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Track Vehicle Mileage in QuickBooks Desktop Pro- Instructions

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Track Vehicle Mileage in QuickBooks Desktop Pro: Video

            This video lesson, titled “How to Track Vehicle Mileage in Intuit QuickBooks Desktop Pro 2024,” shows how to track vehicle mileage in QuickBooks Desktop Pro Plus 2024. This video lesson is from our complete QuickBooks tutorial, titled “Mastering QuickBooks Desktop Pro Made Easy v.2024.”

Overview of How to Track Vehicle Mileage in QuickBooks Desktop Pro:

            You can track vehicle mileage in QuickBooks Desktop Pro, so you have a record of vehicle mileage for tax purposes. You can also assign mileage to a specific customer job, so you can bill the customer for the mileage, if needed. Generally, you can use either the standard mileage rate or the actual expenses for calculating vehicle mileage expenses. You should consult with your tax advisor or the IRS to determine which method you should use, if any.

            All versions of QuickBooks Desktop Pro include “Basic” mileage tracking. Additionally, QuickBooks Desktop Pro Plus 2023 introduced a new “Advanced” mileage tracking feature that uses online connectivity with your Intuit account to track mileage information online. Advanced mileage tracking also integrates with the QuickBooks Desktop mobile app, so employees can enter mileage in the app for your approval. However, the app is only available in the Apple App Store as of the time of this writing.

            Additionally, you must use extreme caution when manually entering trips if using Advanced mileage tracking, as there is no way to edit or delete trips you manually enter directly into QuickBooks Desktop Pro Plus 2024, as of the time of this writing. Fortunately, you can also continue to use the “Basic” mileage tracking in QuickBooks 2024, if desired.

            However, note that while you can copy existing mileage entries from the basic milage tracking to the advanced mileage tracking, you cannot copy mileage entered in the advanced mileage tracking back to the basic mileage tracking. If you switch back to basic mileage tracking, you cannot access any trips entered when using the advanced mileage tracking.

How to Switch the Version for Tracking Mileage in QuickBooks Desktop Pro:

            To switch mileage tracking in QuickBooks 2024 between the advanced milage tracking and basic mileage tracking, select “Edit| Preferences…” from the Menu Bar to open the “Preferences” dialog box. Then select the “Time & Expenses” category icon at the left side of the dialog box. Then click the “Company Preferences” tab to the right. Next, select either the “Basic version” or “Advanced version” option button in the “Track Mileage” section at the bottom of the tab. Then click the “OK” button to apply the change.

How to Track Mileage Using Basic Mileage Tracking in QuickBooks Desktop Pro:

            To track vehicle mileage in QuickBooks Desktop Pro if using basic mileage tracking, select “Company| Track Vehicle Mileage” from the Menu Bar to launch the “Enter Vehicle Mileage” window.

How to Set Mileage Rates Using Basic Mileage in QuickBooks Desktop Pro:

            If needed, to specify mileage rates, click the “Mileage Rates” button at the top of the “Enter Vehicle Mileage” window to open the “Mileage Rates” dialog box. To add a new or updated mileage rate, enter the starting date of the mileage rate under the “Effective Date” column in the next available row. Then set the mileage rate in the “Rate” column next to the date. Check with the IRS for any effective rate changes and make sure that you keep this information current. After entering the mileage rates, click the “Close” button.

How to Select a Vehicle Using Basic Mileage in QuickBooks Desktop Pro:

            Use the “Vehicle” drop-down at the top of the window to select for which vehicle you will be entering mileage for a trip. To quickly add a new vehicle, type a new vehicle description into this drop-down field and then use the “Quick Add” feature to quickly add the vehicle to the “Vehicle List.” Alternatively, to enter detailed descriptions about the vehicles used by your company, click the “Vehicle List” button in the toolbar at the top of the “Enter Vehicle Mileage” window to open the “Vehicle List” window. You can then add the vehicles and descriptions in this list and close the window, when finished.

How to Record a Trip Using Basic Mileage in QuickBooks Desktop Pro:

            To enter the start and end dates of the trip you are recording, use the “Trip Start Date” and “Trip End Date” calendar drop-down fields in the “Enter Vehicle Mileage” window. Enter the odometer start and end values into the “Odometer Start” and “Odometer End” fields to fill-in the “Total Miles” field by subtracting the two values. Alternatively, simply type the total miles of the trip into the “Total Miles” field, if desired.

How to Mark a Trip as Billable to a Customer Using Basic Mileage in QuickBooks Desktop Pro:

            To mark the miles as billable, check the “Billable” checkbox in the upper-right corner of the window. To assign the miles to a specific customer or job, use the “Customer:Job” drop-down to select the customer or job to which to assign the mileage. If billing for the mileage, then use the “Item” drop-down to select your “Mileage” item from your “Item List.” If you bill customers for mileage, you must have an existing “Mileage” litem or create a “Mileage” item as a “Service” type item in the “Item List,” so you can use it to collect the mileage amounts in an invoice later. After entering the mileage, feel free to add any additional notes into the “Notes” field. Finally, click the “Save & Close” button to save the trip.

How to Track Mileage Using Advanced Mileage Tracking in QuickBooks Desktop Pro:

            Alternatively, to track vehicle mileage in QuickBooks Desktop Pro Plus 2024 or later if using advanced mileage tracking, select “Company| Track Vehicle Mileage” from the Menu Bar to sign into your Intuit account, if needed, and then open the “Track vehicle mileage” window. Trips entered by employees using the QuickBooks Desktop mobile app appear for review on the “Pending approval” tab in this window. After reviewing and approving these trips, they move to the “Approved” tab. However, trips you manually add within QuickBooks Desktop Pro Plus 2024 automatically appear on the “Approved” tab. Currently, once a trip is approved, there is no way to delete or edit it.

How to Set Mileage Rates Using Advanced Mileage in QuickBooks Desktop Pro:

            Advanced vehicle mileage tracking provides current mileage rates from the IRS automatically. However, to add a custom mileage rate, click the “Manage” drop-down button in the upper-right corner of the window and then select the “Mileage rates” command to open the “Manage mileage rates” screen. Then click the “Add rate” button to open an “Add mileage rate” window. Enter the starting date for the mileage rate into the “Effective date” field and the rate into the “Rate ($)” field, and then click the “Save” button to return to the “Manage mileage rates” screen. To close the “Manage milage rates” screen, click the “X” button in its upper-right corner.

How to Select a Vehicle Using Advanced Mileage in QuickBooks Desktop Pro:

            To add your company’s vehicles, click the “Manage” drop-down button in the upper-right corner of the window and then select the “Vehicle” command to open the “Vehicle List” in QuickBooks Desktop Pro. You can then add the vehicles and descriptions in this list and close the window, when finished. However, note that it may take a few minutes for changes to this list to synchronize and appear online if you intend to manually enter a trip.

How to Approve Trips Using Advanced Mileage Tracking in QuickBooks Desktop Pro:

            To approve trips entered via the QuickBooks Desktop mobile app, click the “Pending approval” tab. To review a trip for approval, click the “Approve” link under its “Action” column to open the “Approve trip” window. Enter any details missing from the trip, as needed, and correct any data entry mistakes. You will learn about each field when we review manually adding trips, momentarily. To approve the trip after reviewing and correcting it, click the “Approve” button. Alternatively, to cancel the approval, click the “Cancel” button.

            Alternatively, to delete a trip on the “Pending approval” tab, click the drop-down under the “Action” column for the trip to delete and then select the “Delete” command. To confirm the deletion, click the “Yes, delete” button in the confirmation prompt window that appears. Alternatively, to cancel the deletion, click the “Not now” button.

How to Manually Enter Trips Using Advanced Mileage Tracking in QuickBooks Desktop Pro:

            Alternatively, to manually enter a trip which is automatically approved as soon as it is saved, click the “Add trip” button in the upper-right corner of the “Track vehicle mileage” window to open an “Add trip” window, which contains the same fields as the “Approve trip” window shown earlier. To select the trip’s start date, use the “Start date” calendar drop-down. To select the trip’s end date, use the “End date” calendar drop-down. Enter a short purpose of the trip into the “Purpose of trip” field. To associate the trip with an employee’s email, select their address from the “Employee email” drop-down.

            If the trip is billable, check the “Billable” checkbox. Doing this then enables several other fields. Then select the name of the customer or job from the “Customer Job” drop-down that appears. If classes are enabled, you can select a class from the “Class” drop-down. Select the billable “Mileage” item from the “Item” drop-down. If you bill customers for mileage, you must have an existing “Mileage” litem or create a “Mileage” item as a “Service” type item in the “Item List,” so you can use it to collect the mileage amounts in an invoice later. To mark the mileage as reimbursable to the employee, check the “Reimbursable” checkbox.

            To enter a starting location, begin typing it into the “Starting location” field and then select it from the drop-down when it appears. To enter an ending location, repeat the same process for the “Ending location” field. The “Distance” field is then calculated automatically. Alternatively, if needed, simply enter the total miles into the “Distance (miles)” field. To enter an odometer start value, type it into the “Odometer start reading” field. To enter an ending odometer value, type it into the “Odometer end reading” field.

A picture that shows how to track vehicle mileage in QuickBooks Desktop Pro Plus 2024 if using advanced mileage tracking.

A picture that shows how to track vehicle mileage in QuickBooks Desktop Pro Plus 2024 if using advanced mileage tracking.

            To enter more detailed notes about the trip, type them into the “Notes” field. To select which vehicle was used for the trip, select it from the “Vehicle” drop-down. Finally, review all information to ensure it is completely correct, as you cannot edit or delete it later. To then save the trip, click the “Save” button. Then click “OK” in the save confirmation window. Alternatively, to cancel the trip, click the “Cancel” button.

How to View Approved Trips Using Advanced Mileage Tracking in QuickBooks Desktop Pro:

            To view the approved trips, click the “Approved” tab in the “Track vehicle mileage” window. To view the information for an approved trip, click the “View” link under its “Action” column to show its details in the “Trip details” window. To close this window, click the “Close” button. Note that you cannot change or delete approved trips. To close the “Track vehicle mileage” window, when finished, click the “X” button in its upper-right corner.

Instructions on How to Track Vehicle Mileage in QuickBooks Desktop Pro:

Instructions on How to Switch the Version for Tracking Mileage in QuickBooks Desktop Pro:

  1. To switch mileage tracking in QuickBooks 2024 between the advanced milage tracking and basic mileage tracking, select “Edit| Preferences…” from the Menu Bar to open the “Preferences” dialog box.
  2. Then select the “Time & Expenses” category icon at the left side of the dialog box.
  3. Then click the “Company Preferences” tab to the right.
  4. Next, select either the “Basic version” or “Advanced version” option button in the “Track Mileage” section at the bottom of the tab.
  5. Then click the “OK” button to apply the change.

Instructions on How to Track Mileage Using Basic Mileage Tracking in QuickBooks Desktop Pro:

  1. To track vehicle mileage in QuickBooks Desktop Pro if using basic mileage tracking, select “Company| Track Vehicle Mileage” from the Menu Bar to launch the “Enter Vehicle Mileage” window.
  2. If needed, to specify mileage rates, click the “Mileage Rates” button at the top of the “Enter Vehicle Mileage” window to open the “Mileage Rates” dialog box.
    1. To add a new or updated mileage rate, enter the starting date of the mileage rate under the “Effective Date” column in the next available row.
    2. Then set the mileage rate in the “Rate” column next to the date.
    3. After entering the mileage rates, click the “Close” button.
  3. Use the “Vehicle” drop-down at the top of the window to select for which vehicle you will be entering mileage for a trip.
    1. To quickly add a new vehicle, type a new vehicle description into this drop-down field and then use the “Quick Add” feature to quickly add the vehicle to the “Vehicle List.”
    2. Alternatively, to enter detailed descriptions about the vehicles used by your company, click the “Vehicle List” button in the toolbar at the top of the “Enter Vehicle Mileage” window to open the “Vehicle List” window.
    3. You can then add the vehicles and descriptions in this list and close the window, when finished.
  4. To enter the start and end dates of the trip you are recording, use the “Trip Start Date” and “Trip End Date” calendar drop-down fields in the “Enter Vehicle Mileage” window.
  5. Enter the odometer start and end values into the “Odometer Start” and “Odometer End” fields to fill-in the “Total Miles” field by subtracting the two values.
  6. Alternatively, simply type the total miles of the trip into the “Total Miles” field, if desired.
  7. To mark the miles as billable, check the “Billable” checkbox in the upper-right corner of the window.
  8. To assign the miles to a specific customer or job, use the “Customer:Job” drop-down to select the customer or job to which to assign the mileage.
  9. If billing for the mileage, then use the “Item” drop-down to select your “Mileage” item from your “Item List.”
    1. If you bill customers for mileage, you must have an existing “Mileage” litem or create a “Mileage” item as a “Service” type item in the “Item List,” so you can use it to collect the mileage amounts in an invoice later.
  10. After entering the mileage, feel free to add any additional notes into the “Notes” field.
  11. Finally, click the “Save & Close” button to save the trip.

Instructions on How to Track Mileage Using Advanced Mileage Tracking in QuickBooks Desktop Pro:

  1. Alternatively, to track vehicle mileage in QuickBooks Desktop Pro Plus 2024 or later if using advanced mileage tracking, select “Company| Track Vehicle Mileage” from the Menu Bar to sign into your Intuit account, if needed, and then open the “Track vehicle mileage” window.
  2. Trips entered by employees using the QuickBooks Desktop mobile app appear for review on the “Pending approval” tab in this window.
  3. After reviewing and approving these trips, they move to the “Approved” tab.
  4. However, trips you manually add in QuickBooks Desktop Pro Plus 2024 automatically appear on the “Approved” tab. Currently, once a trip is approved, there is no way to delete or edit it.
  5. Advanced vehicle mileage tracking provides current mileage rates from the IRS automatically.
  6. However, to add a custom mileage rate, click the “Manage” drop-down button in the upper-right corner of the window and then select the “Mileage rates” command to open the “Manage mileage rates” screen.
    1. Then click the “Add rate” button to open an “Add mileage rate” window.
    2. Enter the starting date for the mileage rate into the “Effective date” field and the rate into the “Rate ($)” field, and then click the “Save” button to return to the “Manage mileage rates” screen.
    3. To close the “Manage milage rates” screen, click the “X” button in its upper-right corner.
  7. To add your company’s vehicles, click the “Manage” drop-down button in the upper-right corner of the window and then select the “Vehicle” command to open the “Vehicle List” in QuickBooks Desktop Pro.
    1. You can then add the vehicles and descriptions in this list and close the window, when finished.
    2. However, note that it may take a few minutes for changes to this list to synchronize and appear online if you intend to manually enter a trip.
  8. To approve trips entered via the QuickBooks Desktop mobile app, click the “Pending approval” tab.
    1. To review a trip for approval, click the “Approve” link under its “Action” column to open the “Approve trip” window.
    2. Enter any details missing from the trip, as needed, and correct any data entry mistakes. You will learn about each field when we review manually adding trips, momentarily.
    3. To approve the trip after reviewing and correcting it, click the “Approve” button.
    4. Alternatively, to cancel the approval, click the “Cancel” button.
    5. Alternatively, to delete a trip on the “Pending approval” tab, click the drop-down under the “Action” column for the trip to delete and then select the “Delete” command.
    6. To confirm the deletion, click the “Yes, delete” button in the confirmation prompt window that appears.
    7. Alternatively, to cancel the deletion, click the “Not now” button.
  9. Alternatively, to manually enter a trip which is automatically approved as soon as it is saved, click the “Add trip” button in the upper-right corner of the “Track vehicle mileage” window to open an “Add trip” window, which contains the same fields as the “Approve trip” window shown earlier.
    1. To select the trip’s start date, use the “Start date” calendar drop-down.
    2. To select the trip’s end date, use the “End date” calendar drop-down.
    3. Enter a short purpose of the trip into the “Purpose of trip” field.
    4. To associate the trip with an employee’s email, select their address from the “Employee email” drop-down.
    5. If the trip is billable, check the “Billable” checkbox to then enable several other fields.
    6. Then select the name of the customer or job from the “Customer Job” drop-down that appears.
    7. If classes are enabled, you can select a class from the “Class” drop-down.
    8. Select the billable “Mileage” item from the “Item” drop-down.
    9. If you bill customers for mileage, you must have an existing “Mileage” litem or create a “Mileage” item as a “Service” type item in the “Item List,” so you can use it to collect the mileage amounts in an invoice later.
    10. To mark the mileage as reimbursable to the employee, check the “Reimbursable” checkbox.
    11. To enter a starting location, begin typing it into the “Starting location” field and then select it from the drop-down when it appears.
    12. To enter an ending location, repeat the same process for the “Ending location” field.
    13. The “Distance” field is then calculated automatically.
    14. Alternatively, if needed, simply enter the total miles into the “Distance (miles)” field.
    15. To enter an odometer start value, type it into the “Odometer start reading” field.
    16. To enter an ending odometer value, type it into the “Odometer end reading” field.
    17. To enter more detailed notes about the trip, type them into the “Notes” field.
    18. To select which vehicle was used for the trip, select it from the “Vehicle” drop-down.
    19. Finally, review all information to ensure it is completely correct, as you cannot edit or delete it later.
    20. To then save the trip, click the “Save” button.
    21. Then click “OK” in the save confirmation window.
    22. Alternatively, to cancel the trip, click the “Cancel” button.
  10. To view the approved trips, click the “Approved” tab in the “Track vehicle mileage” window.
  11. To view the information for an approved trip, click the “View” link under its “Action” column to show its details in the “Trip details” window.
    1. To close this window, click the “Close” button. Note that you cannot change or delete approved trips.
  12. To close the “Track vehicle mileage” window, when finished, click the “X” button in its upper-right corner.
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