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Ignore a Conversation Thread in Outlook Web App- Tutorial

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Ignore a Conversation Thread in Outlook Web App: Video Lesson

            This video lesson, titled “Ignoring a Conversation Thread,” shows you how to ignore a conversation thread in Outlook Web App. This video lesson on how to ignore a conversation thread in Outlook Web App is from our complete Outlook Web App training titled “Mastering Outlook on the Web Made Easy v.2016.”

Ignore a Conversation Thread in Outlook Web App: Overview

            A conversation thread in the Outlook Web App is any response to an original email and further conversation that stems from the original email. When you ignore a conversation thread in Outlook Web App, you remove and ignore future messages that stem from the original email.

            To ignore a conversation thread in Outlook Web App, find the email conversation to ignore in the Inbox pane. Right-click the email message and choose “Ignore” from the list of options. When you click “Ignore,” a popup box will appear warning you that all messages from this conversation will be deleted from all folders. The only exception is the “Sent Items” folder. No messages in the “Sent Items” folder will be deleted.

Ignore a Conversation Thread in Outlook Web App- Tutorial: A picture of a user ignoring a conversation thread in Outlook Web App.

Ignore a Conversation Thread in Outlook Web App- Tutorial: A picture of a user ignoring a conversation thread in Outlook Web App.

            A rule will automatically be created so that any future items from that conversation will be sent directly to the “Deleted Items” folder. You can check the checkbox on the popup box to not see the warning the next time you ignore a conversation thread in Outlook Web App. Click “OK” to accept and ignore the conversation thread in Outlook Web App.

            This does not block any of the users from sending you new email messages. It only removes that conversation thread and any future emails that are in the same conversation thread.

Ignore a Conversation Thread in Outlook Web App: Instructions

  1. To ignore a conversation thread in Outlook Web App, find the conversation in the Inbox pane and right-click the message.
  2. Choose “Ignore” from the list of options.
  3. Click “OK” in the confirmation box to confirm ignoring the conversation. Click “Cancel” to not ignore the message.
  4. To avoid seeing the confirmation box again, check the “Don’t show me this message again” checkbox.
  5. Any future messages in that conversation thread will be automatically sent to the “Deleted Items” folder.