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Paragraphs in HTML – Instructions and Video Lesson

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Paragraphs in HTML: Video

            This video lesson, titled “Adding a New Paragraph,” shows how to create paragraphs in HTML. This video lesson is from our complete HTML5 and CSS3 training, titled “Mastering HTML5 and CSS3 Made Easy v.1.0.”

Overview About Paragraphs in HTML

         This tutorial shows you how to create paragraphs in HTML. When working in a word processing program, like Microsoft Word, you press the “Enter” or “Return” key on your keyboard to begin a new paragraph.  Web browsers do not recognize those line breaks.  Instead, you must insert the paragraph tag <p>…</p> to create new paragraphs in HTML.

            To create a new paragraph in HTML, place your insertion mark cursor into the HTML document where you want to add the new paragraph. Then type the paragraph start tag: <p>. Then type the paragraph’s text. At the end of the new paragraph’s text, type the end tag: </p>.

Start Tag: <p>
End Tag: </p>
Attributes: None
Example: <p>This is how you create new paragraphs.</p><p>See how easy it is to do?</p>
Result: This is how you create new paragraphs.See how easy it is to do?

A picture of a user creating a paragraph using HTML code.

A picture of a user creating a paragraph using HTML code.

            When you create paragraphs in HTML documents, note that web browsers add space before and after a paragraph when they show its content. They also remove any extra spaces you may type between words in the paragraph text of the HTML document. To learn how to add space between words in paragraph text, please see our post on how to add space in HTML.

            Additionally, any carriage returns you type for the paragraph content in the HTML document are disregarded by web browsers. To add line breaks in HTML, please see our post on how to add line breaks in HTML.

Instructions on How to Create Paragraphs in HTML

  1. To add a new paragraph in HTML, place your insertion mark cursor into the HTML document where you want to add the new paragraph.
  2. Then type the paragraph start tag: <p>.
  3. Then type the paragraph’s text.
  4. At the end of the new paragraph’s text, type the end tag: </p>.
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