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Set Line Spacing and Paragraph Spacing in Word – Instructions

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Set Line Spacing and Paragraph Spacing in Word: Video Lesson

            This video lesson, titled “Line Spacing and Paragraph Spacing,” shows how to set line spacing and paragraph spacing in Word. This lesson is from our complete Word tutorial, titled “Mastering Word Made Easy v.2019 and 365.”

Set Line Spacing and Paragraph Spacing in Word: Overview

            You can set line spacing and paragraph spacing in Word. Line spacing is the amount of space between each line in your paragraph. Paragraph spacing is the amount of space before and after the paragraphs in a document. You can set line spacing and paragraph spacing in Word on the “Indents and Spacing” tab of the “Paragraph” dialog box. Before you do this, however, first select the paragraphs to adjust in the document. To adjust a single paragraph, click into it. To adjust multiple paragraphs, click and drag over the paragraphs to select them.

            To then open the “Paragraph” dialog box in Word to set the line spacing and paragraph spacing for the selected paragraphs, click the “Home” tab in the Ribbon. Then click the “Paragraph” dialog box button in the lower-right corner of the “Paragraph” button group. If needed, then click the “Indents and Spacing” tab to view and change these settings.

            You can set all the properties of selected paragraphs using this dialog box. Separately, the “Alignment” drop-down in the “General” section lets you apply paragraph alignment. To set the paragraph indentation, use the spinner boxes, checkbox and drop-down in the “Indentation” section. To set the line and paragraph spacing, use the spinner boxes, checkbox and drop-down in the “Spacing” section. The “Before” and “After” boxes determine the amount, measured in points, of spacing before and after the selected paragraphs. Set both the amount of spacing before and after each paragraph by using the spinner arrows next to each box. To not add paragraph spacing between paragraphs of the same style, check the “Don’t add space between paragraphs of the same style” checkbox. To set the line spacing for the selected paragraphs, use the “Line spacing” drop-down and, if needed, the adjacent “At” spinner box.

Set Line Spacing and Paragraph Spacing in Word – Instructions: A picture of the “Paragraph” dialog box in Word.

            Any changes you make to the spacing, alignment, and indentation appear in the “Preview” window at the bottom of the “Paragraph” dialog box. After setting the properties of the selected paragraphs, click the “OK” button at the bottom of the “Paragraph” dialog box to apply your changes and close the dialog box.

            Alternatively, to quickly change line spacing for a selected paragraph in Word, click the “Line and Paragraph Spacing” button in the “Paragraph” button group on the “Home” tab of the Ribbon. You can then click to select a choice from the drop-down menu of frequently used line spacing sizes. The line spacing you select from the drop-down menu of choices is then applied to the selected paragraph or paragraphs.

Set Line Spacing and Paragraph Spacing in Word: Instructions

  1. To set line spacing and paragraph spacing in Word by using the “Paragraph” dialog box, click into the paragraph to set.
  2. Alternatively, to select multiple paragraphs, click and drag over them.
  3. Click the “Home” tab of the Ribbon.
  4. Then click the “Paragraph” dialog box launcher button in the lower-right corner of the “Paragraph” button group.
  5. If needed, then click the “Indents and Spacing” tab in the “Paragraph” dialog box.
  6. If you want to set paragraph alignment, use the “Alignment” drop-down in the “General” section.
  7. To set the paragraph indentation, use the spinner boxes, checkbox and drop-down in the “Indentation” section.
  8. To set the line and paragraph spacing settings, use the spinner boxes, checkbox and drop-down in the “Spacing” section.
  9. If you want to set the spacing before and after the selected paragraphs, use the spinner arrows next to the “Before” and “After” boxes to set the amount, measured in points.
  10. To not add paragraph spacing between paragraphs of the same style, check the “Don’t add space between paragraphs of the same style” checkbox.
  11. To set the line spacing for the selected paragraphs, use the “Line spacing” drop-down and, if needed, the adjacent “At” spinner box.
  12. Any changes you make appear in the “Preview” window at the bottom of the “Paragraph” dialog box.
  13. To apply your changes and close the dialog box, click the “OK” button at the bottom of the “Paragraph” dialog box.
  14. Alternatively, to quickly change line spacing for a selected paragraph in Word, click the “Home” tab of the Ribbon.
  15. Then click the “Line and Paragraph Spacing” button in the “Paragraph” button group.
  16. Then click to select a choice from the drop-down menu of frequently used line spacing sizes.
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