Excel Tables, PivotTables, and Charts Cheat Sheet
Tuesday, October 31 2023
Excel Tables, PivotTables, & Charts Cheat Sheet Now Available TeachUcomp, Inc. is pleased to announce our Excel Tables, PivotTables, & Charts cheat sheet is now available. This quick reference card is a great tool for anyone who uses Excel. It provides step-by-step instructions for common tasks when using tables, charts, and PivotTables in Excel.
- Published in Excel 2019, Excel 2021, Excel for Office 365, Latest, Marketing, Microsoft, News, Office 2019, Office 2021, Office 365, What's New at TeachUcomp?
Add Excel Tables to a Data Model in Excel 2019- Instructions
Tuesday, November 26 2019
Add Excel Tables to a Data Model in Excel 2019: Video Lesson This video lesson, titled “Creating a Data Model from Excel Tables,” shows how to add Excel tables to a data model in Excel for Microsoft 365 or Excel 2019. This video on how to add Excel tables to a data model is
- Published in Excel 2019, Excel for Office 365, Latest, Microsoft, Office 2019, Office 365
Create a KPI in Power Pivot for Excel – Instructions
Friday, October 11 2019
Create a KPI in Power Pivot for Excel: Video Lesson This video lesson, titled “Creating KPIs,” shows you how to create a KPI in Power Pivot for Excel. This video lesson is from our complete Excel tutorial, titled “Mastering Excel Made Easy v.2019 and 365.” Create a KPI in Power Pivot for Excel: Overview
- Published in Excel 2016, Excel 2019, Excel for Office 365, Latest, Microsoft, Office 2016, Office 2019, Office 365
Add Excel Tables to a Data Model in Excel 2016- Instructions
Thursday, May 04 2017
Add Excel Tables to a Data Model in Excel 2016: Video Lesson This video lesson, titled “Creating a Data Model from Excel Tables,” shows how to add Excel tables to a data model in Excel 2016 or earlier. This video on how to add Excel tables to a data model in Excel 2016 or
- Published in Excel 2013, Excel 2016, Latest, Microsoft, Office 2013, Office 2016
Starting PowerPivot in Microsoft Excel 2013
Tuesday, March 25 2014
Starting PowerPivot in Microsoft Excel 2013: Video This video shows starting PowerPivot in Excel 2013. For the complete course click here. Starting PowerPivot in Excel 2013: Overview PowerPivot is an add-in that is included in Microsoft Excel Professional Plus 2013. It was also available in Excel 2010, but has seen many improvements to its functionality
- Published in Excel 2013, Latest