
5. Creating, Addressing, and Sending Messages
6. Checking Message Spelling
7. Setting Message Options
8. Formatting Messages
9. Using Signatures
10. Replying to Messages
11. Forwarding Messages
12. Sending Attachments
13. Opening Attachments
14. Ignoring Conversations
The Sent Items Folder
1. The Sent Items Folder
2. Resending Messages
3. Recalling Messages
The Outbox Folder
1. Using the Outbox
2. Using the Drafts Folder
Using the Calendar
1. The Calendar Window
2. Switching the Calendar View
3. Navigating the Calendar
4. Appointments, Meetings and Events
5. Manipulating Calendar Objects
6. Setting an Appointment
7. Scheduling a Meeting
8. Checking Meeting Attendance Status
9. Responding to Meeting Requests
10. Scheduling an Event
11. Setting Recurrence
12. Printing the Calendar
13. Teams Meetings in Outlook
14. Meeting Notes
1. Using Tasks
2. Printing Tasks
3. Creating a Task
4. Setting Task Recurrence
5. Creating a Task Request
6. Responding to Task Requests
7. Sending Status Reports
8. Deleting Tasks
Deleted Items
1. The Deleted Items Folder
2. Permanently Deleting Items
3. Recovering Deleted Items
4. Recovering and Purging Permanently Deleted Items
1. Accessing Groups
2. Creating a New Group
3. Adding Members to Groups and Inviting Others
4. Contributing to Groups
5. Managing Files in Groups
6. Accessing the Group Calendar and Notebook
7. Following and Stop Following Groups
8. Leaving Groups
9. Editing, Managing and Deleting Groups
The Journal Folder
1. The Journal Folder
2. Switching the Journal View
3. Recording Journal Items
4. Opening Journal Entries and Documents
5. Deleting Journal Items
Public Folders
1. Creating Public Folders
2. Setting Permissions
3. Folder Rules
4. Copying Public Folders
Personal and Private Folders
1. Creating a Personal Folder
2. Setting AutoArchiving for Folders
3. Creating Private Folders
4. Creating Search Folders
5. One-Click Archiving
1. Creating and Using Notes
Advanced Mailbox Options
1. Creating Mailbox Rules
2. Creating Custom Mailbox Views
3. Handling Junk Mail
4. Color Categorizing
5. Advanced Find
6. Mailbox Cleanup
Outlook Options
1. Using Shortcuts
2. Adding Additional Profiles
3. Adding Accounts
4. Outlook Options
5. Using Outlook Help
1. Creating a Delegate
2. Acting as a Delegate
3. Deleting Delegates
1. Types of Email Encryption in Outlook
2. Sending Encrypted Email
Getting Acquainted with Outlook
1. The Outlook Environment
2. The Title Bar
3. The Ribbon
4. The Quick Access Toolbar
5. Touch Mode
6. The Navigation Bar, Folder Pane, Reading Pane, and To-Do Bar
Making Contacts
1. The People Folder
2. Customizing the Contacts Folder View
3. Creating Contacts
4. Basic Contact Management
5. Printing Contacts
6. Creating Contact Groups
7. Categorizing Contacts
8. Searching for Contacts
9. Calling Contacts
10. Mapping a Contact’s Address
1. Using the Inbox
2. Changing the Inbox View
3. Message Flags
4. Searching for Messages
5. Creating, Addressing, and Sending Messages
6. Checking Message Spelling
7. Setting Message Options
8. Formatting Messages
9. Using Signatures
10. Replying to Messages
11. Forwarding Messages
12. Sending Attachments
13. Opening Attachments
14. Ignoring Conversations
The Sent Items Folder
1. The Sent Items Folder
2. Resending Messages
3. Recalling Messages
The Outbox Folder
1. Using the Outbox
2. Using the Drafts Folder
Using the Calendar
1. The Calendar Window
2. Switching the Calendar View
3. Navigating the Calendar
4. Appointments, Meetings and Events
5. Manipulating Calendar Objects
6. Setting an Appointment
7. Scheduling a Meeting
8. Checking Meeting Attendance Status
9. Responding to Meeting Requests
10. Scheduling an Event
11. Setting Recurrence
12. Printing the Calendar
13. Teams Meetings in Outlook
14. Meeting Notes
1. Using Tasks
2. Printing Tasks
3. Creating a Task
4. Setting Task Recurrence
5. Creating a Task Request
6. Responding to Task Requests
7. Sending Status Reports
8. Deleting Tasks
Deleted Items
1. The Deleted Items Folder
2. Permanently Deleting Items
3. Recovering Deleted Items
4. Recovering and Purging Permanently Deleted Items
1. Accessing Groups
2. Creating a New Group
3. Adding Members to Groups and Inviting Others
4. Contributing to Groups
5. Managing Files in Groups
6. Accessing the Group Calendar and Notebook
7. Following and Stop Following Groups
8. Leaving Groups
9. Editing, Managing and Deleting Groups
The Journal Folder
1. The Journal Folder
2. Switching the Journal View
3. Recording Journal Items
4. Opening Journal Entries and Documents
5. Deleting Journal Items
Public Folders
1. Creating Public Folders
2. Setting Permissions
3. Folder Rules
4. Copying Public Folders
Personal and Private Folders
1. Creating a Personal Folder
2. Setting AutoArchiving for Folders
3. Creating Private Folders
4. Creating Search Folders
5. One-Click Archiving
1. Creating and Using Notes
Advanced Mailbox Options
1. Creating Mailbox Rules
2. Creating Custom Mailbox Views
3. Handling Junk Mail
4. Color Categorizing
5. Advanced Find
6. Mailbox Cleanup
Outlook Options
1. Using Shortcuts
2. Adding Additional Profiles
3. Adding Accounts
4. Outlook Options
5. Using Outlook Help
1. Creating a Delegate
2. Acting as a Delegate
3. Deleting Delegates
1. Types of Email Encryption in Outlook
2. Sending Encrypted Email
Managing Mail
1. Using Subfolders
2. Using Mailbox Rules to Organize Mail
3. Using Search and Search Folders to Organize Mail
4. Making Mail Easier to Search
5. Managing Reminders
6. Saving Email as PDF
7. Turning Emails into Tasks
8. AutoReply to Email
9. Auto-forward Email
10. Using Quick Parts
11. Using Quick Steps in Outlook
12. Tips to Reduce PST Folder Size
13. Adding Confidentiality Notices
14. Deferring Mail Delivery
Legal Contacts
1. Using BCC for Confidentiality with Contact Groups
Managing Legal Scheduling
1. Automatically Processing Meeting Requests
Managing Tasks
1. Task Tracking vs. Forwarding Email
2. Viewing and Managing Task Times
3. Categorizing Tasks and Managing Views
Getting Acquainted with Outlook on the Web
1. Introduction to the Outlook on the Web
2. What is the Outlook on the Web?
3. Starting Outlook on the Web
4. The Outlook on the Web Environment
5. System Requirements for the Outlook on the Web
6. Using the Outlook on the Web (Light) Version
7. Applying a Theme
8. Adding and Managing Add-ins
1. Using the Inbox
2. Creating and Addressing Messages
3. Entering and Formatting Messages
4. Checking Message Spelling
5. Saving Message Drafts
6. Sending Attachments from OneDrive
7. Sending Local Attachments
8. Inserting Pictures
9. Sending a Message
10. Receiving E-Mail Messages
11. Opening Messages
12. Printing Messages
13. Downloading Attachments
14. Replying to Messages
15. Forwarding Messages
16. Ignoring a Conversation Thread
17. The Deleted Items Folder
18. Permanently Deleting Items
19. Recovering Deleted Items
Managing Items
1. Creating and Managing Categories
2. Categorizing Items
3. Marking Messages as Read or Unread
4. Flagging Items
5. Marking Messages as Junk
6. Pinning Messages
7. Archiving Messages
8. Changing the Display of Messages in the Inbox Pane
Mailbox Management
1. Creating and Using Inbox and Sweep Rules
2. Creating a Folder
3. Moving and Copying Messages
4. Managing the Favorites Folder List
5. Filtering and Sorting Messages in the Inbox Pane
6. Setting and Managing Folder Permissions
7. Finding Items
E-Mail Options
1. Creating and Using E-Mail Signatures
2. Using Automatic Replies (Out of Office Assistant)
3. Changing Your Password
4. Viewing Your Mailbox Usage
5. Enabling Online Access
1. Opening the Calendar
2. Navigating Calendar Dates
3. Creating Appointments and Events
4. Canceling Appointments and Events
5. Creating Recurring Appointments and Events
6. Printing the Calendar
7. Sharing Calendars
8. Managing Multiple Calendars
9. Adding Shared Calendars
10. Using the Scheduling Assistant
11. Using the Suggested Meetings App
12. Accessing Calendar Options
13. Changing Automatic Processing Settings
14. Changing the Calendar Appearance
15. Changing the Notifications Settings
16. Publishing Calendars
17. Changing Reminders Settings
1. Creating a Meeting Request
2. Responding to Meeting Requests
3. Viewing Meeting Request Responses
4. Editing and Updating Meetings
5. Creating Recurring Meetings
1. Creating a New Contact
2. Adding Contacts from E-Mail
3. Creating a Contact List
4. Linking Contacts
5. Finding Contacts
6. Connecting to Social Networks
7. Using the Directory
8. Importing Contacts
1. Creating a New Task
2. Editing Tasks
3. Attaching Files to Tasks
4. Viewing Tasks and Flagged Items
5. Sorting Tasks
6. Filtering Tasks
7. Deleting Tasks
1. Accessing Groups
2. Creating a New Group
3. Adding Members to Groups
4. Contributing to Groups
5. Managing Files in Groups
6. Accessing the Group Calendar
7. Changing the View of Groups
8. Subscribing to and Unsubscribing from Groups
9. Leaving Groups
10. Editing, Managing, and Deleting Groups
Getting Acquainted with Peachtree
1. The Peachtree Environment
2. The Peachtree Navigation Centers
3. Using the Menu Bar
4. Using the Main Application Toolbar
5. Learning Common Business Terms
Setting Up a Company
1. Creating a Peachtree Company
2. Setting Customer Defaults
3. Setting Vendor Defaults
4. Setting Inventory Defaults
5. The Payroll Setup Wizard
6. Setting Payroll & Employee Defaults
7. Setting Job Defaults
8. Making a Backup
9. Restoring from a Backup File
Using the General Ledger
1. General Ledger Default Settings
2. Adding Accounts
3. Deleting Accounts
4. Adding Beginning Account Balances
5. Adding General Journal Entries
6. Basic General Ledger Reports
7. Entering Account Budgets
8. The Cash Account Register
Starting Accounts Receivable
1. Setting Up Accounts Receivable Defaults
2. Adding Customers
3. Adding Customer Beginning Balances
4. Setting Statement and Invoice Defaults
5. Sales Orders & Invoicing
6. The Sales Orders Window
7. The Sales/Invoicing Window
8. The Receipts Window
9. Statements and Finance Charges
10. Selecting Deposits
11. Changing a Record ID
Starting Accounts Payable
1. Setting Up Accounts Payable Defaults
2. Adding Vendors
3. Adding Beginning Balances for Vendors
4. The Purchase Orders Window
5. Entering a Drop Shipment
6. Select for Purchase Orders
7. The Purchases/Receive Inventory Window
8. The Payments Window
9. The Select For Payment Window
Adding Inventory
1. Adding Inventory
2. Removing Inventory
3. Entering Inventory Beginning Balances
4. Building and Unbuilding Assemblies
5. Making Inventory Adjustments
6. Changing Item Prices
Creating Payroll
1. Adding Employees
2. Adding Employee Beginning Balances
3. Paying a Group of Employees
4. Paying an Employee
5. Creating Payroll Formulas
6. Elements of Payroll Formulas
Account Management
1. Writing Checks
2. Voiding Checks
3. Reconciling Bank Accounts
4. Changing the Accounting Period
Using Sales Tax
1. The Sales Tax Wizard
2. Sales Tax Authorities
3. Sales Tax Codes & Exempt Sales
4. Collecting Sales Tax
5. Paying Sales Taxes
Using Quotes
1. Entering Quotes
2. Converting Quotes
Job Tracking
1. Setting Up a Job
2. Setting Job Defaults
3. Entering Beginning Balances for Jobs
4. Making Purchases for a Job
5. Invoicing for Job Purchases
6. Job Tracking
Time and Billing
1. Adding Time Ticket Employees
2. Entering Activity Items
3. Entering Charge Items
4. Entering Time Tickets
5. Entering Expense Tickets
6. Billing Time and Expense Tickets
Changing System Settings
1. Changing Posting Methods
2. Posting/Unposting
3. Memorized Transactions
4. Using the Purge Wizard
5. Using the Year-End Wizard
1. The Cash Manager
2. The Collection Manager
3. The Payment Manager
4. The Financial Manager
5. Find on Report
6. Preset Reports
7. Report Groups
8. Modifying Reports
9. Exporting Reports to Excel
10. Importing & Exporting Data
11. Exporting to PDF
12. Modifying Screen Templates
13. Modifying Forms
The Internal Accounting Review
1. Using the Internal Accounting Review
Action Items
1. Events
2. To-Do Items
3. Alerts
1. Changing Global Options
2. Changing the System Date
Assets and Liabilities
1. Assets and Liabilities
2. Creating an Other Current Assets Account
3. Subtracting Value from an Other Current Assets Account
4. Creating a Fixed Assets Account
5. Accumulated Depreciation
6. Liability Accounts
7. Paying on a Long Term Liability
8. Equity
1. Entering Credit Memos
2. Applying Credit Memos
3. Entering Vendor Credit Memos
1. Using the Contents
2. Using the Index
3. Using the Search Feature
Getting Acquainted with Photoshop
1. Introduction to Photoshop
2. The Photoshop Home Screen
3. How to Create a New Document in Photoshop
4. Photoshop Workspace Overview
5. How to Open a File in Photoshop
6. How to Close a File in Photoshop
7. How to Use Panels in Photoshop
8. How to Use the Document Windows in Photoshop
9. How to Create and Change Workspaces in Photoshop
10. How to Use the Tools Panel in Photoshop
11. How to Use the Contextual Task Bar in Photoshop
Camera Raw
1. About JPEG and Camera Raw Files
2. About Processing Camera Raw Files
3. How to Open a Camera Raw Image in Photoshop
4. The Camera Raw Dialog Box in Photoshop
5. The Zoom Tool and Hand Tool in Camera Raw
6. Toggle Sampler and Grid Overlays in Camera Raw
7. Process Versions and the Calibration Panel in Camera Raw
8. How to Adjust the White Balance in Camera Raw
9. How to Make Basic Tonal Adjustments in Camera Raw
10. How to Use the Tone Curve in Camera Raw
11. How to Make Detail Adjustments in Camera Raw
12. How to Use the Color Mixer in Camera Raw
13. How to Use Color Grading in Camera Raw
14. How to Use Optics in Camera Raw
15. How to Use Geometry in Camera Raw
16. How to Use Effects in Camera Raw
17. How to Apply Camera Raw Profiles
18. How to Reset Camera Raw Adjustments
19. How to Use Crop and Rotate Tools in Camera Raw
20. How to Use Healing in Camera Raw
21. How to Use Masking in Camera Raw
22. How to Remove Red Eye or Pet Eye in Camera Raw
23. How to Use Snapshots in Camera Raw
24. How to Use Presets in Camera Raw
25. How to Use the Filmstrip in Camera Raw
26. How to Update and Apply Camera Raw Adjustments in Photoshop
27. How to Convert and Save a Camera Raw File in Photoshop
28. How to Change Camera Raw Preferences
Image Editing Basics
1. Raster and Vector Image Data
2. How to Change the Image Size and Resolution
3. How to Place Embedded and Place Linked Files
4. How to Use the Rulers and Grid in Photoshop
5. How to Use Guides in Photoshop
6. How to Use Guide Layouts in Photoshop
7. The Undo Command and History Panel
8. How to View Document Information in Photoshop
9. How to Use the Zoom Tool
10. How to Use the Hand Tool and Navigator Panel
Color Basics
1. Color Modes and Models in Photoshop
2. How to Convert Color Modes in Photoshop
3. How to Change Color Settings in Photoshop
4. Foreground and Background Colors in Photoshop
5. How to Select a Color Using the Color Picker Dialog Box
6. How to Select a Color Using the Eyedropper Tool
7. How to Select a Color Using the Swatches Panel
8. How to Select a Color Using the Color Panel
Painting Tools
1. How to Use the Brush Tool in Photoshop
2. Blending Modes in Photoshop
3. How to Use the History Brush in Photoshop
4. How to Use the Art History Brush in Photoshop
5. How to Use the Pencil Tool in Photoshop
6. How to Use the Color Replacement Tool in Photoshop
7. How to Use the Mixer Brush Tool in Photoshop
8. How to Use the Eraser Tool in Photoshop
9. How to Use the Magic Eraser Tool in Photoshop
10. How to Use the Background Eraser Tool in Photoshop
Brush Settings
1. How to Use the Brush Preset Picker in Photoshop
2. How to Import Brushes in Photoshop
3. How to Use the Brush Settings Panel in Photoshop
4. Brush Tip Shape Settings in Photoshop
5. Shape Dynamics Settings in Photoshop
6. Scattering Settings in Photoshop
7. Texture Settings in Photoshop
8. Dual Brush Settings in Photoshop
9. Color Dynamics Settings in Photoshop
10. Transfer Settings in Photoshop
11. Brush Pose Settings in Photoshop
12. How to Create Custom Brush Presets in Photoshop
13. How to Create a Brush Tip from a Selection in Photoshop
14. How to Reset Brush Presets and Tools and Clear Brush Settings in Photoshop
15. How to Create Tool Presets in Photoshop
Making Selections
1. How to Make Basic Pixel Selections in Photoshop
2. How to Use the Marquee Tools in Photoshop
3. How to Use the Lasso Tool in Photoshop
4. How to Use the Polygonal Lasso Tool in Photoshop
5. How to Use the Magnetic Lasso Tool in Photoshop
6. How to Use the Object Selection Tool in Photoshop
7. How to Use the Quick Selection Tool in Photoshop
8. How to Use the Magic Wand Tool in Photoshop
9. Select Subject in Photoshop
10. How to Use the Select and Mask Workspace in Photoshop
11. How to Use Menu Bar Commands to Modify Pixel Selections in Photoshop
12. How to Transform Selections in Photoshop
13. How to Select a Color Range in Photoshop
14. How to Select a Focus Area in Photoshop
15. How to Copy and Paste Pixel Selections in Photoshop
16. How to Save, Edit, and Load Selections in Photoshop
Filling and Stroking
1. How to Apply Fills in Photoshop Using the Fill Dialog Box
2. How to Apply a Stroke in Photoshop Using the Stroke Dialog Box
3. How to Use the Gradient Tool in Photoshop
4. How to Edit a Gradient Adjustment in Photoshop
5. How to Use the Gradient Editor in Photoshop
6. How to Use the Paint Bucket Tool in Photoshop
1. About Layers and the Layers Panel in Photoshop
2. How to Create Different Layer Types in Photoshop
3. How to Create a New Layer in Photoshop
4. How to Convert a Background Layer in Photoshop
5. How to Select Layers in Photoshop
6. How to Hide and Show Layers in Photoshop
7. How to Duplicate Layers in Photoshop
8. How to Stack Layers and Order Layers in Photoshop
9. How to Link Layers in Photoshop
10. How to Group Layers in Photoshop
11. How to Color-Code Layers in Photoshop
12. How to Use the Move Tool in Photoshop to Move, Transform, Align, and Distribute Layer Content
13. How to Lock Pixels in Layers in Photoshop
14. How to Rename Layers and Delete Layers in Photoshop
15. How to Merge Layers and Flatten Layers in Photoshop
16. How to Apply a Layer Style in Photoshop
17. How to Create Adjustment Layers and Fill Layers in Photoshop
18. How to Create Clipping Masks in Photoshop
19. How to Create Layer Masks in Photoshop
20. How to Filter Layers in Photoshop
1. How to Create Vector Text and Raster Text Using the Type Tools in Photoshop
2. How to Create Point Text Using the Type Tools in Photoshop
3. How to Create Paragraph Text Using the Type Tools in Photoshop
4. How to Select Text in Photoshop
5. How to Use the Character and Paragraph Panels in Photoshop
6. How to Edit Text in Photoshop
7. How to Warp Text and Raster Content in Photoshop
8. How to Rasterize Type Layers in Photoshop
9. How to Add Text to the Border of an Open Path or Shape in Photoshop
10. How to Add Text Inside a Closed Path or Shape in Photoshop
1. Paths and Shapes in Photoshop
2. How to Use the Pen Tool in Photoshop
3. How to Use the Freeform Pen Tool in Photoshop
4. How to Use the Curvature Pen Tool in Photoshop
5. How to Use the Paths Panel in Photoshop
6. How to Use the Path Selection Tool in Photoshop
7. How to Use the Direct Selection Tool in Photoshop
8. How to Use the Add Anchor Point Tool in Photoshop
9. How to Use the Delete Anchor Point Tool in Photoshop
10. How to Use the Convert Point Tool in Photoshop
11. How to Use the Shape Tools in Photoshop
12. How to Set Path Operations in Photoshop
13. How to Align and Distribute Paths in Photoshop
14. How to Arrange Paths in Photoshop
15. How to Convert Paths to Selections in Photoshop
16. How to Convert a Selection into a Path in Photoshop
17. How to Convert a Path into a Shape in Photoshop
18. How to Define a Custom Shape in Photoshop
19. How to Use Vector Masks in Photoshop
Manipulating Images
1. How to Change the Canvas Size in Photoshop
2. How to Rotate and Flip the Canvas or Use the Rotate View Tool in Photoshop
3. How to Crop in Photoshop
4. How to Straighten an Image in Photoshop
5. How to Transform Content in Photoshop
6. How to Use the Smudge Tool in Photoshop
7. How to Use the Blur Tool in Photoshop
8. How to Use the Sharpen Tool in Photoshop
9. How to Use the Dodge Tool in Photoshop
10. How to Use the Burn Tool in Photoshop
11. How to Use the Sponge Tool in Photoshop
12. How to Use the Clone Stamp Tool in Photoshop
13. How to Use the Pattern Stamp Tool in Photoshop
14. How to Use the Spot Healing Brush Tool in Photoshop
15. How to Use the Remove Tool in Photoshop
16. How to Use the Healing Brush Tool in Photoshop
17. How to Use the Patch Tool in Photoshop
18. How to Use the Content-Aware Move Tool in Photoshop
19. How to Use the Red Eye Tool in Photoshop
20. How to Use Photomerge in Photoshop
21. How to Create a Knockout in Photoshop
22. How to Use Sky Replacement in Photoshop
Filtering and Adjusting Photos
1. Methods of Applying Filters and Adjustments in Photoshop
2. How to Apply Filters in Photoshop and Use the Filter Gallery
3. How to Use the Liquify Command in Photoshop
4. How to Apply Lens Correction in Photoshop
5. How to Apply Auto Adjustments in Photoshop
6. How to Adjust Shadows/Highlights in Photoshop
7. How to Adjust the Brightness/Contrast in Photoshop
8. How to Adjust the Levels in Photoshop
9. How to Adjust the Hue/Saturation in Photoshop
10. How to Desaturate in Photoshop
11. How to Replace Color in Photoshop
12. How to Adjust Curves in Photoshop
13. How to Adjust Exposure in Photoshop
14. How to Adjust Vibrance in Photoshop
15. How to Apply a Black and White Adjustment in Photoshop
16. How to Apply a Color Balance Adjustment in Photoshop
17. How to Apply a Photo Filter Adjustment in Photoshop
18. How to Apply a Channel Mixer Adjustment in Photoshop
19. How to Apply a Color Lookup Adjustment in Photoshop
20. How to Invert Colors in Photoshop
21. How to Apply a Threshold Adjustment in Photoshop
22. How to Apply a Gradient Map Adjustment in Photoshop
23. How to Apply a Selective Color Adjustment in Photoshop
24. Photo Repair Filters in Photoshop
25. How to Use the Smart Sharpen Filter in Photoshop
26. How to Use the Unsharp Mask Filter in Photoshop
1. Learn about Artboards in Photoshop
2. How to Create Artboards in Photoshop
3. How to Manage Artboards in Photoshop
4. How to Export Artboards to Files in Photoshop
5. How to Export Artboards to PDF in Photoshop
Saving, Printing, and Exporting Files
1. How to Save Files in Photoshop
2. How to Use Save for Web in Photoshop
3. How to Set Export Preferences in Photoshop
4. How to Use Quick Export in Photoshop
5. How to Use Export As in Photoshop
6. How to Print in Photoshop
1. How to Find Help in Photoshop
2. How to Show Your System Info in Photoshop
3. How to Download Updates to Photoshop
Getting Acquainted with Photoshop Elements
1. Introduction to Photoshop Elements
2. The Home Screen
Importing Photos Into the Organizer
1. The Organizer Environment
2. JPEG and Camera Raw
3. Importing Photos from Files and Folders
4. Importing Photos from Cameras and Card Readers
5. Importing Photos from a Scanner
6. Importing Photos in Bulk
7. Setting Watch Folders (Windows Only)
Using the Organizer
1. Grid, Single Photo, and Full Screen Views
2. Creating and Using Albums
3. Photo Sharing
4. Managing Albums
5. The Taskbar
6. Creating a New Catalog
7. Renaming Images
8. Creating Keyword Tags
9. Creating New Tag Categories
10. Assigning and Managing Tags and Ratings
11. Stacking and Unstacking
12. Assigning Digital Notes
13. Sorting Images
14. Searching and Finding Your Images
15. Date View and Timeline View
16. Back Up and Restore a Catalog
17. Managing Files in the Organizer
Camera Raw
1. About Processing Camera Raw Files
2. Opening a Camera Raw Image from the Organizer
3. Opening a Camera Raw Image from the Editor
4. The Camera Raw Dialog Box in the Editor
5. Edit Tools in Camera Raw
6. Crop and Rotate Tools in Camera Raw
7. Red Eye Removal in Camera Raw
8. Camera Raw Preferences
9. Process Versions
10. Camera Raw Profiles
11. Adjusting the White Balance
12. Making Basic Tonal Adjustments
13. Making Image Detail Adjustments
14. Resetting Camera Raw Settings
15. Using the Filmstrip
16. Opening Processed Camera Raw Files in the Editor
17. Saving a Camera Raw File as a DNG File
Edit Modes
1. The Different Edit Modes
2. The Expert Edit Mode Environment
3. The Panel Bin and Taskbar
4. The Photo Bin
5. The Undo Command and Undo History Panel
6. Opening Images
7. Image Magnification
8. Viewing Document Information
9. Moving the Image
10. Setting Preferences
11. Quick Edit Mode
12. Guided Edit Mode
Basic Image Manipulation
1. Bitmap Images
2. Vector Images
3. Image Size and Resolution Settings
4. Creating New Images
5. Placing Files
6. Displaying Drawing Guides
Color Basics
1. Color Modes and Models
2. Color Mode Conversion
3. Color Management
4. Foreground and Background Colors
5. Using the Color Picker
6. Selecting Colors with the Color Picker Tool
7. Selecting Colors with the Swatches Panel
Painting Tools
1. Painting Tools
2. The Brush Tool
3. Blending Modes
4. The Impressionist Brush
5. The Pencil Tool
6. The Color Replacement Tool
7. The Eraser Tool
8. The Magic Eraser Tool
9. The Background Eraser Tool
10. The Smart Brush Tools
Brush Settings
1. Using the Brush Preset Picker
2. Loading New Brush Sets
3. Creating Custom Brush Presets
4. Creating Brush Tips from Selections
5. Setting Shape Dynamics
6. Resetting the Brush and Tool Settings
Making Selections
1. Selection Basics
2. Making Pixel Selections
3. The Marquee Tools
4. The Lasso Tool
5. The Polygonal Lasso Tool
6. The Magnetic Lasso Tool
7. The Magic Wand Tool
8. The Auto Selection Tool
9. The Selection Brush Tool
10. The Refine Selection Brush Tool
11. The Quick Selection Tool
12. Modifying Pixel Selections
13. Refining Selection Edges
14. Transforming Selections
15. Copying and Pasting Pixel Selections
16. Saving and Loading Selections
Filling and Stroking
1. Applying Fills
2. Using the Paint Bucket Tool
3. Using the Gradient Tool
4. Using the Gradient Editor
5. Using Patterns
6. Stroking
1. About Layers and the Layers Panel
2. Layer Types
3. Creating New Layers
4. Converting a Background Layer
5. Selecting Layers
6. Hiding and Showing Layers
7. Duplicating Layers
8. Stacking and Linking Layers
9. Linking Layers
10. Grouping Layers
11. Color Coding Layers
12. Moving Layer Content with the Move Tool
13. Locking Pixels in Layers
14. Renaming Layers and Deleting Layers
15. Merging Layers and Flattening Layers
16. Layer Styles
17. Adjustment Layers and Fill Layers
18. Creating Clipping Groups
19. Layer Masks
1. Text Basics
2. Creating Point Text
3. Creating Paragraph Text
4. Selecting Text
5. Manipulating and Moving Text Boxes
6. Creating a Type Mask
7. Warping Text
8. Applying Layer Styles to Text Layers
9. Simplifying Text
10. Text on Selections, Shapes and Custom Paths Tools
1. Raster vs. Vector
2. Shape Layers and Shape Options
3. Using the Shape Tools
4. The Cookie Cutter Tool
Manipulating Images
1. Changing the Canvas Size
2. Rotating and Flipping Images
3. Cropping Images
4. The Free Transform Command
5. The Smudge Tool
6. Blurring and Sharpening Images
7. Using the Dodge Tool and the Burn Tool
8. The Sponge Tool
9. Filters and The Filter Gallery
10. The Liquify Command
11. Applying Effects
12. The Clone Stamp Tool
13. The Recompose Tool
14. Photomerge
15. The Pattern Stamp Tool
16. The Healing Brush Tool
17. The Spot Healing Brush Tool
18. The Straighten Tool
19. The Content-Aware Move Tool
20. Correcting Camera Distortions
Enhancing Photos
1. Auto Fixes
2. The Red Eye Removal Tool
3. Adjusting Shadows/Highlights
4. Adjusting Brightness/Contrast
5. Using Levels
6. Removing Color Casts
7. Hue/Saturation
8. Removing Color
9. Replacing Color
10. Color Curves
11. Adjusting Skin Tone
12. Defringing Layers
13. Adjust Smart Fix
14. Convert to Black and White
15. Colorize Photo
16. Haze Removal
17. Adjust Sharpness
18. Smooth Skin
19. Open Closed Eyes
20. Adjust Facial Features
21. Shake Reduction
22. Unsharp Mask
23. Repairing Photos
24. Moving Photos
25. Moving Overlays
Saving Images
1. Saving Images
2. The Save for Web Dialog Box
Printing, Sharing & Creating
1. Printing Images
2. Creation Wizards
3. Creating a Slide Show
4. Editing a Slide Show
5. Sharing Your Creations
1. Elements Help
2. System Info
3. Online Updates
Getting Acquainted with PowerPoint
1. The PowerPoint Environment
2. The Title Bar
3. The Ribbon
4. The “File” Tab and Backstage View
5. The Quick Access Toolbar
6. Touch/Mouse Mode
7. The Scroll Bars
8. The Presentation View Buttons
9. The Zoom Slider
10. The Status Bar
11. The Mini Toolbar
12. Keyboard Shortcuts
13. What’s New in PowerPoint 2016
Creating Basic Presentations
1. Opening Presentations
2. Closing Presentations
3. Creating New Presentations
4. Saving Presentations
5. Recovering Unsaved Presentations
6. Inserting New Slides
7. Applying Slide Layouts
8. Sharing Presentations
9. Working with PowerPoint File Formats
Using Presentation Views
1. Normal View
2. Outline View
3. Slide Sorter View
4. Notes Page View
5. Slide Show View
6. Reading View
Using Text
1. Adding Text to Slides
2. Basic Object Manipulation
3. Font Formatting
4. Paragraph Formatting
5. Applying Custom Bullets and Numbering
6. Using Tabs
7. Setting Text Options
8. Checking Spelling
Using Pictures
1. Inserting Pictures Saved Locally
2. Inserting Online Pictures
3. Basic Graphic Manipulation
4. Using Picture Tools
5. Using the Format Picture Task Pane
6. Fill and Line Settings
7. Effects Settings
8. Size and Properties Settings
9. Picture Settings
Using SmartArt
1. Inserting and Manipulating SmartArt
2. Formatting SmartArt
Using Slide Show View
1. Running a Slide Show
2. Using Custom Shows
Printing Your Presentation
1. Changing Slide Size
2. Setting the Slide Header and Footer
3. Previewing and Printing Presentations
Helping Yourself
1. Using PowerPoint Help
2. The Tell Me Bar
3. Smart Lookup and Insights
Applying Animation
1. Adding Slide Transition Animation
2. Adding Object Animation
Drawing Objects
1. Inserting Shapes
2. Formatting Shapes
3. Inserting WordArt
Inserting Video and Sound
1. Inserting Videos
2. Inserting Audio
3. Animating Multimedia Playback
4. Recording a Sound
5. Screen Recording
Using Themes
1. Applying Themes
2. Creating Custom Color Schemes
3. Creating Custom Font Schemes
4. Customizing the Slide Background
Using Presentation Masters
1. Using Slide Masters and Slide Layouts
2. Using the Notes Master
3. Using the Handout Master
4. Saving a Presentation Template
Setting Up the Presentation
1. Setting Up the Slide Show
2. Recording Narration
3. Rehearsing Timings
Applying Actions
1. Inserting Actions
2. Inserting Hyperlinks
Inserting Charts, Tables, and Objects
1. Inserting Charts
2. Inserting Tables
3. Inserting Objects
Setting PowerPoint Options
1. Setting PowerPoint Options
Getting Acquainted with Project
1. About Project
2. Starting Project
3. Project Management Terms and Concepts
4. The Project Environment
5. The Title Bar
6. The Ribbon
7. The “File” Tab and Backstage View
8. The Scroll Bars
9. The Quick Access Toolbar
10. The Entry Bar
11. The Status Bar
12. Touch Mode
Project Basics
1. Opening Projects
2. Closing Projects
3. Creating New Projects
4. Saving Projects
5. Changing Project Views
6. Planning a Project
1.Creating Tasks
2. Editing and Deleting Tasks
3. Setting Task Duration
4. Linking Tasks
5. Marking Milestones
6. Using Phases and Summary Tasks
7. Using Task Notes
1. Project Resources Overview
2. Creating Work Resources
3. Creating Material Resources
4. Creating Cost Resources
5. Entering Costs for Project Resources
6. Scheduling Work Resources
7. Creating New Base Calendars
Resource and Task Assignment
1. Assigning Work Resources to Tasks
2. Assigning Material Resources to Tasks
3. Assigning Cost Resources to Tasks
4. The Team Planner
Tracking Project Tasks
1. Creating Project Baselines
2. Updating Multiple Tasks in a Project
3. Updating Tasks Individually
4. Rescheduling Uncompleted Work
Formatting Gantt Chart Views
1. Formatting Text in a Gantt Chart
2. Formatting Gridlines in a Gantt Chart
3. Formatting the Task Bar Layout in a Gantt Chart
4. Formatting Columns in Gantt Charts
5. Applying Bar and Gantt Chart Styles
6. Drawing Objects
7. Formatting Timescale in Gantt Charts
8. Creating Custom Views
Other Project Views
1. Using Timeline View
2. Creating Multiple Timelines
3. The Task Usage View
4. The Network Diagram View
5. The Calendar View
6. Printing Views
Advanced Task Management
1. Setting Task Lead and Lag Time
2. Using Task Constraints
3. Task Types
4. Setting Deadlines
5. Interrupting Tasks
6. Moving and Rescheduling Tasks
7. Inspecting Tasks
8. Creating Recurring Tasks
9. Entering Fixed Costs
10. Critical Paths
11. Using WBS Codes
Advanced Resource Management
1. Applying Multiple Resource Rates
2. Advanced Resource Availability
3. Using Work Contours
4. Material Resource Consumption Rates
5. Delaying Resource Assignments
Advanced Project Tracking
1. Monitoring Resource Allocation
2. Leveling Overallocated Resources
3. Monitoring Project Costs
4. Monitoring Project Statistics
Advanced Project Tools
1. Using the Organizer
2. Making Macros
3. Customizing the Ribbon
4. Creating and Linking Resource Pools
5. Using and Updating Resource Pools
6. Consolidating and Linking Multiple Projects
1. Using Earned Value Analysis
2. Creating Basic Reports
3. Selecting Report Objects
4. Changing the Report View
5. Basic Report Formatting
6. Inserting Report Objects
7. Managing Reports
8. Basic Page Setup for Reports
9. Advanced Page Setup for Reports
10. Printing Reports
Modifying Report Objects
1. Selecting, Moving and Resizing Report Charts
2. Using the Field List with Report Charts
3. Designing Report Charts
4. Formatting Report Charts
5. Using Report Tables
6. Designing Report Tables
7. Setting Report Table Layout Options
8. Modifying Pictures, Text Boxes and Shapes
9. Formatting Text Boxes and Shapes
10. Formatting Report Pictures
Visual Reporting
1. Using Visual Reports
Getting Acquainted with Publisher
1. The Publisher Environment
2. The Title Bar
3. The Ribbon
4. The File Tab and Backstage View
5. The Quick Access Toolbar
6. Touch Mode
7. The Scroll Bars
8. The Page Layout View Buttons
9. The Zoom Slider and Zoom Button
10. The Status Bar
11. The Mini Toolbar
12. Keyboard Shortcuts
Creating Basic Publications
1. Creating New Publications
2. Changing the Publication Template
3. Using Business Information
4. Saving Publications
5. Closing Publications
6. Opening Publications
7. Inserting New Pages
8. Deleting Pages
9. Moving Pages
Basic Skills
1. Inserting Text Boxes
2. Inserting Shapes
3. Adding Text to Shapes
4. Inserting Pictures Saved Locally
5. Inserting Online Pictures
6. Inserting Picture Placeholders
7. Using the Scratch Area
8. Moving, Resizing, and Rotating Objects
9. Deleting Objects
10. Using Find and Replace
11. Using AutoCorrect
12. Inserting WordArt
Formatting Objects
1. Formatting Text
2. Formatting Shapes
3. Formatting Pictures
Using Building Blocks
1. Creating Basic Building Blocks
2. Using Building Blocks
Master Pages
1. Using Master Pages
Customizing Schemes
1. Creating a Custom Color Scheme
2. Creating a Custom Font Scheme
3. Customizing Page Backgrounds
Using Tables
1. Creating and Deleting Tables
2. Selecting Table Elements
3. Inserting and Deleting Columns and Rows
4. Merging Text in Table Cells
5. Modifying Text in Table Cells
6. Formatting Tables
Page Setup and Layouts
1. Using Page Setup
2. Using Layout Guides
3. Using the Rulers
1. Mail Merge
2. The Step by Step Mail Merge Wizard
3. Creating a Data Source
4. Selecting Recipients
5. Inserting and Deleting Merge Fields
6. Previewing a Merge
7. Detaching the Data Source
8. Finishing a Mail Merge
9.Merging a Catalog
1. Previewing and Printing
2. Using the Pack and Go Feature
3. Sharing and Exporting Publications
Helping Yourself
1. Using Publisher Help
The QuickBooks Environment
1. The Home Page and Insights Tabs
2. The Centers
3. The Menu Bar and Keyboard Shortcuts
4. The Open Window List
5. The Icon Bar
6. Customizing the Icon Bar
7. The Chart of Accounts
8. Accounting Methods
9. Financial Reports
Creating a QuickBooks Company File
1. Using Express Start
2. Using the EasyStep Interview
3. Returning to the Easy Step Interview
4. Creating a Local Backup Copy
5. Restoring a Company File from a Local Backup Copy
6. Setting Up Users
7. Single and Multiple User Modes
8. Closing Company Files
9. Opening a Company File
Using Lists
1. Using Lists
2. The Chart of Accounts
3. The Customers & Jobs List
4. The Employees List
5. The Vendors List
6. Using Custom Fields
7. Sorting List
8. Inactivating and Reactivating List Items
9. Printing Lists
10. Renaming & Merging List Items
11. Adding Multiple List Entries from Excel
Setting Up Sales Tax
1. The Sales Tax Process
2. Creating Tax Agencies
3. Creating Individual Sales Tax Items
4. Creating a Sales Tax Group
5. Setting Sales Tax Preferences
6. Indicating Taxable & Non-taxable Customers and Items
Setting Up Inventory Items
1. Setting Up Inventory
2. Creating Inventory Items
3. Creating a Purchase Order
4. Receiving Items with a Bill
5. Entering Item Receipts
6. Matching Bills to Item Receipts
7. Adjusting Inventory
Setting Up Other Items
1. Service Items
2. Non-Inventory Items
3. Other Charges
4. Subtotals
5. Groups
6. Discounts
7. Payments
8. Changing Item Prices
Basic Sales
1. Selecting a Sales Form
2. Creating an Invoice
3. Creating Batch Invoices
4. Creating a Sales Receipt
5. Finding Transaction Forms
6. Previewing Sales Forms
7. Printing Sales Forms
Using Price Levels
1. Using Price Levels
Creating Billing Statements
1. Setting Finance Charge Defaults
2. Entering Statement Charges
3. Applying Finance Charges and Creating Statements
Payment Processing
1. Recording Customer Payments
2. Entering a Partial Payment
3. Applying One Payment to Multiple Invoices
4. Entering Overpayments
5. Entering Down Payments or Prepayments
6. Applying Customer Credits
7. Making Deposits
8. Handling Bounced Checks
9. Automatically Transferring Credits Between Jobs
10. Manually Transferring Credits Between Jobs
Handling Refunds
1. Creating a Credit Memo and Refund Check
2. Refunding Customer Payments
Entering and Paying Bills
1. Setting Billing Preferences
2. Entering Bills
3. Paying Bills
4. Early Bill Payment Discounts
5. Entering a Vendor Credit
6. Applying a Vendor Credit
Using Bank Accounts
1. Using Registers
2. Writing Checks
3. Writing a Check for Inventory Items
4. Printing Checks
5. Transferring Funds
6. Reconciling Accounts
7. Voiding Checks
Paying Sales Tax
1. Sales Tax Reports
2. Using the Sales Tax Payable Register
3. Paying Your Tax Agencies
1. Graph and Report Preferences
2. Using QuickReports
3. Using QuickZoom
4. Preset Reports
5. Modifying a Report
6. Rearranging and Resizing Report Columns
7. Memorizing a Report
8. Memorized Report Groups
9. Printing Reports
10. Batch Printing Forms
11.Exporting Reports to Excel
12. Saving Forms and Reports as PDF Files
13. Comment on a Report
14. Process Multiple Reports
15. Scheduled Reports
Using Graphs
1. Using Graphs
2. Company Snapshot
Customizing Forms
1. Creating New Form Templates
2. Performing Basic Customization
3. Performing Additional Customization
4. The Layout Designer
5. Changing the Grid and Margins in the Layout Designer
6. Selecting Objects in the Layout Designer
7. Moving and Resizing Objects in the Layout Designer
8. Formatting Objects in the Layout Designer
9. Copying Objects and Formatting in the Layout Designer
10. Adding and Removing Objects in the Layout Designer
11. Aligning and Stacking Objects in the Layout Designer
12. Resizing Columns in the Layout Designer
1. Creating a Job
2. Creating an Estimate
3. Duplicating Estimates
4. Invoicing From Estimates
5. Updating Job Statuses
6. Inactivating Estimates
7. Making Purchases for a Job
8. Invoicing for Job Costs
9. Using Job Reports
Time Tracking
1. Tracking Time and Printing a Blank Timesheet
2. Weekly Timesheets
3. Time/Enter Single Activity
4. Invoicing from Time Data
5. Using Time Reports
6. Tracking Vehicle Mileage
7. Charging Customers for Mileage
1. The Payroll Process
2. Creating Payroll Items
3. Setting Employee Defaults
4. Setting Up Employee Payroll Information
5. Creating Payroll Schedules
6. Creating Scheduled Paychecks
7. Creating Unscheduled Paychecks
8. Creating Termination Paychecks
9. Voiding Paychecks
10. Tracking Your Tax Liabilities
11. Paying Your Payroll Tax Liabilities
12. Adjusting Payroll Liabilities
13. Entering Liability Refund Checks
14. Process Payroll Forms
15. Tracking Workers Compensation
Using Credit Card Accounts
1. Creating Credit Card Accounts
2. Entering Credit Card Charges
3. Reconciling and Paying Credit Cards
Assets and Liabilities
1. Assets and Liabilities
2. Creating and Using an Other Current Asset Account
3. Removing Value from Other Current Asset Accounts
4. Creating Fixed Asset Accounts
5. Creating Liability Accounts
6. Setting the Original Cost of Fixed Assets
7. Tracking Depreciation
8. The Loan Manager
9. The Fixed Asset Item List
Equity Accounts
1. Equity Accounts
2. Recording an Owner’s Draw
3. Recording a Capital Investment
Writing Letters With QuickBooks
1. Using the Letters and Envelopes Wizard
2. Editing Letter Templates
Company Management
1. Viewing Your Company Information
2. Setting Up Budgets
3. Using the To Do List
4. Using Reminders and Setting Preferences
5. Making General Journal Entries
6. Using the Cash Flow Projector
7. Using Payment Reminders
8. Receipt Management
Using QuickBooks Tools
1. Company File Cleanup
2. Exporting and Importing List Data Using IIF Files
3. Advanced Importing of Excel Data
4. Updating QuickBooks
5. Using the Calculator
6. Using the Portable Company Files
7. Using the Calendar
8. The Income Tracker
9. The Bill Tracker
10. The Lead Center
11. Moving QuickBooks Desktop Using the Migrator Tool
Using the Accountant’s Review
1. Creating an Accountant’s Copy
2. Transferring an Accountant’s Copy
3. Importing Accountant’s
4. Removing Restrictions
Using the Help Menu
1. Using Help
The QuickBooks Environment
1. The Home Page and Insights Tabs
2. The Centers
3. The Menu Bar and Keyboard Shortcuts
4. The Open Window List
5. The Icon Bar
6. Customizing the Icon Bar
7. The Chart of Accounts
8. Accounting Methods
9. Financial Reports
Creating a QuickBooks Company File
1. Using Express Start
2. Using the EasyStep Interview
3. Returning to the Easy Step Interview
4. Creating a Local Backup Copy
5. Restoring a Company File from a Local Backup Copy
6. Setting Up Users
7. Single and Multiple User Modes
8. Closing Company Files
9. Opening a Company File
Using Lists
1. Using Lists
2. The Chart of Accounts
3. The Customers & Jobs List
4. The Employees List
5. The Vendors List
6. Using Custom Fields
7. Sorting List
8. Inactivating and Reactivating List Items
9. Printing Lists
10. Renaming & Merging List Items
11. Adding Multiple List Entries from Excel
Setting Up Sales Tax
1. The Sales Tax Process
2. Creating Tax Agencies
3. Creating Individual Sales Tax Items
4. Creating a Sales Tax Group
5. Setting Sales Tax Preferences
6. Indicating Taxable & Non-taxable Customers and Items
Setting Up Inventory Items
1. Setting Up Inventory
2. Creating Inventory Items
3. Creating a Purchase Order
4. Receiving Items with a Bill
5. Entering Item Receipts
6. Matching Bills to Item Receipts
7. Adjusting Inventory
Setting Up Other Items
1. Service Items
2. Non-Inventory Items
3. Other Charges
4. Subtotals
5. Groups
6. Discounts
7. Payments
8. Changing Item Prices
Basic Sales
1. Selecting a Sales Form
2. Creating an Invoice
3. Creating Batch Invoices
4. Creating a Sales Receipt
5. Finding Transaction Forms
6. Previewing Sales Forms
7. Printing Sales Forms
Using Price Levels
1. Using Price Levels
Creating Billing Statements
1. Setting Finance Charge Defaults
2. Entering Statement Charges
3. Applying Finance Charges and Creating Statements
Payment Processing
1. Recording Customer Payments
2. Entering a Partial Payment
3. Applying One Payment to Multiple Invoices
4. Entering Overpayments
5. Entering Down Payments or Prepayments
6. Applying Customer Credits
7. Making Deposits
8. Handling Bounced Checks
9. Automatically Transferring Credits Between Jobs
10. Manually Transferring Credits Between Jobs
Handling Refunds
1. Creating a Credit Memo and Refund Check
2. Refunding Customer Payments
Entering and Paying Bills
1. Setting Billing Preferences
2. Entering Bills
3. Paying Bills
4. Early Bill Payment Discounts
5. Entering a Vendor Credit
6. Applying a Vendor Credit
Using Bank Accounts
1. Using Registers
2. Writing Checks
3. Writing a Check for Inventory Items
4. Printing Checks
5. Transferring Funds
6. Reconciling Accounts
7. Voiding Checks
Paying Sales Tax
1. Sales Tax Reports
2. Using the Sales Tax Payable Register
3. Paying Your Tax Agencies
1. Graph and Report Preferences
2. Using QuickReports
3. Using QuickZoom
4. Preset Reports
5. Modifying a Report
6. Rearranging and Resizing Report Columns
7. Memorizing a Report
8. Memorized Report Groups
9. Printing Reports
10. Batch Printing Forms
11.Exporting Reports to Excel
12. Saving Forms and Reports as PDF Files
13. Comment on a Report
14. Process Multiple Reports
15. Scheduled Reports
Using Graphs
1. Using Graphs
2. Company Snapshot
Customizing Forms
1. Creating New Form Templates
2. Performing Basic Customization
3. Performing Additional Customization
4. The Layout Designer
5. Changing the Grid and Margins in the Layout Designer
6. Selecting Objects in the Layout Designer
7. Moving and Resizing Objects in the Layout Designer
8. Formatting Objects in the Layout Designer
9. Copying Objects and Formatting in the Layout Designer
10. Adding and Removing Objects in the Layout Designer
11. Aligning and Stacking Objects in the Layout Designer
12. Resizing Columns in the Layout Designer
1. Creating a Job
2. Creating an Estimate
3. Duplicating Estimates
4. Invoicing From Estimates
5. Updating Job Statuses
6. Inactivating Estimates
7. Making Purchases for a Job
8. Invoicing for Job Costs
9. Using Job Reports
Time Tracking
1. Tracking Time and Printing a Blank Timesheet
2. Weekly Timesheets
3. Time/Enter Single Activity
4. Invoicing from Time Data
5. Using Time Reports
6. Tracking Vehicle Mileage
7. Charging Customers for Mileage
1. The Payroll Process
2. Creating Payroll Items
3. Setting Employee Defaults
4. Setting Up Employee Payroll Information
5. Creating Payroll Schedules
6. Creating Scheduled Paychecks
7. Creating Unscheduled Paychecks
8. Creating Termination Paychecks
9. Voiding Paychecks
10. Tracking Your Tax Liabilities
11. Paying Your Payroll Tax Liabilities
12. Adjusting Payroll Liabilities
13. Entering Liability Refund Checks
14. Process Payroll Forms
15. Tracking Workers Compensation
Using Credit Card Accounts
1. Creating Credit Card Accounts
2. Entering Credit Card Charges
3. Reconciling and Paying Credit Cards
Assets and Liabilities
1. Assets and Liabilities
2. Creating and Using an Other Current Asset Account
3. Removing Value from Other Current Asset Accounts
4. Creating Fixed Asset Accounts
5. Creating Liability Accounts
6. Setting the Original Cost of Fixed Assets
7. Tracking Depreciation
8. The Loan Manager
9. The Fixed Asset Item List
Equity Accounts
1. Equity Accounts
2. Recording an Owner’s Draw
3. Recording a Capital Investment
Writing Letters With QuickBooks
1. Using the Letters and Envelopes Wizard
2. Editing Letter Templates
Company Management
1. Viewing Your Company Information
2. Setting Up Budgets
3. Using the To Do List
4. Using Reminders and Setting Preferences
5. Making General Journal Entries
6. Using the Cash Flow Projector
7. Using Payment Reminders
8. Receipt Management
Using QuickBooks Tools
1. Company File Cleanup
2. Exporting and Importing List Data Using IIF Files
3. Advanced Importing of Excel Data
4. Updating QuickBooks
5. Using the Calculator
6. Using the Portable Company Files
7. Using the Calendar
8. The Income Tracker
9. The Bill Tracker
10. The Lead Center
11. Moving QuickBooks Desktop Using the Migrator Tool
Using the Accountant’s Review
1. Creating an Accountant’s Copy
2. Transferring an Accountant’s Copy
3. Importing Accountant’s
4. Removing Restrictions
Using the Help Menu
1. Using Help
Creating a Legal Company File
1. Making a Legal Company Using Express Start
2. Making a Legal Company Using the EasyStep Interview
3. Reviewing the Default Chart of Accounts
4. Entering Vendors
5. Entering Clients and Cases
6. Enabling Class Tracking for Law Firms
7. Creating Billing Line Items
Setting up a Trust Account
1. What is an IOLTA?
2. Creating Accounts for Trust Management
3. Creating Items for Trust Management
Managing a Trust Account
1. Depositing Client Money into the Client Trust Account
2. Entering Bills to Pay from the Trust Account
3. Recording Bills for Office Expenses
4. Paying Bills from the Client Trust Account
5. Using a Client Trust Credit Card
6. Time Tracking and Invoicing for Legal Professionals
7. Paying the Law Firm’s Invoices Using the Client Funds
8. Refunding Unused Client Trust Account Funds
9. Escheated Trust Funds
Trust Account Reporting
1. Creating a Trust Account Liability Proof Report
2. Creating a Trust Liability Balances by Client Report
3. Creating a Client Ledger Report
4. Creating an Account Journal Report
The QuickBooks Online Plus Environment
1. The QuickBooks Online Interface
2. The Dashboard Page
3. The Navigation Bar
4. The + New Button
5. The Settings Button
6. Accountant View and Business View
Creating a Company File
1. Signing Up for QuickBooks Online Plus
2. Importing Company Data
3. Creating a New Company File
4. How Backups Work in QuickBooks Online Plus
5. Setting Up and Managing Users
6. Transferring the Primary Admin
7. Customizing Company File Settings
8. Customizing Billing and Subscription Settings
9. Usage Settings
10. Customizing Sales Settings
11. Customizing Expenses Settings
12. Customizing Payment Settings
13. Customizing Advanced Settings
14. Signing Out of QuickBooks Online Plus
15. Switching Company Files
16. Cancelling a Company File
Using Pages and Lists
1. Using Lists and Pages
2. The Chart of Accounts
3. Adding New Accounts
4. Assigning Account Numbers
5. Adding New Customers
6. The Customers Page and List
7. Adding Employees to the Employees List
8. Adding New Vendors
9. The Vendors Page and List
10. Sorting Lists
11. Inactivating and Reactivating List Items
12. Printing Lists
13. Renaming and Merging List Items
14. Creating and Using Tags
15. Creating and Applying Customer Types
Setting Up Sales Tax
1. Enabling Sales Tax
2. Adding, Editing, and Inactivating Sales Tax Agencies
3. Adding, Editing, and Inactivating Custom Sales Tax Rates
4. Indicating Taxable and Non-taxable Customers and Items
Setting Up Inventory Items
1. Setting Up Inventory
2. Creating Inventory Items
3. Enabling Purchase Orders and Custom Fields
4. Creating a Purchase Order
5. Applying Purchase Orders to Vendor Transactions
6. Adjusting Inventory
Setting Up Other Items
1. Creating a Non-inventory or Service Item
2. Creating a Bundle
3. Creating a Discount Line Item
4. Creating a Payment Line Item
5. Changing Item Prices and Using Price Rules
Basic Sales
1. Enabling Custom Fields in Sales Forms
2. Creating an Invoice
3. Creating a Recurring Invoice
4. Creating Batch Invoices
5. Creating a Sales Receipt
6. Finding Transaction Forms
7. Previewing Sales Forms
8. Printing Sales Forms
9. Grouping and Subtotaling Items in Invoices
10. Entering a Delayed Charge
11. Managing Sales Transactions
12. Checking and Changing Sales Tax in Sales Forms
Creating Billing Statements
1. About Statements and Customer Charges
2. Automatic Late Fees
3. Creating Customer Statements
Payment Processing
1. Recording Customer Payments
2. Entering Overpayments
3. Entering Down Payments or Prepayments
4. Applying Customer Credits
5. Making Deposits
6. Handling Bounced Checks by Invoice
7. Handling Bounced Checks by Expense or Journal Entry
8. Handling Bad Debt
Handling Refunds
1. Refund Options in QuickBooks Online
2. Creating a Credit Memo
3. Creating a Refund Receipt
4. Refunding Customer Payments by Check
5. Creating a Delayed Credit
Entering And Paying Bills
1. Entering Bills
2. Paying Bills
3. Creating Terms for Early Bill Payment
4. Early Bill Payment Discounts
5. Entering a Vendor Credit
6. Applying a Vendor Credit
7. Managing Expense Transactions
Using Bank Accounts
1. Using Registers
2. Writing Checks
3. Printing Checks
4. Transferring Funds Between Accounts
5. Reconciling Accounts
6. Voiding Checks
7. Creating an Expense
8. Managing Bank and Credit Card Transactions
9. Creating and Managing Rules
10. Uploading Receipts and Bills
Paying Sales Tax
1. Sales Tax Reports
2. Using the Sales Tax Payable Register
3. Paying Your Tax Agencies
1. Creating Customer and Vendor QuickReports
2. Creating Account QuickReports
3. Using QuickZoom
4. Standard Reports
5. Basic Standard Report Customization
6. Customizing General Report Settings
7. Customizing Rows and Columns Report Settings
8. Customizing Aging Report Settings
9. Customizing Filter Report Settings
10. Customizing Header and Footer Report Settings
11. Resizing Report Columns
12. Emailing, Printing, and Exporting Preset Reports
13. Saving Customized Reports
14. Using Report Groups
15. Management Reports
16. Customizing Management Reports
Using Graphs
1. Business Snapshot
Customizing Forms
1. Creating Custom Form Styles
2. Custom Form Design Settings
3. Custom Form Content Settings
4. Custom Form Emails Settings
5. Managing Custom Form Styles
Projects and Estimating
1. Creating Projects
2. Adding Transactions to Projects
3. Creating Estimates
4. Changing the Term Estimate
5. Copy an Estimate to a Purchase Order
6. Invoicing from an Estimate
7. Duplicating Estimates
8. Tracking Costs for Projects
9. Invoicing for Billable Costs
10. Using Project Reports
Time Tracking
1. Time Tracking Settings
2. Basic Time Tracking
3. QuickBooks Time Timesheet Preferences
4. Manually Recording Time in QuickBooks Time
5. Approving QuickBooks Time
6. Invoicing from Time Data
7. Using Time Reports
8. Entering Mileage
1. Setting Up QuickBooks Online Payroll and Payroll Settings
2. Editing Employee Information
3. Creating Pay Schedules
4. Creating Scheduled Paychecks
5. Creating Commission Only or Bonus Only Paychecks
6. Changing an Employee’s Payroll Status
7. Print, Edit, Delete, or Void Paychecks
8. Manually Recording External Payroll
Using Credit Card Accounts
1. Creating Credit Card Accounts
2. Entering Charges on Credit Cards
3. Entering Credit Card Credits
4. Reconciling and Paying Credit Cards
5. Pay Down Credit Card
Assets and Liabilities
1. Assets and Liabilities
2. Creating and Using Other Current Assets Accounts
3. Removing Value from Other Current Assets Accounts
4. Creating Fixed Assets Accounts
5. Creating Liability Accounts
6. Setting the Original Cost of the Fixed Asset
7. Tracking Depreciation
Equity Accounts
1. Equity Accounts
2. Recording an Owner’s Draw
3. Recording a Capital Investment
Company Management
1. Viewing Your Company Information
2. Setting Up Budgets
3. Using the Reminders List
4. Making General Journal Entries
Using QuickBooks Tools
1. Exporting Report and List Data to Excel
2. Using the Audit Log
Using QuickBooks Other Lists
1. Using the Recurring Transactions List
2. Using the Location List
3. Using the Payment Methods List
4. Using the Terms List
5. Using the Classes List
6. Using the Attachments List
Using Help, Feedback, and Apps
1. Using Help
2. Submitting Feedback
3. Extending QuickBooks Online Using Apps and Plug-ins
Introduction to Resume Writing
1. The Function of a Resume
2. Types of Resumes
3. How Long Should Your Resume Be?
4. Fonts, Margins and Printing
5. File Formats
Section Headings
1. Developing a “Master Resume”
2. Resume Header
3. Objective/Summary/Profile
4. Experience
5. Education
6. Skills
7. Involvement
8. Research
9. Awards
10. Publications
11. Activities
12. Work Status
13. Tailoring Your Resume
Understanding Keywords
1. About ATS
2. Researching Keywords
3. Using Keywords in Your Resume
Covering All The Bases
1. The Cover Letter
2. Developing Professional References
3. Other Preparations
Review Questions
1. Review Questions 1-5
2. Review Questions 6-10
3. Review Questions 11-15
1. Further Study
2. Conclusion
Getting Acquainted with Sage 50
1. The Sage 50 Environment
2. The Sage 50 Navigation Centers
3. Using the Menu Bar
4. Customizing Shortcuts
5. Learning Common Business Terms
Setting Up a Company
1. Creating a Sage 50 Company
2. Converting a Company
3. Setting Customer Defaults
4. Setting Vendor Defaults
5. Setting Inventory Defaults
6. The Payroll Setup Wizard
7. Setting Employee Defaults
8. Setting Job Defaults
9. Making a Local Backup
10. Making a Cloud Backup
11. Restoring from a Local Backup File
12. Restoring from a Cloud Backup File
13. Setting Up Security and Creating Users
14. Configuring Automatic Backups
15. Configuring Automatic Cloud Backups
Using the General Ledger
1. General Ledger Default Settings
2. Adding Accounts
3. Deleting and Inactivating Accounts
4. Adding Beginning Balances to Accounts
5. Using Lists
6. Adding General Journal Entries
7. Basic General Ledger Reports
8. Entering Account Budgets
9. The Cash Account Register
Using Sales Tax
1. The Sales Tax Wizard
2. Collecting Sales Tax
3. Paying Sales Taxes
Entering Records
1. Entering Customer Records
2. Entering Customer Beginning Balances
3. Entering Vendor Records
4. Entering Vendor Beginning Balances
5. Entering Inventory
6. Entering Inventory Beginning Balances
7. Changing a Record ID
Accounts Receivable
1. Setting Statement and Invoice Defaults
2. Quotes, Sales Orders, Proposals and Invoicing
3. Entering Quotes
4. Converting Quotes
5. The Sales Orders Window
6. The Proposals Window
7. The Sales/Invoicing Window
8. Printing and Emailing Invoices
9. Entering and Applying Credit Memos
10. The Receive Money Window
11. Statements and Finance Charges
12. Selecting Deposits
Accounts Payable
1. The Purchase Orders Window
2. Entering a Drop Shipment
3. Select for Purchase Orders
4. The Purchases/Receive Inventory Window
5. The Payments Window
6. The Select For Payment Window
7. Entering Vendor Credit Memos
Managing Inventory
1. Building and Unbuilding Assemblies
2. Making Inventory Adjustments
3. Changing Item Prices
Creating Payroll
1. Adding Employees
2. Adding Employee Beginning Balances
3. Performance Reviews and Raise History
4. Paying a Group of Employees
5. Paying an Employee
Account Management
1. Writing Checks
2. Voiding Checks
3. Reconciling Bank Accounts
4. Changing the Accounting Period
Job Tracking
1. Setting Up a Job
2. Creating Custom Fields for Jobs
3. Creating Phases for Jobs
4. Creating Cost Codes for Phases
5. Entering Beginning Balances for a Job
6. Making Purchases for a Job
7. Invoicing for Job Purchases
8. Job Tracking
9. Entering Change Orders for a Job
Time and Billing
1. Adding Time Ticket Employees
2. Entering Activity Items
3. Entering Charge Items
4. Entering Time Tickets
5. Entering Expense Tickets
6. Billing Time and Expense Tickets
Settings and Tools
1. Changing the Company Info and Posting Methods
2. Posting and Unposting
3. Memorized Transactions
4. Using the Purge Wizard
5. Using the Year-End Wizard
6. Data Verification
7. Updating Encryption
8. Archiving a Company
9. Using and Restoring an Archive Company
10. Sharing a Company Using Remote Data Access
11. Connect to a Shared Company Using Remote Data Access
12. Managing User and File Access Using Remote Data Access
13. Finding Transactions
14. Sync Data in Microsoft 365
15. Email Setup
16. Writing Letters
1. The Cash Flow Manager
2. The Collection Manager
3. The Payment Manager
4. The Financial Manager
5. Find on Report
6. Previewing and Printing Preset Reports
7. Report Groups
8. Modifying Reports
9. Exporting Reports to Excel
10. Importing and Exporting Data
11. Exporting Reports to PDF
12. Modifying Task Window Screen Templates
13. Modifying Forms
The Internal Accounting Review
1. Using the Internal Accounting Review
Action Items
1. Events
2. To-Do Items
3. Alerts
1. Changing Global Options
2. Changing the System Date
Assets and Liabilities
1. Assets and Liabilities
2. Creating an Other Current Assets Account
3. Subtracting Value from an Other Current Assets Account
4. Creating a Fixed Assets Account
5. Accumulated Depreciation
6. Liability Accounts
7. Paying on a Long Term Liability
8. Equity
1. Using Search and Help Topics
2. Using the Sage 50 User’s Guide
Getting Acquainted with Teams
1. The Teams Environment
2. Viewing and Managing the Activity Feed
3. Customizing Settings
4. Setting Your Status and Creating Status Messages
Setting Up Teams and Channels
1. Overview of Teams and Channels
2. Creating Teams and Adding Members
3. Ordering, Editing, Hiding, and Deleting Teams
4. Managing Teams and Members
5. Creating Channels
6. Renaming, Deleting, Hiding, Showing, and Pinning Channels
7. Sending Email to an Entire Channel
Posts and Messages
1. Creating and Formatting Posts
2. Making an Announcement
3. Getting Attention with @Mentions
4. Posting to Multiple Channels at Once
5. Using Tags
6. Editing and Deleting Posts and Messages
7. Reading and Saving Posts and Messages
File Sharing and Collaboration
1. Uploading and Sharing Files
2. Syncing SharePoint and Teams Files with OneDrive
3. Collaborating on Files in Channels
Chats and Calls
1. Starting and Pinning Chats
2. Filtering, Hiding, and Muting Chats
3. Creating Contacts and Contact Groups
4. Adding People to Your Speed Dial List
5. Making Video and Audio Calls
6. Answering Calls and Using the Meeting Controls Toolbar
7. Configuring Call Answer Rules and Voicemail
8. Checking Call History and Voicemail
9. Setting Up a Delegate to Take Your Calls
1. Scheduling a Meeting and Inviting Attendees
2. Using Meet Now for Instant Meetings
3. Meeting Options
4. Managing and Replying to Meetings
5. Starting and Joining a Meeting
6. Changing the Video Background in a Meeting
7. Sharing Your Screen in a Meeting
8. Sharing PowerPoint Slides in a Meeting
9. Recording a Meeting
10. Raising Hands, Spotlighting, Muting, and Removing Participants
11. Taking Notes in a Meeting
12. Using Live Captions in Meetings
13. Ending a Meeting for Everyone in Attendance
Live Events
1. Scheduling a Live Event
2. Producing a Live Event
3. Moderating a Live Event Q&A
4. Attending a Live Event
Exploring Apps and Tools
1. Using Apps, Bots, and Connectors
2. Turning a File into a Tab
3. Using the Wiki Tab for Shared Information
4. Using the Command Box
Windows Basics
1. About Windows 11
2. Sign-in to Windows 11 with a Microsoft User Account
3. How to Use the Mouse in Windows 11
4. How to Use Touch Gestures in Windows 11
5. The Windows 11 Desktop
6. How to Use the Start Button in Windows 11
7. How to Use the Start Menu in Windows 11
8. How to Customize the Start Menu in Windows 11
9. How to Search in Windows 11
10. How to Use Universal App Windows in Windows 11
11. How to Use Snap Layouts in Windows 11
12. How to Resize a Desktop Window in Windows 11
13. How to Scroll a Window in Windows 11
14. How to Use Multiple Desktops in Windows 11
15. How to Shut Down Windows 11
16. How to Use the Microsoft Store in Windows 11
17. Sign in Options in Windows 11
18. How to Change Your PIN in Windows 11
19. How to Use Widgets in Windows 11
File Explorer
1. File Explorer in Windows 11
2. Navigating Folders
3. Changing Folder Views
4. Sorting Folder Contents
5. Selecting Files
6. Opening a File
7. Reopening a Frequently Opened Folder
8. Creating a New Folder
9. Renaming Files and Folders
10. Cutting, Copying, and Pasting Files and Folders
11. Burning a CD or DVD
12. Deleting Files
13. Managing Libraries in Windows 11
14. Managing the Computer and Drives in Windows 11
15. Quick Access in Windows 11
16. OneDrive Folders in File Explorer
17. Zip Folders in File Explorer
18. Unzip Files in File Explorer
Windows 11 Settings
1. Accessing Settings in Windows 11
System Settings
1. Accessing the System Settings
2. Display Settings in Windows 11
3. Sound Settings in Windows 11
4. Notifications Settings in Windows 11
5. Focus Assist Settings in Windows 11
6. Power & Battery Settings in Windows 11
7. Storage Settings in Windows 11
8. Nearby Sharing Settings in Windows 11
9. Multitasking Settings in Windows 11
10. Activation Settings in Windows 11
11. Troubleshoot Settings in Windows 11
12. Recovery Settings in Windows 11
13. Projecting to This PC Settings in Windows 11
14. Remote Desktop Settings in Windows 11
15. Clipboard Settings in Windows 11
16. About Settings in Windows 11
Bluetooth & Devices Settings
1. Accessing the Bluetooth & Devices Settings
2. How to Enable Bluetooth in Windows 11
3. How to Add a Device in Windows 11
4. How to Manage Devices in Windows 11
5. How to Manage Printers & Scanners in Windows 11
6. Your Phone Settings in Windows 11
7. How to Manage Cameras in Windows 11
8. Mouse Settings in Windows 11
9. Touchpad Settings in Windows 11
10. Pen & Windows Ink Settings in Windows 11
11. AutoPlay Settings in Windows 11
12. USB Settings in Windows 11
Network & Internet Settings
1. Accessing the Network & Internet Settings
2. Wi Fi Settings in Windows 11
3. Ethernet Settings in Windows 11
4. VPN Settings in Windows 11
5. Mobile Hotspot Settings in Windows 11
6. Airplane Mode Settings in Windows 11
7. Proxy Settings in Windows 11
8. Dial up Settings in Windows 11
9. Advanced Network Settings in Windows 11
Personalization Settings
1. Accessing the Personalization Settings
2. Background Settings in Windows 11
3. Colors Settings in Windows 11
4. Themes Settings in Windows 11
5. Lock Screen Settings in Windows 11
6. Touch Keyboard Settings in Windows 11
7. Start Settings in Windows 11
8. Taskbar Settings in Windows 11
9. Fonts Settings in Windows 11
10. Device Usage Settings in Windows 11
Apps Settings
1. Accessing the Apps Settings
2. Apps & Features Settings in Windows 11
3. Default Apps Settings in Windows 11
4. Offline Maps Settings in Windows 11
5. Optional Features Settings in Windows 11
6. Apps for Websites Settings in Windows 11
7. Video Playback Settings in Windows 11
8. Startup Settings in Windows 11
Accounts Settings
1. Accessing the Accounts Settings
2. Your Microsoft Account Settings in Windows 11
3. Your Info Settings in Windows 11
4. Email & Accounts Settings in Windows 11
5. Sign in Options Settings in Windows 11
6. Family & Other Users Settings in Windows 11
7. Windows Backup Settings in Windows 11
8. Access Work or School Settings in Windows 11
Time & Language Settings
1. Accessing the Time & Language Settings
2. Date & Time Settings in Windows 11
3. Language & Region Settings in Windows 11
4. Typing Settings in Windows 11
5. Speech Settings in Windows 11
Gaming Settings
1. Accessing the Gaming Settings
2. Xbox Game Bar Settings in Windows 11
3. Captures Settings in Windows 11
4. Game Mode Settings in Windows 11
Accessibility Settings
1. Accessing the Accessibility Settings
2. Text Size Settings in Windows 11
3. Visual Effects Settings in Windows 11
4. Mouse Pointer and Touch Settings in Windows 11
5. Text Cursor Settings in Windows 11
6. Magnifier Settings in Windows 11
7. Color Filters Settings in Windows 11
8. Contrast Themes Settings in Windows 11
9. Narrator Settings in Windows 11
10. Audio Accessibility Settings in Windows 11
11. Captions Settings in Windows 11
12. Speech Accessibility Settings in Windows 11
13. Keyboard Accessibility Settings in Windows 11
14. Mouse Accessibility Settings in Windows 11
15. Eye Control Settings in Windows 11
Privacy & Security Settings
1. Accessing the Privacy & Security Settings
2. Windows Security Settings in Windows 11
3. Find My Device Settings in Windows 11
4. Device Encryption Settings in Windows 11
5. For Developers Settings in Windows 11
6. General Privacy Settings in Windows 11
7. Speech Privacy Settings in Windows 11
8. Inking & Typing Personalization Setting in Windows 11
9. Diagnostics & Feedback Settings in Window 11
10. Activity History Settings in Windows 11
11. Search Permissions Settings in Windows 11
12. Searching Windows Settings in Windows 11
13. App Permissions Settings in Windows 11
Windows Update Settings
1. Accessing the Windows Update Settings
2. Windows Update in Windows 11
3. Pause Windows Updates in Windows 11
4. Update History in Windows 11
5. Advanced Windows Update Options in Windows 11
6. Windows Insider Program Settings
Windows Features
1. The Control Panel in Windows 11
2. File History in Windows 11
3. System Restore in Windows 11
4. Chat in Windows 11
5. Installing Amazon Appstore Mobile Apps in Windows 11
6. Installing and Uninstalling Software
Desktop Management
1. The Recycle Bin in Windows 11
2. Creating Desktop Shortcuts in Windows 11
3. Pinning Apps to the Taskbar in Windows 11
4. Notification Center and Quick Settings in Windows 11
5. OneDrive Settings in Windows 11
Creating Documents in WordPad
1. Starting WordPad and Creating a New Document
2. Copying and Pasting Text in WordPad
3. Formatting Text in WordPad
4. Saving a Document in WordPad
5. Closing and Opening a Document in WordPad
6. Printing a Document in WordPad
Drawing Pictures in Paint
1. Starting Paint and Creating a New Document
2. Drawing Shapes and Lines in Paint
3. Using Tools and Brushes in Paint
4. Selections in Paint
5. Saving a Picture in Paint
6. Closing and Opening a Picture in Paint
Using Microsoft Edge
1. About the Internet and World Wide Web
2. Connecting to the Internet in Windows 11
3. The Microsoft Edge Interface in Windows 11
4. Viewing Web Pages in Microsoft Edge
5. Find Text in Web Pages in Microsoft Edge
6. Immersive Reader in Microsoft Edge
7. Add a Favorite to Microsoft Edge
8. Manage Favorites in Microsoft Edge
9. Manage Browser History in Microsoft Edge
10. Manage Downloads in Microsoft Edge
11. How to Manually Update Microsoft Edge
12. Sharing Web Pages in Microsoft Edge
13. Open a Window or InPrivate Window in Microsoft Edge
14. Zoom Web Pages in Microsoft Edge
15. Print Web Pages in Microsoft Edge
16. Settings in Microsoft Edge
Getting Acquainted with Word
1. About Word
2. The Word Environment
3. The Title Bar
4. The Ribbon
5. The "File" Tab and Backstage View
6. The Quick Access Toolbar
7. Touch Mode
8. The Ruler
9. The Scroll Bars
10. The Document View Buttons
11. The Zoom Slider
12. The Status Bar
13. The Mini Toolbar
14. Keyboard Shortcuts
Creating Basic Documents
1. Opening Documents
2. Closing Documents
3. Creating New Documents
4. Saving Documents
5. Recovering Unsaved Documents
6. Entering Text
7. Moving through Text
8. Selecting Text
9. Non-Printing Characters
10. Working with Word File Formats
11. AutoSave Online Documents
Document Views
1. Changing Document Views
2. Showing and Hiding the Ruler
3. Showing and Hiding Gridlines
4. Showing and Hiding the Navigation Pane
5. Zooming the Document
6. Opening a Copy of a Document in a New Window
7. Arranging Open Document Windows
8. Split Window
9. Comparing Open Documents
10. Switching Open Documents
11. Switching to Full Screen Mode
Basic Editing Skills
1. Deleting Text
2. Cutting, Copying, and Pasting
3. Undoing and Redoing Actions
4. Finding and Replacing Text
5. Selecting Text and Objects
Basic Proofing Tools
1. The Spelling and Grammar Tool
2. Setting Default Proofing Options
3. Using the Thesaurus
4. Finding the Word Count
5. Translating Documents
6. Read Aloud in Word
Font Formatting
1. Formatting Fonts
2. The Font Dialog Box
3. The Format Painter
4. Applying Styles to Text
5. Removing Styles from Text
Formatting Paragraphs
1. Aligning Paragraphs
2. Indenting Paragraphs
3. Line Spacing and Paragraph Spacing
Document Layout
1. About Documents and Sections
2. Setting Page and Section Breaks
3. Creating Columns in a Document
4. Creating Column Breaks
5. Using Headers and Footers
6. The Page Setup Dialog Box
7. Setting Margins
8. Paper Settings
9. Layout Settings
10. Adding Line Numbers
11. Hyphenation Settings
Using Templates
1. Using Templates
2. Creating Personal Templates
Printing Documents
1. Previewing and Printing Documents
Helping Yourself
1. Microsoft Search in Word
2. Using Word Help
3. Smart Lookup
Working with Tabs
1. Using Tab Stops
2. Using the Tabs Dialog Box
Pictures and Media
1. Inserting Online Pictures and Stock Images
2. Inserting Your Own Pictures
3. Using Picture Tools
4. Using the Format Picture Task Pane
5. Fill & Line Settings
6. Effects Settings
7. Alt Text
8. Picture Settings
9. Inserting Screenshots
10. Inserting Screen Clippings
11. Inserting Online Video
12. Inserting Icons
13. Inserting 3D Models
14. Formatting 3D Models
Drawing Objects
1. Inserting Shapes
2. Inserting WordArt
3. Inserting Text Boxes
4. Formatting Shapes
5. The Format Shape Task Pane
6. Inserting SmartArt
7. Design and Format SmartArt
8. Inserting Charts
Using Building Blocks
1. Creating Building Blocks
2. Using Building Blocks
1. About Styles
2. Applying Styles
3. Showing Headings in the Navigation Pane
4. The Styles Task Pane
5. Clearing Styles from Text
6. Creating a New Style
7. Modifying an Existing Style
8. Selecting All Instances of a Style in a Document
9. Renaming Styles
10. Deleting Custom Styles
11. Using the Style Inspector Pane
12. Using the Reveal Formatting Pane
Themes and Style Sets
1. Applying a Theme
2. Applying a Style Set
3. Applying and Customizing Theme Colors
4. Applying and Customizing Theme Fonts
5. Selecting Theme Effects
Page Backgrounds
1. Applying Watermarks
2. Creating Custom Watermarks
3. Removing Watermarks
4. Selecting a Page Background Color or Fill Effect
5. Applying Page Borders
Bullets and Numbering
1. Applying Bullets and Numbering
2. Formatting Bullets and Numbering
3. Applying a Multilevel List
4. Modifying a Multilevel List Style
1. Using Tables
2. Creating Tables
3. Selecting Table Objects
4. Inserting and Deleting Columns and Rows
5. Deleting Cells and Tables
6. Merging and Splitting Cells
7. Adjusting Cell Size
8. Aligning Text in Table Cells
9. Converting a Table into Text
10. Sorting Tables
11. Formatting Tables
12. Inserting Quick Tables
Table Formulas
1. Inserting Table Formulas
2. Recalculating Word Formulas
3. Viewing Formulas vs. Formula Results
4. Inserting a Microsoft Excel Worksheet
Inserting Page Elements
1. Inserting Drop Caps
2. Inserting Equations
3. Inserting Ink Equations
4. Inserting Symbols
5. Inserting Bookmarks
6. Inserting Hyperlinks
1. Using Outline View
2. Promoting and Demoting Outline Text
3. Moving Selected Outline Text
4. Collapsing and Expanding Outline Text
1. Mail Merge
2. The Step by Step Mail Merge Wizard
3. Creating a Data Source
4. Selecting Recipients
5. Inserting and Deleting Merge Fields
6. Error Checking
7. Detaching the Data Source
8. Finishing a Mail Merge
9. Mail Merge Rules
10. The Ask Mail Merge Rule
11. The Fill-in Mail Merge Rule
12. The If…Then…Else Mail Merge Rule
13. The Merge Record # Mail Merge Rule
14. The Merge Sequence # Mail Merge Rule
15. The Next Record Mail Merge Rule
16. The Next Record If Mail Merge Rule
17. The Set Bookmark Mail Merge Rule
18. The Skip Record If Mail Merge Rule
19. Deleting Mail Merge Rules in Word
Sharing Documents
1. Sharing Documents in Word Using Co-authoring
2. Inserting Comments
3. Sharing by Email
4. Posting to a Blog
5. Saving as a PDF or XPS File
6. Saving as a Different File Type
Creating a Table of Contents
1. Creating a Table of Contents
2. Customizing a Table of Contents
3. Updating a Table of Contents
4. Deleting a Table of Contents
Creating an Index
1. Creating an Index
2. Customizing an Index
3. Updating an Index
Citations and Bibliography
1. Select a Citation Style
2. Insert a Citation
3. Insert a Citation Placeholder
4. Inserting Citations Using the Researcher Pane
5. Managing Sources
6. Editing Sources
7. Creating a Bibliography
1. Inserting Captions
2. Inserting a Table of Figures
3. Inserting a Cross-Reference
4. Updating a Table of Figures
Creating Forms
1. Displaying the Developer Tab
2. Creating a Form
3. Inserting Controls
4. Repeating Section Content Control
5. Adding Instructional Text
6. Protecting a Form
Making Macros
1. Recording Macros
2. Running and Deleting Recorded Macros
3. Assigning Macros
Word Options
1. Setting Word Options
2. Setting Document Properties
3. Checking Accessibility
Document Security
1. Applying Password Protection to a Document
2. Removing Password Protection from a Document
3. Restrict Editing within a Document
4. Removing Editing Restrictions from a Document
Getting Acquainted with Word
1. About Word
2. The Word Environment
3. The Title Bar
4. The Ribbon
5. The "File" Tab and Backstage View
6. The Quick Access Toolbar
7. Touch Mode
8. The Ruler
9. The Scroll Bars
10. The Document View Buttons
11. The Zoom Slider
12. The Status Bar
13. The Mini Toolbar
14. Keyboard Shortcuts
Creating Basic Documents
1. Opening Documents
2. Closing Documents
3. Creating New Documents
4. Saving Documents
5. Recovering Unsaved Documents
6. Entering Text
7. Moving through Text
8. Selecting Text
9. Non-Printing Characters
10. Working with Word File Formats
11. AutoSave Online Documents
Document Views
1. Changing Document Views
2. Showing and Hiding the Ruler
3. Showing and Hiding Gridlines
4. Showing and Hiding the Navigation Pane
5. Zooming the Document
6. Opening a Copy of a Document in a New Window
7. Arranging Open Document Windows
8. Split Window
9. Comparing Open Documents
10. Switching Open Documents
11. Switching to Full Screen Mode
Basic Editing Skills
1. Deleting Text
2. Cutting, Copying, and Pasting
3. Undoing and Redoing Actions
4. Finding and Replacing Text
5. Selecting Text and Objects
Basic Proofing Tools
1. The Spelling and Grammar Tool
2. Setting Default Proofing Options
3. Using the Thesaurus
4. Finding the Word Count
5. Translating Documents
6. Read Aloud in Word
Font Formatting
1. Formatting Fonts
2. The Font Dialog Box
3. The Format Painter
4. Applying Styles to Text
5. Removing Styles from Text
Formatting Paragraphs
1. Aligning Paragraphs
2. Indenting Paragraphs
3. Line Spacing and Paragraph Spacing
Document Layout
1. About Documents and Sections
2. Setting Page and Section Breaks
3. Creating Columns in a Document
4. Creating Column Breaks
5. Using Headers and Footers
6. The Page Setup Dialog Box
7. Setting Margins
8. Paper Settings
9. Layout Settings
10. Adding Line Numbers
11. Hyphenation Settings
Using Templates
1. Using Templates
2. Creating Personal Templates
Printing Documents
1. Previewing and Printing Documents
Helping Yourself
1. Microsoft Search in Word
2. Using Word Help
3. Smart Lookup
Working with Tabs
1. Using Tab Stops
2. Using the Tabs Dialog Box
Pictures and Media
1. Inserting Online Pictures and Stock Images
2. Inserting Your Own Pictures
3. Using Picture Tools
4. Using the Format Picture Task Pane
5. Fill & Line Settings
6. Effects Settings
7. Alt Text
8. Picture Settings
9. Inserting Screenshots
10. Inserting Screen Clippings
11. Inserting Online Video
12. Inserting Icons
13. Inserting 3D Models
14. Formatting 3D Models
Drawing Objects
1. Inserting Shapes
2. Inserting WordArt
3. Inserting Text Boxes
4. Formatting Shapes
5. The Format Shape Task Pane
6. Inserting SmartArt
7. Design and Format SmartArt
8. Inserting Charts
Using Building Blocks
1. Creating Building Blocks
2. Using Building Blocks
1. About Styles
2. Applying Styles
3. Showing Headings in the Navigation Pane
4. The Styles Task Pane
5. Clearing Styles from Text
6. Creating a New Style
7. Modifying an Existing Style
8. Selecting All Instances of a Style in a Document
9. Renaming Styles
10. Deleting Custom Styles
11. Using the Style Inspector Pane
12. Using the Reveal Formatting Pane
Themes and Style Sets
1. Applying a Theme
2. Applying a Style Set
3. Applying and Customizing Theme Colors
4. Applying and Customizing Theme Fonts
5. Selecting Theme Effects
Page Backgrounds
1. Applying Watermarks
2. Creating Custom Watermarks
3. Removing Watermarks
4. Selecting a Page Background Color or Fill Effect
5. Applying Page Borders
Bullets and Numbering
1. Applying Bullets and Numbering
2. Formatting Bullets and Numbering
3. Applying a Multilevel List
4. Modifying a Multilevel List Style
1. Using Tables
2. Creating Tables
3. Selecting Table Objects
4. Inserting and Deleting Columns and Rows
5. Deleting Cells and Tables
6. Merging and Splitting Cells
7. Adjusting Cell Size
8. Aligning Text in Table Cells
9. Converting a Table into Text
10. Sorting Tables
11. Formatting Tables
12. Inserting Quick Tables
Table Formulas
1. Inserting Table Formulas
2. Recalculating Word Formulas
3. Viewing Formulas vs. Formula Results
4. Inserting a Microsoft Excel Worksheet
Inserting Page Elements
1. Inserting Drop Caps
2. Inserting Equations
3. Inserting Ink Equations
4. Inserting Symbols
5. Inserting Bookmarks
6. Inserting Hyperlinks
1. Using Outline View
2. Promoting and Demoting Outline Text
3. Moving Selected Outline Text
4. Collapsing and Expanding Outline Text
1. Mail Merge
2. The Step by Step Mail Merge Wizard
3. Creating a Data Source
4. Selecting Recipients
5. Inserting and Deleting Merge Fields
6. Error Checking
7. Detaching the Data Source
8. Finishing a Mail Merge
9. Mail Merge Rules
10. The Ask Mail Merge Rule
11. The Fill-in Mail Merge Rule
12. The If…Then…Else Mail Merge Rule
13. The Merge Record # Mail Merge Rule
14. The Merge Sequence # Mail Merge Rule
15. The Next Record Mail Merge Rule
16. The Next Record If Mail Merge Rule
17. The Set Bookmark Mail Merge Rule
18. The Skip Record If Mail Merge Rule
19. Deleting Mail Merge Rules in Word
Sharing Documents
1. Sharing Documents in Word Using Co-authoring
2. Inserting Comments
3. Sharing by Email
4. Posting to a Blog
5. Saving as a PDF or XPS File
6. Saving as a Different File Type
Creating a Table of Contents
1. Creating a Table of Contents
2. Customizing a Table of Contents
3. Updating a Table of Contents
4. Deleting a Table of Contents
Creating an Index
1. Creating an Index
2. Customizing an Index
3. Updating an Index
Citations and Bibliography
1. Select a Citation Style
2. Insert a Citation
3. Insert a Citation Placeholder
4. Inserting Citations Using the Researcher Pane
5. Managing Sources
6. Editing Sources
7. Creating a Bibliography
1. Inserting Captions
2. Inserting a Table of Figures
3. Inserting a Cross-Reference
4. Updating a Table of Figures
Creating Forms
1. Displaying the Developer Tab
2. Creating a Form
3. Inserting Controls
4. Repeating Section Content Control
5. Adding Instructional Text
6. Protecting a Form
Making Macros
1. Recording Macros
2. Running and Deleting Recorded Macros
3. Assigning Macros
Word Options
1. Setting Word Options
2. Setting Document Properties
3. Checking Accessibility
Document Security
1. Applying Password Protection to a Document
2. Removing Password Protection from a Document
3. Restrict Editing within a Document
4. Removing Editing Restrictions from a Document
Legal Reviewing
1. Using the Compare Feature
2. Using the Combine Feature
3. Tracking Changes
4. Lock Tracking
5. Show Markup Options
6. Using the Document Inspector
Citations and Authorities
1. Marking Citations
2. Creating a Table of Authorities
3. Updating a Table of Authorities
4. Inserting Footnotes and Endnotes
Legal Documents and Printing
1. Printing on Legal Paper
2. Using Legal Templates in Word
3. WordPerfect to Word Migration Issues