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How to Rename Files and Folders in Windows 11 – Instructions

/ / Latest, Microsoft, Windows 11

How to Rename Files and Folders in Windows 11: Video

            This video lesson, titled “Renaming Files and Folders,” shows how to rename files and folders in Windows 11. This video lesson is from our complete Windows 11 tutorial, titled “Mastering Windows Made Easy v.11.”

Overview of How to Rename Files and Folders in Windows 11:

            You can rename files and folders in Windows 11 that you have created to reflect changes made to their contents. You can also rename files and folders in Windows 11 to correct typos made when originally naming the files or folders. However, in all cases, you should only rename files and folders in Windows 11 that you created.

            Many of the files and folders in your computer are used by Windows applications. Renaming these could cause those programs to stop working. You could possibly even accidentally disable Windows itself! However, if you created the file or folder, you can rest assured you can rename it.

            To rename files and folders in Windows 11 using File Explorer, select the file or folder to rename within the File Explorer window. Then click the “Rename” button in the Ribbon at the top of the window. Doing this then highlights the name of the currently selected file or folder and places a thin border around it. Type the new name of the file or folder into the name box. Then click outside of the name box into the blank area of the window or press the “Enter” key on your keyboard to set its new name.

A picture showing how to rename files and folders in Windows 11 using File Explorer.

A picture showing how to rename files and folders in Windows 11 using File Explorer.

Instructions on How to Rename Files and Folders in Windows 11:

  1. To rename files and folders in Windows 11 using File Explorer, select the file or folder to rename within the File Explorer window.
  2. Then click the “Rename” button in the Ribbon at the top of the window.
  3. Doing this then highlights the name of the currently selected file or folder and places a thin border around it.
  4. Type the new name of the file or folder into the name box.
  5. Then click outside of the name box into the blank area of the window or press the “Enter” key on your keyboard to set its new name.