Family and Other Users in Windows 10 – Tutorial
Thursday, March 03 2016
Family and Other Users in Windows 10: Video Lesson This video lesson, titled “Managing Family and Other Users,” shows you how to manage family and other users in Windows 10. This video lesson on how to manage family and other users in Windows 10 is from our complete Windows 10 training, titled “Mastering Windows
- Published in Latest, Microsoft, Windows 10
Changes to OneDrive Storage Plans- News
Wednesday, November 04 2015
Changes to OneDrive Storage Plans: Overview Changes to OneDrive storage plans were announced by Microsoft on November 2, 2015 to prevent abuse of its unlimited OneDrive storage by some of its users. The changes to OneDrive storage plans affect some Office 365 subscribers, all users who receive free OneDrive storage, and users who purchase the 100
- Published in Latest, Microsoft, News, Office 365, OneDrive
Picture Password in Windows 10- Tutorial
Wednesday, September 30 2015
Picture Password in Windows 10: Video Lesson This video lesson, titled “Sign-in with a PIN or Picture,” shows you how to create a picture password in Windows 10 and sign-in with a picture password in Windows 10. This video is from our complete Windows 10 training, titled “Mastering Windows Made Easy v.10.” Picture Password
- Published in Latest, Microsoft, Windows 10
WordPress Training Tutorial: Adding and Managing Users
Wednesday, June 11 2014
Adding and Managing Users You can add users to your WordPress site. It can be helpful to have multiple user accounts so that other people on your team can access your website admin and dashboard areas. Other users can also create additional posts and contribute to your blog. To add a new users, click “Users’