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Insert Pages in Publisher – Instructions

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Insert Pages in Publisher: Video Lesson

            This video lesson, titled “Inserting New Pages,” shows you how to insert pages in Publisher. This video lesson is from our complete Publisher tutorial, titled “Mastering Publisher Made Easy v.2019 and 365.”

Insert Pages in Publisher: Overview

            You can insert pages in Publisher to add more content to your publications. Before you insert pages in Publisher, you should select the page in the Navigation Pane immediately before the position at which to insert the new pages. While you can insert pages in Publisher before a selected page, they are more commonly inserted after a selected page.

Insert Pages in Publisher: How to Insert Blank Pages in Publisher

            Then click the “Insert” tab in the Ribbon. To insert a new, blank page immediately after the currently selected publication page, click the “Page” button in the “Pages” button group. The new page is automatically selected within the Navigation Pane and in the page design area. So, you can immediately begin creating content for the new page.

Insert Pages in Publisher: How to Insert Duplicate Pages in Publisher

            In addition to inserting a new, blank page into your publication, you can also insert a duplicate of an existing page. To do this, select the page to duplicate in the Navigation Pane. Then click the “Insert” tab in the Ribbon. Then click the drop-down arrow button below the “Page” button in the “Pages” button group. From the drop-down menu of choices, select the “Insert Duplicate Page” command.

            For a “Single Page” layout, this inserts a duplicate of the currently selected publication page. For a “Two-Page Spread” layout, the “Duplicate Page” dialog box appears, instead. Here, you choose the option button that corresponds to the page content to duplicate. Then click the “OK” button. You can select either the “Insert duplicate of both pages,” “Insert duplicate of left page” or “Insert duplicate of right page” choice. Any duplicate pages you insert also appear immediately after the selected page in the Navigation Pane. They also appear onscreen for editing.

Insert Pages in Publisher - Instructions: A picture of a user duplicating pages in a two-page spread layout by using the “Duplicate Page” dialog box in Publisher.

Insert Pages in Publisher – Instructions: A picture of a user duplicating pages in a two-page spread layout by using the “Duplicate Page” dialog box in Publisher.

Insert Pages in Publisher: How to Move Inserted Pages in Publisher

            To move the duplicate page to a new location in your publication, click and drag the page within the Navigation Pane to the desired location and then release it. As you click and drag, a dark thin line appears between the existing pages. This shows you where the page will insert itself when you release the mouse button.

Insert Pages in Publisher: How to Use the “Insert Page” Dialog Box to Insert Pages in Publisher

            After clicking the drop-down arrow button below the “Page” button in the “Pages” button group on the “Insert” tab of the Ribbon, notice that three command choices appear. The first is “Insert Blank Page,” and functions the same way as directly clicking the “Page” button does. The second is “Insert Duplicate Page,” which inserts a duplicate of the selected page, as was just shown. The “Insert Page…” command is the third choice. You can select the “Insert Page…” command to open the “Insert Page” dialog box. This dialog box lets you insert multiple pages either before or after the currently selected page. It also lets you choose what content is placed onto those pages.

            At the top of the “Insert Page” dialog box, enter the “Number of new pages:” to insert into the labeled text box. Then select whether to insert the new pages before or after the currently selected page by choosing the desired option button.

            In the “Options” section, you can set the page content by selecting the desired option button. You can select either the “Insert blank pages,” “Create one text box on each page,” or “Duplicate all objects on page” choice. If you choose the third option, you must enter the page whose content you want to duplicate into the text box that follows the “Duplicate all objects on page:” option button. After making your selections, then click the “OK” button to insert the selected pages.

Insert Pages in Publisher: Instructions

Insert Pages in Publisher: Instructions on How to Insert Blank Pages in Publisher

  1. To insert a new, blank page immediately following the currently selected publication page, click the “Insert” tab in the Ribbon.
  2. Then click the “Page” button within the “Pages” button group.
  3. The new page automatically appears selected in the Navigation Pane and in the page design area, so you can immediately begin creating its content.

Insert Pages in Publisher: Instructions on How to Insert Duplicate Pages in Publisher

  1. To insert a duplicate of a selected page, select the page to duplicate in the Navigation Pane.
  2. Then click the “Insert” tab in the Ribbon.
  3. Then click the drop-down arrow below the “Page” button within the “Pages” button group.
  4. From the drop-down menu of choices shown, select the “Insert Duplicate Page” command.
  5. For a “Single Page” layout, this inserts a duplicate of the currently selected publication page.
  6. For a “Two-Page Spread” layout, the “Duplicate Page” dialog box appears, instead.
  7. In this dialog box, choose the option button that corresponds to the page content to duplicate.
  8. Then click the “OK” button.
  9. Any duplicate pages you insert also appear immediately after the selected page in the Navigation Pane and also appear onscreen for editing.

Insert Pages in Publisher: Instructions on How to Move Inserted Pages in Publisher

  1. To move a page to a new location in your publication, click and drag the page in the Navigation Pane to the desired location and then release it.
  2. As you click and drag, a dark thin line appears between the existing pages. This shows you where the page will insert itself when you release the mouse button.

Insert Pages in Publisher: Instructions on How to Use the “Insert Page” Dialog Box to Insert Pages in Publisher

  1. If you want to open the “Insert Page…” dialog box to insert pages, click the drop-down arrow below the “Page” button and choose the “Insert Page…” command.
  2. To set the number of pages to insert, enter the number of new pages into the “Number of new pages:” text box at the top of the “Insert Page” dialog box.
  3. To set whether the new pages are inserted before or after the currently selected page, choose the desired option button.
  4. Then select what the new pages contains by selecting the desired option button in the “Options” section of the “Insert Page” dialog box.
  5. If you select the “Duplicate all objects on page” option button, then enter the page to duplicate into the text box that follows the “Duplicate all object on page:” option button.
  6. When finished, click the “OK” button.
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