How to Insert Page Numbers into Headers or Footers in Word 2013
Monday, June 03 2013
Automatic page numbering can be a great final touch to formal papers such as research documents and professional reports. In this post, we will discuss how to enter automatic numbering into the header or footer sections of a document in Microsoft Word 2013. 1. To view and edit header and
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How to Insert Tables in Microsoft Word 2013
Tuesday, May 28 2013
Tables can have many purposes in Word. You can use tables to manipulate data like a spreadsheet program, you can use them to simply store data, or you can use them to assist you in structuring the layout of content within a document. In this post, we will show you two methods for inserting tables
How to Create a Table of Contents in Word 2013
Wednesday, May 22 2013
Adding a table of contents to a long document such as a report or a formal paper is a nice touch to help readers find information. In this post we will show the step by step process it takes to create a table of contents in Microsoft Word 2013. Instructions on How to Make a