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The Pencil Tool in Photoshop Elements – Instructions

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The Pencil Tool in Photoshop Elements: Video

            This video lesson, titled “Learn How to Use the Pencil Tool in Adobe Photoshop Elements 2023: A Training Tutorial,” shows you how to use the Pencil Tool in Photoshop Elements. This video is from our complete Photoshop Elements tutorial, titled “Mastering Photoshop Elements Made Easy v.2023.”

Overview of How to Use the Pencil Tool in Photoshop Elements:

            The Pencil Tool in Photoshop Elements draws hard-edged lines in raster layers, like photos. To use the Pencil Tool in Photoshop Elements, click the Pencil Tool button in the Toolbox. The Pencil Tool has many of the same options as the Brush Tool but cannot be used as an airbrush. The Pencil Tool in Photoshop Elements also contains an additional “Auto Erase” option in the Tool Options Bar. If checked, you can then draw the background color over areas in the document where you already applied the foreground color to replace it.

            To draw with the Pencil Tool after making your selections in the Tool Options Bar, click and drag in the image window to apply the foreground color to the currently selected raster layer in the Layers panel.

A picture of a user drawing a line by using the Pencil Tool in Photoshop Elements.

A picture of a user drawing a line by using the Pencil Tool in Photoshop Elements.

Instructions on How to Use the Pencil Tool in Photoshop Elements:

  1. To use the Pencil Tool in Photoshop Elements, select the “Pencil Tool” button in the Toolbox and, if necessary, the Tool Options Bar.
  2. Then set the color to apply as the “Foreground” color in the Toolbox.
  3. Then select the correct layer to which to apply the selected color in the “Layers” panel.
  4. Next, select a brush shape from the “Brush Preset Picker” pop-up menu within the Tool Options Bar.
  5. To then set the width of the brush tip, use the “Size” slider.
  6. To set how the brush will apply and interact with the color of the pixels it is painting over, use the “Mode” drop-down in the Tool Options Bar.
  7. If you want to set the transparency level of the color you apply, use the “Opacity” slider.
  8. To automatically apply the current background color over the foreground color when clicking and dragging with the Pencil Tool and when starting over the already applied foreground color, click the “Auto Erase” checkbox.
  9. To draw using the current settings, click and drag in the image window to apply the color.
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