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How to Insert Bullets in Excel 2013- Microsoft Office Training

/ / Excel 2013, Latest

Unlike Microsoft Word, Excel does not contain a button to insert bullets into a cell. However, there are a few ways you can add bullets in Excel.


1. Click into the cell where you want to add a bullet.

2. Press Alt+7 on your numeric keyboard to enter a generic bullet.

3. To quickly add additional bullets into the same cell, press ALT+ENTER to add a line break within the cell, and then repeat the ALT+7  key combination.




You can also add custom bullets in Excel by inserting symbols into cells.


1. On the Insert tab, click Symbol.


2. On the Symbols tab, in the Font box, click the font you wish to use.



3. Use the scroll bar on the right side and click on the symbol you wish to insert.


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