Rotate Pages in Acrobat- Instructions and Video
Rotate Pages in Acrobat: Video Lesson
This video lesson, titled “Rotating Pages,” shows you how to rotate pages in Acrobat. This lesson is from our complete Acrobat tutorial, titled “Mastering Acrobat Made Easy v.Pro DC.”
Rotate Pages in Acrobat: Overview
You can easily rotate pages in Acrobat Pro DC. First, expand the Page Thumbnails panel at the left side of Acrobat’s Document view. Then click the thumbnail image of the page to rotate in the Page Thumbnails panel. You can then click the “Rotate Counterclockwise” and “Rotate Clockwise” buttons at the top of the Page Thumbnails panel to rotate the page. Each click rotates the page 90 degrees in the selected direction.
To rotate multiple pages at once in the Page Thumbnails panel, first select multiple thumbnails. To do this, hold down the “Control” key on the keyboard while clicking the thumbnails to select. When finished, release the “Control” key. All the selected thumbnails should then appear highlighted with a blue border around them. Clicking either “Rotate” button at the top of the Page Thumbnails pane then rotates the selected pages in the same direction at the same time.
Alternatively, you can also rotate pages in Acrobat Pro DC using the “Organize Pages” button in the Tools Center. To do this, click the “Tools” button in the Tabbed Documents Bar. Then click the “Organize Pages” button in the “Create and Edit” group. Acrobat then shows the “Organize Pages” view and its toolbar. The “Organize Pages” view shows images of all the current PDF’s pages. Click the page to rotate to highlight it. Then click the “Rotate Counterclockwise” or “Rotate Clockwise” buttons in the “Organize Pages” toolbar. Doing this then rotates the selected page image in the “Organize Pages” view.
Rotate Pages in Acrobat- Instructions: A picture showing show to rotate pages in Acrobat Pro DC by using the “Organize Pages” view.
Also, notice that if you hover your mouse pointer over a page in the “Organize Pages” view, three small buttons appear over it. These buttons are the “Rotate Counterclockwise” button, the “Rotate Clockwise” button, and the “Delete” button. You can also use these small rotate buttons to rotate pages in Acrobat. However, these buttons only rotate a single page at a time.
To rotate multiple PDF pages in the “Organize Pages” view, use the previous method of holding down the “Control” key on your computer’s keyboard while clicking pages to select them. When finished, release the “Control” key. Then use the “Rotate” buttons in the “Organize Pages” toolbar to rotate the selected pages at the same time.
Rotate Pages in Acrobat: Instructions
- To rotate pages in Acrobat Pro DC,expand the Page Thumbnails panel at the left side of Acrobat’s Document view.
- To rotate a single page, then click the page thumbnail image of the page to rotate in the Page Thumbnails panel.
- Alternatively, to rotate many pages in the same direction at once, hold down the “Control” key on your keyboard while clicking the thumbnails to select. Then release the “Control” key.
- Then click the “Rotate Counterclockwise” or “Rotate Clockwise” buttons at the top of the Page Thumbnails panel to rotate the selected page or pages 90 degrees in the selected direction.
- Alternatively, to rotate page in Acrobat Pro DC using the “Organize Pages” tool, click the “Tools” button in the Tabbed Documents Bar.
- Then click the “Organize Pages” button in the “Create and Edit” tools group.
- The “Organize Pages” view displays images of all the current PDF’s pages onscreen.
- Click the images of the page or pages to rotate in the “Organize Pages” view to select them. You can use the previously mentioned method of multiple page selection, shown in Step #3, if needed.
- Then click the “Rotate Counterclockwise” or “Rotate Clockwise” buttons in the “Organize Pages” toolbar to rotate the selected pages.
- Alternatively, to rotate a single page in the “Organize Pages” view, hover your mouse pointer over it.
- Then click either small “Rotate Counterclockwise” or “Rotate Clockwise” buttons that appear over the page thumbnail image.