Microsoft Outlook Manual

Microsoft Outlook Manual

Subject: Microsoft Outlook
Versions: 2019 through 2007 & Microsoft 365
Level: Introductory through Advanced
Product Type: PDF Instruction Manuals
Pages: 177
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Topics Covered:

Getting Acquainted with Outlook
1. The Outlook Environment
2. The Title Bar
3. The Ribbon
4. The Quick Access Toolbar
5. Touch Mode
6. The Navigation Bar, Folder Pane, Reading Pane, and To-Do Bar

Making Contacts
1. The People Folder
2. Customizing the Contacts Folder View
3. Creating Contacts
4. Basic Contact Management
5. Printing Contacts
6. Creating Contact Groups
7. Categorizing Contacts
8. Searching for Contacts
9. Calling Contacts
10. Mapping a Contact’s Address

1. Using the Inbox
2. Changing the Inbox View
3. Message Flags
4. Searching for Messages
5. Creating, Addressing, and Sending Messages
6. Checking Message Spelling
7. Setting Message Options
8. Formatting Messages
9. Using Signatures
10. Replying to Messages
11. Forwarding Messages
12. Sending Attachments
13. Opening Attachments
14. Ignoring Conversations

The Sent Items Folder
1. The Sent Items Folder
2. Resending Messages
3. Recalling Messages

The Outbox Folder
1. Using the Outbox
2. Using the Drafts Folder

Using the Calendar
1. The Calendar Window
2. Switching the Calendar View
3. Navigating the Calendar
4. Appointments, Meetings and Events
5. Manipulating Calendar Objects
6. Setting an Appointment
7. Scheduling a Meeting
8. Checking Meeting Attendance Status
9. Responding to Meeting Requests
10. Scheduling an Event
11. Setting Recurrence
12. Printing the Calendar
13. Teams Meetings in Outlook
14. Meeting Notes

1. Using Tasks
2. Printing Tasks
3. Creating a Task
4. Setting Task Recurrence
5. Creating a Task Request
6. Responding to Task Requests
7. Sending Status Reports
8. Deleting Tasks

Deleted Items
1. The Deleted Items Folder
2. Permanently Deleting Items
3. Recovering Deleted Items
4. Recovering and Purging Permanently Deleted Items

1. Accessing Groups
2. Creating a New Group
3. Adding Members to Groups and Inviting Others
4. Contributing to Groups
5. Managing Files in Groups
6. Accessing the Group Calendar and Notebook
7. Following and Stop Following Groups
8. Leaving Groups
9. Editing, Managing and Deleting Groups

The Journal Folder
1. The Journal Folder
2. Switching the Journal View
3. Recording Journal Items
4. Opening Journal Entries and Documents
5. Deleting Journal Items

Public Folders
1. Creating Public Folders
2. Setting Permissions
3. Folder Rules
4. Copying Public Folders

Personal and Private Folders
1. Creating a Personal Folder
2. Setting AutoArchiving for Folders
3. Creating Private Folders
4. Creating Search Folders
5. One-Click Archiving

1. Creating and Using Notes

Advanced Mailbox Options
1. Creating Mailbox Rules
2. Creating Custom Mailbox Views
3. Handling Junk Mail
4. Color Categorizing
5. Advanced Find
6. Mailbox Cleanup

Outlook Options
1. Using Shortcuts
2. Adding Additional Profiles
3. Adding Accounts
4. Outlook Options
5. Using Outlook Help

1. Creating a Delegate
2. Acting as a Delegate
3. Deleting Delegates

1. Types of Email Encryption in Outlook
2. Sending Encrypted Email

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