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Rename List Items in QuickBooks Desktop Pro – Instructions

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Rename List Items in QuickBooks Desktop Pro: Video

            This video lesson, titled “How to Rename and Merge List Items in Intuit QuickBooks Desktop Pro 2024,” shows how to rename list items in QuickBooks Desktop Pro. This video lesson is from our complete QuickBooks tutorial, titled “Mastering QuickBooks Desktop Pro Made Easy v.2024.”

Overview of How to Rename List Items in QuickBooks Desktop Pro:

            You can easily rename list items in QuickBooks Desktop Pro. However, there is no specific “Rename” command in QuickBooks Desktop Pro. So, to rename list items in QuickBooks Desktop Pro, open the “Edit [list item type]” window for the selected type of list item. For example, open the “Edit Customer” window to rename a selected customer. You can easily do this in most lists by double-clicking the name of the specific list item to edit. In lists like the “Chart of Accounts,” however, you need to right click the list item and then select the “Edit [list item type]…” command from the pop-up menu.

            In the “Edit [list item type]” window, then type a new name for the list entry into the “Name” field at the top of the window. The entry is renamed after you click the “OK” or “Save & Close” buttons within the window to save your changes.

            You can also merge QuickBooks items in lists by renaming one item in a list the exact same thing as another item in the same list. If you do this, QuickBooks asks if you want to merge the two items into one item. If you do, click “Yes” at the merge prompt to make a single item from the two items. This helps when you have two different items in a list that should be one item. This often happens when multiple people perform data entry within lists.

A picture showing how to rename list items in QuickBooks Desktop Pro within the Item List by using the Edit Item window and merge an item with an existing list item.

Instructions on How to Rename List Items in QuickBooks Desktop Pro:

  1. To rename list items in QuickBooks Desktop Pro, open the list with the item or items to rename or merge together.
  2. Then open the “Edit [list item type]” window for the desired list item to change.
  3. In the “Edit [list item type]” window, type a new name into the name field at the very top of the window.
  4. Then click the “OK” or “Save & Close” buttons to save the change.
  5. If you enter the exact same name as another list item, QuickBooks asks if you want to merge the items.
  6. If you do, click the “Yes” button in the merge message box.
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