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The Welcome Screen in Photoshop Elements – Instructions

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The Welcome Screen in Photoshop Elements: Video Lesson

            This video lesson, titled “The Welcome Screen,” shows you how to use the Welcome Screen in Photoshop Elements. This video lesson is from our complete Photoshop Elements tutorial, titled “Mastering Photoshop Elements Made Easy v.2018.”

The Welcome Screen in Photoshop Elements: Overview

            When you first launch Photoshop Elements on your computer, the Welcome Screen appears. The Welcome Screen in Photoshop Elements contains links to the different major parts of the application. Clicking the “Organizer” button in the Welcome Screen opens the Organizer window. The Organizer lets you import, view, and arrange pictures, so your image library stays as efficient and organized as possible. The Organizer helps you manage your photo library.

            Clicking the “Photo Editor” button in the “Welcome Screen” launches the “Photo Editor” window of the Photoshop Elements application. The Photo Editor window is where you will find all the features available to create and edit images. The Photo Editor window contains many photo-editing modes that you can use. You perform most of your photo-editing work within the Photo Editor. This is where the majority of your time is spent when editing photos.

            Finally, users of Adobe Photoshop Elements Premiere can click the “Video Editor” button to open the video editor window of that application. Our tutorial covers the standard Photoshop Elements application and photo editing. Therefore, you will not need to access the “Video Editor” during the tutorial.

The Welcome Screen in Photoshop Elements - Instructions: A picture of the Welcome Screen that appears when you first start the Photoshop Elements program.

The Welcome Screen in Photoshop Elements – Instructions: A picture of the Welcome Screen that appears when you first start the Photoshop Elements program.

The Welcome Screen in Photoshop Elements: Instructions

  1. To open the “Organizer” window, click the “Organizer” button within the “Welcome Screen” window.
  2. To open the “Photo Editor” window, click the “Photo Editor” button within the “Welcome Screen” window.
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