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View Data Usage in Windows 10 – Tutorial

/ / Latest, Microsoft, Windows 10

View Data Usage in Windows 10: Video Lesson

            This video lesson, titled “View Data Usage,” shows you how to view data usage in Windows 10. This video lesson is from our complete Windows 10 training, titled “Mastering Windows Made Easy v.10.”

View Data Usage in Windows 10: Overview

            To view data usage in Windows 10 for your device, open the “Settings” window and click the “Network & Internet” button in the middle of the screen to display network and internet settings for your device. Then click the “Data usage” category at the left side of this window to view the settings for data usage in Windows 10 in the area to the right.

            Under the “Overview” section, you can see the amount of data usage for both the “Wi-Fi” and the “Ethernet” connections shown in the graph. You can click the “Usage details” link to open a “Network Usage” window. This window shows the amount of data used by each app on your device. You can then click the “Back” button in the upper-left corner to return to the “Data usage” screen when finished. If you click the “Storage settings” link, you will show the “Storage” settings from the “System” settings category. Note that clicking the “Back” button from the “Storage” screen will take you back to the main “Settings” window.

View Data Usage in Windows 10 - Tutorial: A picture of the "Data Usage" settings in Windows 10.

View Data Usage in Windows 10 – Tutorial: A picture of the “Data Usage” settings in Windows 10.

View Data Usage in Windows 10: Instructions

  1. To view device data usage in Windows 10, open the “Settings” window and click the “Network & Internet” button in the middle of the screen.
  2. Click the “Data usage” category at the left side of this window to view data usage settings to the right.
  3. Under the “Overview” section, you can see the amount of data usage for both the “Wi-Fi” and the “Ethernet” connections shown in the graph.
  4. To open a “Network Usage” window that shows the amount of data used by each app on your device, click the “Usage details” link.
  5. To return to the “Data usage” screen when done, click the “Back” button in the upper-left corner.
  6. If you click the “Storage settings” link, you will show the “Storage” settings from the “System” settings category. Note that clicking the “Back” button from the “Storage” screen will take you back to the main “Settings” window.
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