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Insert a Text Box in Publisher- Instructions

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Insert a Text Box in Publisher: Video Lesson

          This video lesson, titled “Publisher for Microsoft 365 Tutorial: How to Insert a Text Box in Publisher,” shows how to insert a text box in Publisher. This video is from our complete Publisher tutorial, titled Mastering Publisher Made Easy™.

Insert a Text Box in Publisher: Overview

            You can insert a text box in Publisher to display text within a publication page. To insert a text box in Publisher, click the “Home” tab in the Ribbon. Then click the “Draw Text Box” button in the “Objects” button group. Alternatively, to insert a text box in Publisher, click the “Insert” tab in the Ribbon. Then click the “Draw Text Box” button in the “Text” button group.

            After performing either action, your mouse pointer turns into a black crosshair when you hold it over the publication page. Next, click and drag over the area in the publication where you want to insert a text box in Publisher. When you release the mouse button, you then create the text box. The blinking insertion marker for the text you type then appears within the text box. You can then immediately type the text you want the text box to contain.

            When you insert a text box in Publisher, two contextual tabs named “Shape Format” and “Text Box” then appear in the Ribbon. You can use the buttons within the button groups on these two contextual tabs to format the shape of the text box and set text properties that affect the text. Note that these two contextual tabs appear whenever you select a text box in your publication page.

A picture of a user clicking and dragging in a publication page to insert a text box in Publisher.

A picture of a user clicking and dragging in a publication page to insert a text box in Publisher.

Insert a Text Box in Publisher: Instructions

  1. To insert a text box in Publisher, click the “Home” tab in the Ribbon.
  2. Then click the “Draw Text Box” button in the “Objects” button group.
  3. Alternatively, to insert a text box in Publisher, click the “Insert” tab in the Ribbon.
  4. Then click the “Draw Text Box” button in the “Text” button group.
  5. After performing either action, your mouse pointer turns into a black crosshair when you hold it over the publication page.
  6. Then click and drag over the area within the publication you want the text box to cover.
  7. Then release the mouse button to create the text box.
  8. The blinking insertion marker for the text you will type appears within the text box.
  9. Then type the text you want the text box to contain.
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